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Reviews for "Alive"

very well done

Very meaningful. I really enjoyed it and thats alot coming from me.

Just... Wow

Shit, that suckd cock FAXXOR!!!111

No really, I'm just speechless. This is a masterpiece, and you touched me. Thank you so much for making this movie.

Voted 5
- FinalDarkAssailant


This has so much depth.. so much meaning! Yes.. there are little details, but who cares. NOTHING BEATS THE BEST STORIES. The best meanings. You have acheive perfection! This deserves to be ranked 1. Everyone must give this 5/5 from now on! This is perfection!!! The artistic vision.. oh such a day!

Even though there is no real interactivity I give it 10 because it is so captivating that you feel as if you are apart of it!

AloneInTheDark responds:

Thanks alot man. Ur review was really kind. Check out my new flash 'FakeMetalFeelings' which will come out soon! I think u will like that one too. Take care

I don't know....

....how to describe my feelings for this flash.(Maybe because my English isn't that good, because i'm from Poland :P)
Anyway this was truly a Masterpiece. you can see different meanings in this movie.
I´n my opinion it describes every human (no matter which personality he has or what he does) as a part of our world and if the world goes under we all do.
It really moved me deeply.

Thanx for this movie It deserves the 5.


ok, lemme start by saying i', the type of guy who hardly ever cries. This masterpiece, worthy enough to be televised, brought tears to my eyes. Where do I start with reviewing this? the preloader couldnt have been more perfect. The message you conveyed was unbeliavable, and this movie has changed me as a person. You show that the world should be as one. Before I saw this, I never knew who Adam Fulton was but because this movie was so good i was compelled to read up about him. A truly sad story. You have a god given talent. This was one of the best flashes I've ever seen, and it should be top 5, much higher then it is. PLEASE do not make a sequel, it's perfect as it is. Congratulations on a masterpiece.

AloneInTheDark responds:

Thanks alot Solid Snake. U cant imagine how much reviews like yours motivate me to keep on doing what i love to do, animate. Im fully aware that this thing does not need a sequel. I hate sequels, because most of the time they destroy the beauty of the original (matrix 2 anyone?) I am planning on making a sequel on the Godson though, because that thing can become much cooler than it is now. But currently im still working on a weird robotic flash, which also poses some fundamental phylosophical questions. Its called 'Fake Metal Feelings' and will be out in 3-4 weeks max! Take care and thanks again.