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Reviews for "Alive"


Amazing just simply amazing, loved it, the art, the concept, the whole thing. Brilliant


Hey man, that was good stuff I really didn't know him or you, could someone please fill me in or tell me where I could read about this man? Please, this work of art was very inspiring I really want to know.. Thanks, JustLearning

The World Weeps

I may be alone in how I interpreted this, but I do agree with the other comments on how beautiful, deep, emotional, and thought-provoking this particular animation was. And I certainly can't compete with some of the other writers, but I do want to share what I felt the end symbolized.

To me, it was a reminder that no matter how alone we feel, how tortured we are, or how lost we've become, there will always be that special something out there that will weep for us when we decide we've had enough. Not because we were so young, or popular, or loved, or talented, but because we were us. Because every soul matters. And when one life is cut short of its intended goal, the world aches with the loss.

*hugs to all* Just another good reason to care enough about those we see in need every day, to do something about it. Because we'll never know how close they are to the edge until they jump. And then it's too late.


AloneInTheDark responds:

thank u......alot

R.I.P. Livecorpse

While this is an amazing film in of itself, it's masterful artistsy is dwarfed by the truly touching context that it was made in. Though I never knew Livecorpse or was a fan of his work, it's apparent that he was just like any of us, and it makes me realize that our mortality is very limited; a single unfortunate event could end any of our lives at any time. I have heard the story of his end, and the circumstances that surround it, and I find this to be a fitting tribute for a flash artist who contributed so much to Newgrounds.

Not only do I give this flash film a 5/5, I have added it to my favorites, and I will continue to give it a 5/5 every day, for none other than the simple fact that we must never forget Livecorpse, nor must not forget that each day of our lives are precious, because we never know when they may come to an end.

AloneInTheDark responds:

Thanks alot. It was important for me to show how different each and everyone of us are, but at the same time, how much we are all alike. I loved your conclusion too.


this is moving. its been on my favorites list for months, i cant believe i never reviewed it before. i find this flash completely inspiring and i recommend everyone who doesnt make movies about globs of shit and sparring stickmen watch it, to see true artistic expression. great job.

AloneInTheDark responds:

thank u for the 700th review!