why do people have to show they hate foamy, GET IT THROUGH YOUR DUMBASS SKULLS THAT NO ONE CARES IF YOU HATE FOAMY!
mAkeing a toon that says "I HATE FOAMY" all over it is pointless, just think, you coulda made your own big hit toon, but instead you gotta make fun of someone elses creation. Do you people use your brains?
now about your toon, the voices sucked, i mean really really sucked, and the animation was shit too. i laughed whe the guy said "good, cause i've been waiting a long time for this, BITCH!" because his voice was very quiet, if you could imagine a mouse calling you a bitch, thats what it is... rofl
so, thats all i have to say, hope you can read it, because, i could have helped you in many ways in that little speech, if you dont believe me, read it over again.