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Reviews for "What I Did This Summer"

another e x c e l l e n t job...

i noticed that u haven't placed a "play-replay" button in your 2 latest clips (one more to go). This was incredible...either u have a good imagination or u r exposed to a creative enviroment. I think that u should've put in the clip some lame thing he did last summer then start with the fictional adventure, even though u explained it in your comments people won't get it ('cause sometimes they don't read that). Bien hecho. Simple graphics but good ones and great storytelling...and i'll add good music choice for the clip (4 special scenes) <- no se como decir eso. Funny too.

Classy work.

Fun, funny, good plot, nice style of animation... deserves a higher score than this (2.93).


One of the top 50 movies, keep makin em

woo hoo!

i really liked this movie, the bit when it goes back to the class room was classic... i'm beginning to like mark's work but i've only seen this and 'keep yourself alive' so far... very good work, keep it up!

Most people on NGS must be duds.

Because this piece is heavily underrated.

I agree with the last reviewer: this should be under the top 50. Why it only has a score of 2.85 after I voted on it riddles me. How it could get such a low score in the first place is rather puzzling.

I believe that one of the following listed reasons might unravel this mystery:
- The broad mass is, to be quite blunt, stupid.
- The broad mass has the attention span of a flea.
- The broad mass notoriously only click on, view, and think seriously about callous crap like the endless Matrix parodies or the infinitely growing dump of cheap Video Game spoofs.

"Ergo", one of the theories above might be the direct solution as to why this has such a low rating. I mean, after all, "What I Did This Summer" still has:
- Crisp graphics
- A simple, but cool visual style
- Clean animation
- A clear-cut premise and story
- Good humor
- and even some violence for you barbarians out there.

So in the end effect, I still don't know why this has a low rating. Perhaps because some people out there really have the intellect of a banana?

Oh well, not to worry. According to the Mayans, the world is going to end on Friday the 13th of December, 2012 - note their calendar was off by around a minute from ours, though. ;)

Awesome work, Mark. If I had more than two thumbs, I'd stick up more than two. But the ones I have will have to suffice.