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Reviews for "FlashTrek: Romulan Wars"

One suggestion...

Just please make the controls easier that would make the game so much better. Not bad, just a tad bit complicated...

vex-xiang responds:

Thanks for the review. It was hard to fit all the controls into the game because it is so complicated. I all ship controls to the keyboard because I had complaints of the key-mouse arrangement in my first game. Some functions still use the mouse. I'm sorry you found it too complicated :(

Very fun game

Lots of comments. First a reply to the poster before me: You probably picked up a bottle of hootch and had a crew which was getting soaked on grog, rather than crewing their stations. Discard the alchohol, and have your first officer whip those slackers back into shape.

Comments (I have to retype these since the first reply didn't go through)

1. You can have lots of NPC ships in the first level, but only 2 in successive levels. Not sure if this is a bug or feature.

2. The discard button is too close and easy to hit, should probably be separated away from often used buttons such as 'teleporter' since it isn't used regularly and never in combat

3. Often hitting a key ended up w/ a 'double tap'. This led to moving two forward on the special item list, and having trouble actually changing the status of my shields/cloak/etc

4. I was never able to capture an enemy ship by boarding it. I did cause many many ships to self destruct though.

5. If you pick up a nebula class hull, and then switch with one of your NPC ships, the nebula ship loses its status and reverts to whatever it was before.

6. Are the upgrade chips, such as the phasers and impulse engine upgrades, passive upgrades? Wasn't able to 'use' themm

7. The game is very entertaining, but probably too easy. Would be ok to have the higher level bases spawn ships more often, or have multiple bases.

8. NPC ships set to guard the base, didn't actually seem to do so.

9. It should probably tell you after you have researched everything, that you need to destroy the enemy base before you can upgrade yours.

10. Would be excellent to have the music from the appropriate series with each level.

11. I once encountered a bug where I couldn't decelerate. It was fixed by my switching with an NPC's ships. Of course, I had to research a larger class of ship first and then build it all while never stopping moving.. but there y'go. Never was able to replicate the bug.

12. Phasers continue to lock onto cloaked enemies

13. Would be nice to be able to equip your armada, rather than just yourself.

14. Also allowing the player to pick up more than one fore or aft torpedo tube would be good.

vex-xiang responds:

1. I have fixed the problem. The enemy base will now create more bad guys if you rapidly build your own.
2. Sorry...I will try to do a better key layout for the next game.
3. This is only my second Flash game, so I haven't quite figured out how the key commands work...I'll try to stop that from happening in the next game.
4. Hint: There are only 2 ships you can capture, the Romulan Bird of Prey (white one) and the big Rom Warbird.
5. The Nebula class is not intended to be switched. It's just for the last level, and I assumed your fleets would all be destroyed by the Borg by the time you found the nebula.
6. Upgrade chips are passive.
7. These are good suggestions for the next game, I will try to incorporate them.
8. Sorry, they tend to wander.
9. Sorry there is no in-game notice. It's mentioned in the game tips section.
10. I don't like music much...too much filespace :)
11. I've never had that bug either. Weird.
12. Yes...I know :(
13. Thanks for the suggestion. I will probably incorporate that into the next game.
14. Another great suggestion.

Thanks for the detailed review.

That was great

Ok, so, I've been searching for something worthwhile to play on NG for weeks, and I come upon FT:RW... All I have to say is btilliant. While there are some flaws as has been already said, all in all it was a very enjoyable game. I had to restart mabey three times from accidentally suiciding against the romulan starbase or being rushes and slaughtered by battle cruisers, but after those initial 15-20 mins it got really good. While the AI was really basic, I still got my fleet to do basicly what I wanted. All these people are complaining about getting their bases destroyed... All you have to do, and it's even in the instructions, is keep an eye on the romulans/klingons so whenever you see a D'ridex or a Bird of Prey cloak, head back to your starbase because they'll be attacking it. The hotkeys were awkward at first, but again, after the first 20mins I got the hang of it. I just found your first Flash Trek and I'm about half way throught that, and I notice it seems like you spent a lot more time on that one. A little more time put into polishing up FT:RW and working out some bugs and this would deffinately be a 10/10. For the third one, I'd like to see the galaxy map (like, sectors to liberate and that type stuff) combined with the RTS factors of the second one (like resource gathering and building a fleet). Other than those few faults, I quite enjoyed this game... Good work mate.

A few questions

A great game...... has lots of potential but you need to make the commands easier

somethings i cant figure out cause im stupid i guess
1)you say your fleet will gather resources but i can't figure out how to make them.
2) how do you make your fleet just attack... by this i mean fly towards the enemy base and attack all the enemys they see on the way.
3)how do you switch ships i did this once but i dont know how i did it.

but ya it's a great game thats going into my favorites

Loved this space themed game solid graphics and soundtrack