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Reviews for "Final Fantasy VIII: RATVM"

it was ok

i hate to be that guy that compares things to LF..but it kinda reaked of his style. but was still cool. it wasnt anything breakthro...but was cool
*not bad, in fact i liked it*

I liked Mr. T's replies

At first I didn't pay attention to the Mr. T poster but then I noticed that the Foo' was gone and replaced with something else. Personally I thought it was creative and worth the time viewing. This is worthy of being a FFVIII spoof. Squall needed to sound more angry at some parts. On the second try you should have gotten him to say something insulting to the vending machine.

It was good

Good work. You should try making there eyes blink. see if that makes the charecter not look like a zombie lol.

Where to start?

I'm a true FF8 fan, so I just had to review this.
It was neat, really loved Irvine's intro, they should use that in the original game :)
But I have to defend my favorite char: Zell would never ever join something like that!
And Squall had a disgusting voice. Sorry if I hurt someone's feelings, but that is the truth!

((( NOTBAD )))

Well notbad i have never been one to much into the ff series but this was decent, and with the amount it looks like to get this done i was impressed, shows lots off stle and detail and abit of uniqueness to it, i would only suggest try and lower the filesize some, anyways notbad, hope to see more soon...
