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Reviews for "-__--__--_numa numa _--__--__-"

yea great remix :P

But the drums are Microsoft MIDI, that's soooo ugly ;) The synth is great though.

4/5, 9/10


Alexman159 responds:

I use that synth alot. It's very versatile, from sounding like a generic synth to electric guitar.

Vibiest 2 minutes of my life.
Great job my man!

um.... :/

i though it was ok, but very cliche-ish
like the short little song that you find on your cheap yamaha keyboard :/
try some new sounds, and mix it abit more please

listen to my new song! :D

Alexman159 responds:

thankyou for a real review

Catchy, but that's it.

The song feels pretty basic, but the beats and sounds are very catchy which makes it worth enough to be heard from the beginning to the end. Nice rhythm and the speed of the song is excellent. You could have made it even better but anyway, nice work Alexman159.

Voting details:
Voting power: 7.24
Voter number: 645
Voted 4: 3.77 / 5.00 (+ 0.00065)

Note: This song brings me back many memories of the good old 2004, thanks for making this.


Alexman159 responds:

np and thankyou for a real review

Light and cheery

Sounds great. The ending could have been a bit more defined.

Alexman159 responds:

yea i was lazy with it