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Reviews for "a bean and a fart"


This disgusting peice of shit this was worse than stick figures, I felt like fucking breaking my computer but now I feel like going to Canada and when someone feels like going to Canada you know it must be really bad. At least there idiots have their own neighborhoods and arent mistaken for any person in any rank of normalcy, this makes me sick.

your a fuck

your a fuck June 5, 2001
Reviewed by: Criddle Overall rating: 0
i just got dumber watchin that. whoever made this is a dumbass or a mentally handicapped person. i read your reviews and all you say is poop. you are a really messed up guy. my 7 year old brother is more mature than you. you r a fuck. get this crap off the site. im sorry if i hurt your feelings but your a fuck . Vote x against this fuckin fagget's movie. did i mention that you are a fuck?

Halfbakedhero699 responds:

Did you have fun reviewing all my movies fag. If you called me a fuck in person I would make you handicapped but I can't make you a dumbass because your you already are loser.


Holy fucking shit I dont think i've ever laughed so much.
I think I was the only person here who watched this movie and paused when all those words showed up to read them.
It's still a shitty ass movie though.

Halfbakedhero699 responds:

if it was so funny then why did you give me a zero ass butt


i gotta say this metro 699 guy is the most annoying, pretentious, and childish loser ive ever seen. i feel sorry for anyone who has to suffer through knowing this guy (especially his family and teachers). no doubt hes gonna answer this with something like: "fuck you you fucking gayass dicklicking whore bitch"... well dont bother, im not gonna read youre response because i wont waste my time. im writing this to let you know you sound like an idiot so maybe you can change and be less annoying. cuz i care. the rocket fart made me laugh.

Halfbakedhero699 responds:

No. I'm not gonna say "FUCK YOU MOTHER FUCKER FUCK FUCK" And going back to what you said in your review, "i gotta say this metro 699 guy is the most annoying, pretentious, and childish loser ive ever seen." Dumbass, if you ever saw me and said this to my face I'd kick your ass fucker.

u suck ur granny's dick cuz u like it wrinkly!

Reply To:

Der_Fuhrer's Response (May 24, 2001):

"You Suck."
"So, submitting this 50,000 times isn't enough for you? It is just as stupid the 50,001th time.
I have to agree completely with warlock788, considering he is my little brother and all. I heard frim him that you found him on AIM, and are threatening to come kick his ass. If you are so immature that you have to let something THAT petty come to blows, then feel free. However, I must warn you that I have a whole vault full of guns, including a semi-auto AK-47 that say you don't get past our front door."

i totally agree. except for the guns part. bullets kill people to fast. i say chop off his tiny little dick so he cant scream his gay scream anymore. then go to his house and pick up a flash program. and throw it at his face. he should cry like a little baby. after that, you should stick his small dick in his ass. it should just fall in.

now get that gun of yours, fuhrer, and blast open his tits (he has them because he got them. he wants to be gay. oops, he already is. my mistake! [at least i can admit i make mistakes])

now put something he loves in front of him. hes a boy right? okay put soem gay men next to him. now let him rot. he would want to lick the men, but he cant because hes dying. now thats COOL.

PS-he will rot in hell... that FUCK

Halfbakedhero699 responds:

you talk too much. and im not gay, i fucked your mom yesterday. and ill kick you ass bitch.