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Reviews for "Zajed|K-Dm - Scars of Sor"


Das war einfach geil, Zajed... und irgendwie fand ich grade das Intro so tight.
Also war's gar nich sooo schlimm, dass es so lang war, aight?

by BUgg

Zajed responds:

da steckt auch ne menge arbeit dran, das intro hätte ich noch ein wenig ausschmücken sollen
naja egal
danke fürs review

hör du nicht auf zu rappen, du hast talent

Very Nice :O

Damn I Like What You Do!!! Your Making Very Great Beats Men !!!! Dont Stop



excellent, hope to hear more of the album soon man cuz this is just excellent ha.


Shit man...

This song is deep. haha Good tune

Absolutely Amazing

This is an amazing peice. I would say you could put this in many genres, but its mostly classical, though you can rap to it.

The chorus of the song is amazing, and the piano work is insane.

Incredible song. I dont know what else to tell you.