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Reviews for "L.egomatrix Revolutions"

That was Good!!!

much better then I originally thought it was going to be, I thought oh no not another rip off, but that was good man, great job.


nice job dude awesome!

ok...listen people

Ok....i went through and read all the reviews(cuz dial-up sux ><) So here me out people. It's ovious that a lot of people think that this is a peice of shit. It's also ovious that a lot of people think that this is extremely good. So here we go... great animation(legos kick ass) It is a little dark and hard to see, but thats because of the file size limit thingy on NG. The sound is great, and yes the matrix thing is really over used....REALLY OVER USED. But this is one exception(along with your other submission L.egomatrix) And people if you dont fucking like his work or think that the lego theme is retarded or whatever your messed up reason to bitch is, just leave the poor guy alone....dicks. So anyways, good work like all your other ones. You get a two thumbs up d^^b maybe we can make a flash together sometime ^.-

Awesome but lacking

It needs voices, and the scene where neo turns into smith


that was good stuff man