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Reviews for "Foamy gets the Kegs"


I feel like I should give you some credit for doing better on this one than the last one you did. The voice was better, and I like how it shows up when you pull your mouse across "END". Now it only you would drop the whole pointless vendetta against Foamy...

Questionon on your replies?

So is

Flash by (who ever):

- none -

the only way you know of to make a witty come back? Please just ignore the criticisms if you don't actually have the brain power to come up with anything interesting to say. Or you could actually listen? Or my personal favorite write a well thought out defense of your right to make a parody.

not good

that was a pretty stupid foamy parody, but your efforts were adequate enough to keep it from being a total flop.


What's the deal with all the fricking fighting?! So what if someone made fun of foamy? Get a life, people!

Oh, and if you want to insult foamy, try to make it funny.

messed up movie

i'd hate to be a critic...but this really did suck royally.

please, tell me you didn't spend five measly minutes, coming up with stupid graphics, fisked up sound, and a messed up plot, just to put foamy (da lord and master) in a cartoon, to post on here.

take some pride in your work, and turn out something GOOD! I HATE HOW YOU PEOPLE HAVE TO PUT DOWN FOAMY TO FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELVES! GET A LIFE!

go back, fix this up so that the voice isn't all messed up, and actually coherent, and TRY TO FIX THE CRAPPY GRAPHICS!

oh yea, and this submission really shouldn't count as a blam, because i am clearly trying to help you with your work, and not trying to threaten or insult your oh so precious life in any way.

crapfully yours,
a foamy fan