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Reviews for "Judgement at Heaven Gate"


I could see this being used in a movie

dontxthemusic responds:

Thanks so much for leaving a review! I appreciate it!


5/5 for sure... This is amazing stuff! Very catchy melodies and great build up used here. I like the slow start (although for most NGers thats a quick 0)...it builds tension and I also really like your breaks in this song with the choir and the clashing bells and kicks. The title is very well suited for this song. great job none the less!

dontxthemusic responds:

Thanks! And yea I know the slow part at first could hurt me. But honestly, if something gives it all at the beginning, there is nothing to look forward to for me! just my opinion so I apply that to my work. Thanks so much foryour review!!!


Definate respect. Dude, you have got a talent there. Use it as much as you can, if you're only 15 and doing stuff like this, I wouldn't be surprised if you made a career in music. Well done.

dontxthemusic responds:

Thanks so VERY much, and I am a chick ;) But you probably meant dude in the dudish way XD . lolol. Thanks for the talent compliment.... I'd like to make a music career...Its just I'm unable to get a footing into major music avenues, there is no point, becuase I could make more money elsewhere. It depends. lol And yes I swear I just turned 15 on June 15th :P Thanks again for your wonderful review!


Never been a fan of classical music but this is more like the classical/cinematic music I like, would fit perfectly in a movie!

Heres my review ^^

You really knew how to transform into music every stage u described, from the gate opening to the total state of piece in heaven!

So the gate opens and you can listen to the trumpets and the soft melos of the horns, the choir enters...WOW! Awesome voice! Is that you? Well its very beautiful!

So you passed the gates and the piano comes in with lots of brass, giving the song a kind of busy feel.

And its time for the judgement! Well done there you totally changed the atmosphere of the song from happiness to suspense, the percussion there is very suitable and the choir comes again, you can listen to some calm strings in the background and then BOOM! You made it through the judgment and now you enter to heaven full of joy and happiness!

And the masterpiece ends giving you a nice feeling of total peace...

Ahh what a great track my friend!

Really this is the first track I've heard in NG that I think deserves a full 10/10 and 5/5 ^^

Great job, your very talented, keep going and never give up!


dontxthemusic responds:

*sniffle* Thank you thank you. *bows* Ive heard some great stuff on NG so you saying that means alot...=DKeep checking back if you really like my stuff! I really enjoy doing this so as long as I have inspiration and time I'm going to keep doing it!

And yes, the easiest way for me to compose music is if I have a definite picture that the music is supposed to paint. Personally I feel that is the way music should be. It should live and breathe and intereact as we do. There is a word for the type of music that paints definite pictures, but considering that I have a headache atm I cant think of it XD

ah well, thanks for your review so much!!!!! <3333



But I know some of that stuff was in Classical Breeze, try not to repeat patterns. Definitely was some original stuff here, though. I'm not sure I got the imagery out of it that you were trying to convey, but I still get the theme.
Very peaceful at the end.

dontxthemusic responds:

Aucutally I tried not to repeat patterns, but its just hard with the limited music selection I had. Plus I thought it suited this song as well. The two sort of went hand in hand in my mind... I guess I should go back and sort of state that..