this sucks
all the madness posers should be shot this game had no structure it was rediculas
this sucks
all the madness posers should be shot this game had no structure it was rediculas
the madness series has no structure you fuckwit, Its all about madness and violence. shoot yourself shithead
Ok..Why is it they dont die when they get shot in the head?
when I made it i wasn't that good at flash
Alright... for a point, click, shoot game.
Needs more interactivity... plus, why does it not seem to affect them when you shoot them point blank in the head?
I sucked at flash then (then being when I made it)
Pretty good but...
Um, can you only shoot their gun hand?
One would think that, Krinkels himself had made that! Yup, the artwork is quite impressive.
I r replying to all reviews, and thanks for yours!