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Reviews for "DJ Derrick--Walk Alone (Ext.)"


I thought it was awesome.
And also, you only have 111 listens, yet 17 reveiws including mine.
The most reveiws ive ever gotten on 1 single song is 9, and it has over 500 listens O_o.
Anyway, great job on this, it sounds great :D


Yodamanjaro responds:

wow. the most for me is like 32. Still, 19 in ONE DAY is pretty much amazing. I look forward for more reviews beofre the night is over. I gotta get some more reviews written...

Thanks for the review man!

not bad at all.

I've seen ya advertising your song all over other reviews so i thought i'd check it out. Hmm.. Its pretty nicely done i'd say the vocals work well with the song..This is a remix eh? Well i can't say i've ever heard the original so its hard for me to tell apart what you changed or mixed. Either way i can't really hear anything that i dislike. So i'd say you've done a good job!

Keep it up!


Yodamanjaro responds:

Yeah, advertising is the way to go when I want to see this on top 5 ;)

otherwise, I"d just review and not bother ppl. but, I love this song.

Also, I didn't have anything except for the orignal East Clubbers and the actual vocal acappella file (which had no reverb AT ALL lol) so I completely remade it. No altering the other one. The chord progression is ever a little different...

Thanks for the review man!
DJ Derrick

I like it.

It had a good beat at the start and the vocals were great. Awsome song! New addition to my favourites. PS Thanks for reviewing my new song, Its great getting good feedback.

Yodamanjaro responds:

Thanks man!

I know it is :)

I don;t check it for a few hours and I got 5 new reviews! w00t!


i love the beat and the vocals in it enuf said lol

Yodamanjaro responds:

Tahnks for the review!


Hey man, i'll give you a 10/5 if you give my latest piece the same ;)
Not that it's anywhere as good as this, 'cause it's like A-MAZING!
Seriously good work.

Yodamanjaro responds:

Will do.

Thanks for the review. (if you dl this I'll dl yours :P)