You did great you score 5/5 10/10 and a download from me! All the song is great at the start i was wondering but when its goes you dance on!
You did great you score 5/5 10/10 and a download from me! All the song is great at the start i was wondering but when its goes you dance on!
wondering bout what?
<('.'<) (>'.')>
*Jumps around with arms flailing... apparently trying to dance* WEEEEE
Very good song. Fast paced and good quality.
5/5 10/10
*thinks you are a strange thingy...jumping around with arms flailing* THX ALOT!
*fake heartly thanking* xD
/\nn/\ fist of rock awesome!
id be dancing right now if i knew any moves XD
Learn some moves in xD
Nice beat man. Keep up the good work. You're good with keeping your transitions from being awkward compared to the song.
Thx alot!
Holy sheet!!XDXDXD
I loved this song.
I loved it to death.
No, I did not die in teh process of listening, but I sure came close to it.As x-X-FREAK-X-x stated, I pictured stuff like the one with the red alert, bomb, and such, but also something different.
You know teh Starfox games? If not, tisk, tisk! If so, then picture this: Fox and Wolf are at it again, and they're fighting in an asteroid field. It's very fast-paced, like extreemly fast-paced.
As Fox and Wolf dogfight (lol, pun), the camera zooms in and out on the highlights of teh fight, and the camera speeds up or goes slo-mo, all in accordance with teh music. The flying, maneuvers, gunshots, explosions all of it is going along with teh song.
Hey, if my animation software wasn't a piece o' crap freeware program, I would so do that.
By teh way, send me a message telling me how to get the program to create music. I would make such a great artist, if only I had teh chance to be one.
Do message me, will you, pleeeeeease?
Sincerely: guildassasan
yup that's a nice scene to imagine, though I'd perefer it to be a minefield for more action =P