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Reviews for "Stick Slayer Episode Four"

NNNNNNNOOOOOO!!!!! bob!!!!!!!!!

...that's it...relly...

Waste of time and space

It would get 0, but the music is good. Considering Ben Spurgin can supposedly draw better things than stick men, he seems to find it ver hard to actually draw a stick man.

Dissing other people's work does not bring a smile

Your animation is great but come on man don't be dissing Eskimo bob he is not considered a stickman. He gets good ratings. Plus sometimes stickmen can be good take http://www.crackedanimatins.co m/ this guy does a way better job than you in his work and most of his best work are stickmen. He does frame by frame work thats real art. You just draw on picture and make it float up and down when hes walking and stuff. WHen I really think about there is not much art skill involved here just flash skill. Some people may know this person by his most popular things on here like " I like to beat things with my bat " and my favorite " BIG MISTAKE " well thats just what I think keep up the good work

ressurected...but how

Funny when you said "to be continued" but then you said "gotcha". You could get your TV series all you need is some more villians and bigger plot.

great better than ..... no i dont think so

watch it or i will