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Reviews for "Slokum Joe Vs. Alien"

Not bad for your second animation....

the only thing would be just the first hand but who cares about that really for your second animation. I too am just starting flash in the last year and think you could do sommething good if you stick with it.

shadow-wolf76 responds:

Thanx, and my philosphy is practice makes perfect...good luck on your flash man.


the drawings were really good, but the animation was slow blocky, and generally horrendus. The lazer looked dodgeable, and the joke wasn't super funny. A waist of a perfectly good rat penis drawing if you ask me.

shadow-wolf76 responds:

Yeah I agree with ya , but it was only my second flash. Still learning the ropes.

funny as hell

had me laughing

shadow-wolf76 responds:

How funny is hell?


You game me a smile. I see you like the 'Alien' movie. Not the best or funniest ever. BUt pretty cool

shadow-wolf76 responds:

Thanks a smile works for me, better than screaming and cussing "Oh God that really really sucked!!"

funny shit

good job - keep working on it and keep em comming

shadow-wolf76 responds:

Funny shit , is that like the shit you take after Thanksgiving and everybody can hear the noises that one makes from the bathroom as they laugh at ones expense until they realize that they are the next in line .