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Reviews for ".:Descent Into Hell WIP:."


The piano intro and outro work really well with the rest of the song even though they contrast so much. The transition from smooth slow piano to depp thumping melody is done very effectivly and though this is a raw compositon i can tell from this so far that its going to be very good. Keep up the good work!

[Review Request Club]

GronmonSE responds:

Thanks for the review :D


Even though this is still work in progress, I think that this already is (or at least going to be ;) ) a great song.

I like the slow intro with the piano, it is played very well and those deeper notes there really fit.
The drums are done very good, too. But they sometimes outpower the rest of the instruments (especially the snare drum).

The guitars is done good too, even though it now sounds pretty awful with this digital guitar ;) . I would really like to help you out with a real guitar here, but sadly I have now way of recording my guitar :( .

{ Review Request Club }

GronmonSE responds:

Me neither D:

I might redo the drum work, not sure.

Thanks for the review!

I like it so far...

As far as the flash project for it if we could lengthen 0:01 through 0:11 before the guitar comes in for about another ten seconds for the monologue that would be magnificent. Still working on details and rest of it all. I like all of the rest though, I can definately work with that timing you set up in there, thanks. Keep up the good work.

The Architec'

GronmonSE responds:


I will have to redo the instrumental work (not the composition) and use the best sample choice possible, considering this is still a WIP. I'm more concerned about the composition than anything else at the moment.. Still on the lookup for some guitarist who could help out, but if you don't mind the current guitars, then I guess we could leave it as it is.

However, I'd like to see the actual product (when it's finished) before you decide to use this, considering I worked on this with no actual theme in mind other than the scene you described. I'd like to change the intro piano (and leave it intact throughout the song) to better fit the calm monologue scene as well. Still not having second thoughts about me writing the songs? I'm lacking confidence in my skills :P

Thanks again.

very tight!

another good one. Piano sounds are okay, I thought it could use more thickness (maybe start off with the dark sounds, and when the double bass comes in put some more thicker reverb on and make the sound more stereo oriented, with a longer release on the notes) I do like the chords and upper melodies tho, and the delay effect you use. This track reminds me of some dark caped figure (not batman), standing atop a chapel beneath gray clouds, watching a city amidst chaos.

I like the drumbeats, double bass is good, texture is pretty decent so there is enough sculpture between each kick. if you could find a picolo snare for this it would fit great for the style. (should be one in the sample inks in my blog) also some tom rolls during transition would be great along with the blast beats. Guitar chords are good, maybe more variation could work in these bits by adding some triplet riffs every now and use more melodical changes, but it does its job for the rhythm. Guitar solo is well built up too, fits in well, and ends on a good note. I would love to see a duel between two guitars in here at one point maybe. as for the sounds- like your other track, they are good but they could be better even for FL slayer. (i wouldnt know how of the top of my head because I never use it- but look at Hating4AM, he uses FL slayer for a lot his stuff.) a more metallish tone (bass and treble raised, and mids cut) might sound better as a backing guitar, while there may actually be a bit of over compression on both tones. But really its all in taste- and my suggestions may be way off as I never use the plugin.

all in all man, another excellent composition. If you had better access to some more realistic sounds, this would be truly excellent, but as it is right now just keep up the good work and producing well rounded tracks.

GronmonSE responds:

Dark caped figure standing atop a chapel overseeing a city engulfed in chaos? It's a bit off fron the original intention, but similar imagery was intended, albeit it's a very different case.

I used Slayer 2 rather than Slayer 1 this time (default settings too, go lazyness). I checked out Hating4M's gallery and it screams heavy metal. I don't compose heavy metal, not digitally at least, so I'd rather not spend weeks working with complex layering and knob tweaking (like some artists do) because most of my future tracks won't include guitar. I've tried making realistic guitar sounds and the process is tedious.

Thanks for the review.

Good start

This is a pretty good start I think - you've got some good ideas going on that are open to development. The only thing I didn't really care for was the double kicks throughout - it can be a good effect to build some tension part, but using it too early and too frequently might decrease it's effectiveness, and possibly end up sounding annoying too.

GronmonSE responds:

I've been obsessed with double pedals lately, adding them is almost inevitable. You're right though, I shouldn't use them so often. Thanks for the crit, mate. If you're interested, I changed some things on th updated song.

Thanks again.