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Reviews for ""Jesus Christ" promo"

I still hate the one line summary ;)

That was a really decent video. I'm an athiest but I still have to give credit where it's due. Great effects.

I still don't get it though... a musical about my gardener? And he loves me too? I think I might have to hire jose instead...

Just kidding ;)

Stroberider responds:

Hey little chimpanzee with no specified name or gender! I love chimps, and I love atheists. In fact, I love everyone except Lucifer. I appreciate the compliments on the graphics and effects, but, I must say, you obviously didn’t understand the concept of this being a fictitious promotional teaser for a musical. (My gardener???? Where’d that come from?) And, yes indeed, He loves you. Why do you think He died for you? Oh, that’s right, you stated you were an atheist. You might not really know what true love is until you know that Jesus Christ loves you more than any other person on this earth, and He will never stop loving you. I don’t want to sound like I’m picking on you; I just would like to share the fact that I’ve learned to know that He, in fact, loves everyone. Thank you very much for the review!

jesus huh...well that was not good at all

not not cause it had jesus or whatever but cause it was short and pointless.

Stroberider responds:

It’s funny how I have to repeat myself for most of these reviews. But, I’ll go ahead and do it this one last time. The next replies who talk about this not having a ‘point’, I’m just going to copy and paste what I stated about this earlier. I can tell you that it really wasn’t supposed to have a ‘point’ other than it being a promotional teaser, which most teaser to anything leave the viewers questioning what it’s supposed to be about. Does that make any sense to you? Have you ever seen a teaser to a movie that went into a full amount of detail of what it was about? Well, this is intentionally supposed to be a teaser about a musical. Nothing too detailed, just a hint of what the content was about. You either must’ve not understood what I stated in the “Author’s comments” section, or you just don’t know what a teaser is.

As far as the length is concerned, a teaser isn’t supposed to be long at all. But, I do apologize for the file size because it is extremely large for such a short animation. This is due to the fact of it being transferred from an After Effects animation to Flash, since NG only excepts .swf files.

It was average!

Look, although its a tribute doesnt mean that you have to torture people with the file size.

It was pretty, very nice graphics, but it ran slow, make it smother
Improve the sound, and please lower the file size, and you may get yourself a hit


Stroberider responds:

I know, I know, I know, I know. The file size was totally uncalled for, but trust me, if it were any lower, this animation would have looked like an animal that was hit on the road still trying to drag itself off of the road only to be hit again. Just like what has happened. This piece was hit so hard with harsh reviews about file size and quality, while dragging in certain areas only to be on the verge of getting hit again with more harsh reviews. I tried everything I could possibly do to make this animation the way I hoped. But, you know how that goes. Nothing ever seems to go as planned while making any animation. I was hoping that it would at least be interesting, and the majority of the viewers thought it was only because of the file size and how short it was along with it having no real ‘point’. I can tell you that it really wasn’t supposed to have a ‘point’ other than it being a promotional teaser, which most teaser to anything leave the viewers questioning what it’s supposed to be about. Thanks for the review!

Wow, that was short.

Lucky I don't have 56k. Anyways, a very nice 'tribute' to Jesus. Regardless, you should try something with more of a synch to the music. It's all about maintaining audience interest.

Stroberider responds:

I'm sorry you were one of the viewers who had to see this first submission of the out-of-sync-submission of this piece. The only reason I could think of why it became out of sync, was that it was imported into Flash without sound, and I then added the audio using the technique that NG prefers us to use to reduce file size. This must’ve conflicted with the timing and caused it to drag. And, from what it looks like, I failed to maintain the audiences’ attention because they aren’t used to seeing animations like this. I hope you got to view the updated version, so that you won’t forever remember this piece as being to big for quality. Thanks for the review!

Not my style

I am surprised that anybody who was pushing Jesus would post here (harsh environment).

Kudos for having the guts to do it, but again, not my style.

Stroberider responds:

Yeah, you really have to appreciate the artistic style of this to enjoy it because after seeing the majority of the reviews I received on it, none of the reviewers out of that category understood or grasped the concept of this. It's not that I'm "pushing" Jesus in this "harsh" environment; I just wanted to see if total strangers could understand the concept of this piece because all it is, is a simple promotional teaser for a fictitious musical broadcast advertisement. Simple enough, right?

Thanks for your cachet and the review!