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Reviews for "Jug punch"


That was too short, you should have put it in a cat fight or somein, who ever protected this seriously needs a girlfriend.

This simply wasn't funny

I'm sorry, I don't get the point of saving this from the graveyard was at all. This was far, far too short, with a couple of sounds added on to some average animation. There was no humour in this at all, it just wasn't funny.

Why does this deserve to be blammed?

I'll tell you why. It was FIVE FUCKING SECONDS LONG. Nothing in the goddam universe is both funny and FIVE SECOND LONG. I don't think this deserves a zero, but it sure as hell doesn't deserve a 10. The argument that Newgrounds was built on short flicks is complete bullshit. I've seen "Club a Seal" and "Telebubbies" and so forth, but compared to this? They're fucking feature films. For a five second movie, it's great, but for something that hundreds of thousands of people across the globe will see? No. No no no. My suggestion is to take your obvious talent with animation and use it for something LONGER. And better.

cornbeef responds:

Im sorry Ng is causing u to have an anurism :P. j/k. actually this is part of something that is longer and promising. Ty for ur review

"Some of you people need to get a sense of humor"?

while I wouldnt have blammed it im not gonna give it high marks either...Honestly whats the point to this "movie"? you hate breasts? That you are some kind of misogynistic ass? Personaly instead of prtecting this they should have blown the whistle on it

cornbeef responds:

wow dude, for a 32 year old i figured u would understand better then most people that cartoons are not meant to reflect on reality of the author unless there is something else thrown in. If i hated breasts i would have put something in that showed that i hated them. this is actually a funny review tho. this flash was created from sheer borediom and the mind of a crazy animator, who shall remain as unknown for now


I dont see why this was protected... it wasnt entertaining/fun/anything!
Just click the boobs a few times and then REPLAY?
There was no humour in this at all, it just wasn't funny.