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Reviews for "Sand Castles"

Melodic and Beautiful

I had to wait awhile to review this song so I could think of something meaningful to say. Plain and simple, It's an amazing song. Using acoustic instruments give this song such a beautiful, melodic, and warm touch, I can tell you used an acoustic piano rather than a software or synthesised one which adds alot. It was very well arranged too, beautiful and melodic as I said before, and you couldn't have gotten a better person to do guitar for you. I'm a huge fan the Bad Man which is how I found this song in the first place.

As the vocals, I love them and hate them. The lyrics were very well written and go well with this song, and you do sing them very well at like the Tenor and Baraton level. The problem is that when your sing some of the higher parts (like alto) your voice seems to almost seems to cut out, and it sounds really forced and a bit off key like on the chorus. That aside you do have good voice and this is an amazing song, but you like most guys can't sing in Alto and tenor rang. Maybe you should consider writing you song on a low key or sing the vocals an octave lower, or maybe you could get a female vocalist to accompany you.

That's my only critique, this really is an amazing song.

un belivalbel

sounds like it should be on the radio most prefesional thing i have heard on new grounnds a great song nothing else much to say but this get ur self a record deal i would by this it is amazing


It made me think about my childhood...though it sucked it made me think about how much better it was then. I miss the days where you could just go to school and be with your friends and do what you wanted for however long. Good times good times.


Firstly, your vocals were very impressive. This song really sounds professional, congratulations.

My only criticism (it is only very slight) is that the lyrics are slightly cheesy. I understand that they may well hold some deep meaning for you and I believe that music is not about the words so I can't really lower your score =p.

The solo was good, although some note transitions could have been a bit smoother. The backing strings and drums were perfect as per.

Congratulations again and I hope to hear more from you (I am currently listening through all of your submissions xD).


Really lovely song and really sweet lyric i cant stop hearing this song.

From beauty of that first kiss
Without knowing just what love is
A Fascination..that really touching. :D