Im confused...
Ive already seen this on newgrounds, did you steal it?
Im confused...
Ive already seen this on newgrounds, did you steal it?
err... I submitted a preview for it about a month ago. I suppose that's where the confusion is.
Great game. Definitely more user-friendly than the first. After getting the lottery ticket, I went back to the Deli-Mart and the intro repeated which ended up in me getting a second badge. I didn't see how far I could push this glitch for fear of messing up my game - but I thought I'd give you a heads up. Also, the bar music has a half-second pause before the loop kicks in if you think you can fix it. I love it though, great work, and I hope you're considering continuing the series.
Alright thanks! I had a feeling there would be a few bugs...
kill me plz
it's 2:30 in the morning, while that did keep me playing, i now feel the horrid urge to projectile vomit all over this. great idea, the loop music makes me wanna blam this though, but i didnt, you didnt make me hurl just yet.there isnt enough time on the games to get those little "!" damn it, can you imagine trying to do that shit stoned? the thought of that makes my head hurt... god damn slackers- LoLLiPoP Goddess,SpikeHeroin
Excellent game!
That game was greatI loved it was all so simple and fun a great time-waster too.
Keep up the good work!(and try and draw better too).