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Reviews for "Mr. T Vs MM Power Rangers"

I think it wasn't that good.

Mr.T fighting to keep kids in school and drinking milk while he was at it it was pretty dull. And then to make it worse this guy had everything down on them (I think) like the names of everything what is this guy five

Helluva tough??

The graphics are ugly, really ugly. The movie is not funny. Only plus to this flash is the music. I cant believe people actually voted high in this, I gave it a 1. Why did you even submit this? And do you actually know what 'helluva' means?



Mr.T Helluva Sucks

That movie was completely retarded. the graphics were ok see that he was using pictures and i love the power rangers song but that was a terrible movie.the jokes were all about MR. T and they were not funny at all.
Go Quantum Super Omega Invunerable Useless Extra Rainbow Ranger.


Tell me again how this got on the front page??? i have seen much better stuff on NG that hasnt been on the front page yet you put this peice of crap on here??? The only funny part was when Mr.T picked up the Power Rangers HQ and threw it into outer space, other than that, you have disgraced Mr.T, and he pity's the fool who don't respect him!!!!