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Star Wars : Missing Scene

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Author Comments

Darth Vader had more to say besides "I am your father, Luke".

The question whether its ripped or not i can tell ya !

I found the text at some movie site ages ago ! There they said they found it on a forwarded e-mail ! And they didn't know anymore who wrote this stuff.
So I cant refer to anyone...cuz i and they ( the guys from the site ) dont know who made it up!

aight ? If u dont believe me, check this site out !

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an action filled sprite film

Ha i love it, kinda reminds me of a movie they call startwars, heh j/k, starwars sprite heh that was good, also like the light sabre's they animate well, great job you cant go wrong with A great sprite filled movie entry and there was even a bit of story dwelled in there, an action filled sprite film with lots going on here and there making for some nice element and even story so keep making great sprite movies like you have done here.

make more of these




its mostly true actully. and btw no to be a nerd, but luke wasnt wearing his x-wing pilot suit in that battle.

dude DUDE!

F**king funny.

Really funny

At last something smartly funny
btw: lightsaber wound= no blood

Credits & Info

3.99 / 5.00

Mar 31, 2003
12:06 PM EST
  • Daily 2nd Place March 31, 2003