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Newgrounds Stand UP

May 17, 2011 –
July 4, 2022
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

Venting about a life experience; is a man who knows only bounds.

If you want to be in the audience leave a review and i will add you in the next one!



Raving Lunatic

My suggestion is to show the gals you hook up with the cartoon porn you're making.

Hitting the register and making all the profanity indecipherable is far more annoying and will never be funny.

Pick up the tempo, too. Go through a harried set of emotions, not just frustration and resentment. If you want this stuff to be wild and blown out of proportion, you have to shake up the performance a lot more.

The art direction is the last thing you should worry about. Having to include the likeness of a random viewer may absorb more time than what you're willing to spend.

I've seen better cartoons, so take my recommendations into consideration and your next effort will be better received.

<deleted> responds:

I sincerely smiled and lold

Yep, I understand that

I gotcha, not exactly what I was going for but... i know what youre telling me to do. And it is correct.

Ahhh just experimenting & what not ya know? Whipped dis up in a couple of hours.

I gotcha dood, when i stop creating shitty cartoons I will remember what you told me (as a reminder)

- edit -

Actually tried stand up a year ago. Now I'm taking those comments as notes for all future story telling. Thx for putting important info so simply.

its good

loved it

<deleted> responds:


Not bad

Overall, it was pretty good. Mic quality could use an improvement, and you should work on your comedis timing. The animation could be better too, but I laughed anyway.

<deleted> responds:

i c i c. kinda just named it stand up cuzzz idk lol. ya i use my laptop built in mic so it not so gud :-=\

Well uh.

I like the random stupid humor. And the actual stand up didn't make me laugh until he started doing cartwheels all over the stage. The animation fits the tone so I won't bitch about that (I like the cardboard cutout look). If you plan on making more of these I would suggest making it more funny in a traditional sense, without all the yelling and cursing splattered all over it. Even though I find that stuff kinda funny, other people will most likely take it the wrong way and hate it.

Keep it oop.

<deleted> responds:

Dude i remember that ad in your banner. For you, eh I do anything. Between you and me &everyoneelsewhoreadsthis... my stuff is extremely sarcastic&angry. But yaaaaaaa dude i hear ya i hear ya. I'll try it out when I figure out how to slow life down. I'll do it for you avaxvaxvaxaxvavavava.avi


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