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The Ugly Truth 3D

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The DHARMA Initiative is proud to present "The Ugly Truth 3D"
*do wear headphones*

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I liked the ideas presented at the end. Very well. The movie wasn't bad either.

By the way, I listened to it and it got the ears correct. Zawfish might have had his headphones switched around. You normally can't tell which one is which unless you have ones like mine, which are designed to fit over and in the ear. I know for a fact which ear each one goes on.

So, it might not have a been a mistake on your part.

Still, I think it should be checked out. Just in case.


Not the best, but good. I liked the Soundefekts at the end ; )


I liked the idea and once he got blazed how he was wiggin shit that was hilarious but after that you drug it out to far.

vago187 responds:

you might be right... never again


strange funny, stupid, and it's not bad, 3D sound is cool though teh dude confused my left and right ears XD. you should add some sense to your flash and it will get 10/10

vago187 responds:

I didn't want to submitted alone so I kinda mashed these two together... I guess some things are never meant to mixed, like Heroes and good acting.

didn't u already submit this?

i'll give you no stars for re-submitting

vago187 responds:

I did, I also took it down. It had some audio problems

Credits & Info

2.80 / 5.00

Feb 18, 2009
2:01 PM EST