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Azul Baronis

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A few people have been getting confused, but the afterburner only works when the yellow bar is charged, and it drops to zero if you shoot or get shot (to avoid ruining the 4th point in the list below)
Also, if you want to start in a destroyer, press 'End' to self-destruct in your fighter.

Okay, so the initial game concept was basically like this:

- Huge space battles (with several distinct forces)
- Intelligent AI
- Allied ships
- Giving the player no significant advantage other than their playing skill

As far as we’re concerned we accomplished all of that, and in doing so we’ve made something that feels quite unique to play. Now we’re just hoping that you folks agree =]

And to any webhosts who read this, you are all welcome to host this game on your sites, so long as you dont attempt to claim ownership of the game or change it in any way, and you make sure that you display it correctly x.x (500x500).

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it's this game that made me discover the music of King Dedede and Bowser

I didn't knew the multikill captions stoped at 18 killls, it was quite disapointing.
Anyways after 13 years still one of my favourites flash games ever. Just the best to pass the time when bored.

That feeling when you start stage 7 with nothing but fighters against a testudon, crapload of destroyers, and the base.
And then you win with only yourself and 1 shield(HP) left versus 2 destroyers and the tetsudon by making them fight each other while chipping away at their low HP. God i love this game.

One of my favorite flash games. Hundreds of ships coordinating to fight multiple enemy forces, with a solid aesthetic and strong polish. It goes to show that the golden age of Flash really was golden - people got into programming and made legitimately amazing things, just because it was fun. Gamedev should always retain this spirit - I hope it doesn't die off with the switch to JavaScript. The future of gaming lies in the spirit of 2007 Newgrounds codebros, not 2014 Kotaku bloggers.

"Press 'End' to self-destruct in a fighter."

Where is 'End'?

Credits & Info

4.46 / 5.00

May 21, 2007
8:44 AM EDT