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Bunbun Kids Camp

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Author Comments

whoeehoee! Front page (:

Thanx everyone for voting!

OK, most remarks I get here are: "Your animation is to short!" I hope this one is long enough to stop some people complaining.

I made this animation as part of a animation competition, it had to be made whitin a week and it had to be about something from the news ( I used the realese of the controversial documantry "Jesus Camp" about the fanatic religious camp that made kids want to give their life for jesus).

If you like it, there is more of bunbun on illumatie.nl/bunbuns (including a sick and twisted web comic)

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Ignorant leadership and the thrive-'n'-strive to be better than the other. This is why I don't let other people boss me around, and this is also the cause of most wars. What a bunch of idiots. What's worse, it's always the citizens, or, in this case the kids, that come up with a solution. Nice job. Weird how you came up with this topic... not that I didn't like it.

Graphics: great. No problems what-so-ever.
Style: good. A little more original than most other flashes, and pretty interesting.
Sound: a bit cheesy. Music was weird, and the bunnies spoke like ghosts. But, I guess they're not supposed to have voices huh?
Violence: None, but this movie isn't supposed to have violence, right?
Interactivity: none. Not needed.
Humor: Funny in a way. But, this topic would be better for a socratic seminar rather than giggling and laughing about.
Overall: Great job.

funny, but visually

Took me 2 watches to realise that they were decrying each others' beliefs in their 2nd speech scene.

++++ Intriguing metaphor.

++++ Apt that neither was right.

++++ Sumptuous graphics. Clean, flawless lines. Nice use of exclusive black for foreground. Great backgrounds colours to contrast and co-exist.

--- The script font is awfully jagged. It looks like you took a bitmap font and traced it, but didn't bother cleaning. Very rough-looking.

-- music loop got a tad annoying.

??? Maybe you could have made the 2 rabbit gangs different colours, to help us remember which is which on first viewing.

Great movie. Not funny, but visually sumptuous and also thought-provoking.

Illumatie responds:

Thanx for the feedback (and sorry for the late response).

The font used in the animation was supposed to be like that, and personally I liked it, but using a good font that fits the style I thing is always a dificult task.

I'll keep the different collored rabbits in mind. thanx for the tip.

Hahaha,, Nice Job!

Nice man, Those voices were crunk

Illumatie responds:

Thanx dude, glad to have made you smile (:


Dude this is basically happening right now except vegetation isn't really the conflict

Good job

Loved it. And interesting twist that the 'kids' where the ones to find a solution to the problem. Heh, and the two guys incharge both ignoring the solution and quickly jumping to a new problem inorder to kill each other.

On a technical side: Loved that there where no voices as such, good animation and fluently animated. Keep up the good work!

Illumatie responds:

Thanx you completely got it (:

(oh and I keep repeting this, but it worth it: check out the Bunbun website, more animations and webcomix there: www.illumatie.nl/bunbuns)

Credits & Info

3.38 / 5.00

Nov 8, 2006
3:16 PM EST