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Micah Teaser

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I worked on this a while back i guess i forgot to submit it. i am currently working on the first episode now and if if anyone wants to lend a hand i would be more than thankfull. wel enjoy the teaser.


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wonderful graphics, I'm looking forward to seeing the real deal

Don´t like teasers much, but I´m curious

Well, too bad this was just a teaser. I don´t really see the point in submitting teasers here. You made me curious and I could keep an eye out for it now. But when exactly do you plan to submit this? It says "coming soon", that could be in a couple of days, next week, next month, in a few months.... by then, everybody have already forgotten about this teaser anyway, it really won´t get that much extra attention. And if it is a very good movie, it´ll get plenty of attention once submitted, so there really isn´t much point in submitting teasers.

But anyway, so far it looks pretty awesome. The drawings are very good, really don´t think you could improve much on that. The music is a bit weird, but I think it would suit the movie pretty well. As for other stuff, well, I think you should´ve added a bit more action in this if your goal was to make people curious. I do hope the series will have lots of action. You should also add a replay button at the end of the episodes and you could maybe add scene-selections if the episodes are long.

Overall 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. Again, too bad it was a teaser. It wasn´t very long, and it just had some text and a couple of short scenes. Anyway, I do hope you´ll submit this soon and I do hope you finish this project and don´t stop somewhere halfway (like some other people do). Good luck with the series.


can't wait to see this striaght onto my list I wish there had been more clips though but I'm already hyped up rofl

Glad you finally submitted this!

Good job on finally submitting this.
I hope this means you're close to finishing the story we wrote for Episode 1!

If you don't mind I will fill people in a little bit on this.
This story is different from your average "Heaven vs Hell" story and we plan to have a decent strong storyline throughout the series. I'm sure those of you with a bit of intelligence and patience will enjoy our serious (with the usual humourous moments) story about an angel sent to Earth to prove himself...

And those who think this is traced, it's not. Kyle has TALENT, this is all his own original work and his own style (I've seen the concept drawings). As for the story we came up with it over MSN and we have Episode 1 written and the main plot events planned.

OK, now to review the work of the teaser...
I've told you mostly what I thought on MSN anyway. :P

Graphically great and your style is brilliant. I know you'll ignore any of those racists who hate the anime style and want you to change it.

Music was good for what was shown and fit the mood.

I like your style, hope you keep it up throughtout the series, the animation seems to have got better from that scene you shown me earlier. ;)

I hope our ideas and story for the series convert well in your drawings. Good luck with it, mate!

Good work!

I Like Your Style

wow dude, you're awsome! I like the style that you used, it was some sort of anime right?


you're great.

gtrz, me

Credits & Info

4.03 / 5.00

Jul 24, 2006
1:13 PM EDT
  • Daily 4th Place July 25, 2006