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Leisure Suit Harry

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Loosly based on a true classic, you are Harry, a college freshman discovering all that the university has to offer. Guide Harry through a series of "extra-curicular" activities while avoiding the pitfalls of college life.

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I hope that bro survived :(

So I can easily see that this could be very good, but it's really buggy as all hell. It took me a while to figure out how to do anything, should've had more specific instructions really, and there wasn't many clear indications on what to do at certain times.

As for the bugs I got stuck in the dorm basement, there was no beer in the trash in front of the dorm, and clicking play while talking to girls can easily skip you though the game.

I liked the concept, and there were quite a few funny things to do, but these text based games stopped being made for a reason, they are awfully dated and always difficult to figure out.

239 out of 201 LOL

I'm really trying to enjoy this game, but I keep running into a glitch where I can't type anything in.


In your room piss on youre roomates bed XD

Credits & Info

3.63 / 5.00

Sep 2, 2001
10:33 AM EDT