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The Hurricane: U R

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The Hurricane: Untold Reckoning. The story of Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, what they wouldn't tell you. Enjoy!!!!

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This was good

well this was entertaining, And i liked the awsome artwork, It really showed to be something neat and shows the effort in this iswell, the humor was ok also but i thought you could have shown more humor there, anyways very nice and somewhat funny flash here, keep up the good work, i look forward to more if you still make stuff.

A few things would be to work on some more humor on this and maybe add more of the awsome art that you did present in this

its funny but could use more effort in humor, anyways nice job.


Its ok

I loved the movie of this though

Not bad

Overall this was pretty good. The graphics and animation were very good, and the scenario was rather entertaining. While the voices were kinda odd for some chracters, it was still pretty cool. That being said, I wasn't really sure exactly what this was about, as the backstory wasn't really developed at all. Cool to watch, but not very easy to follow. Some of the audio was crackling as well.


drawings and voices were pretty good, but animation could have been better, I think that also, this had the potential to be a lot more entertaining than it actually turned out to be.


way too short.good effort

Credits & Info

3.74 / 5.00

May 31, 2000
11:15 AM EDT