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The Only Thing I Know

February 9, 2010 –
October 25, 2021
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

This has been the most difficult film I have ever made, because its meaning is very true to my soul. For too much of my life I have been a mindless consumer of time. Hopelessly placing value in things that never gave an ounce of value back. Now that I am older, I worry endlessly that this new generation is making the same mistakes I now deeply regret.

In the end, I hope my message is honest and clear. Whether you agree with me or not, please share you thoughts, spark meaningful discussions, and share this film with everyone you know.

Special thanks to all those who have been my strength - and to all of you for taking a moment to open your minds =)


Very true

Really, this is the reason I scorn MMORPGs as well as online play. Because while a single player game encourages you to stay at home and be alone, and online play voids the need for friends, some games, encourage social interaction. Take Super-Smash-Brothers for instance (which ever one is you favorite) a game that can get rather boring fast when played alone, but with a couple of friends, and caffeinated drinks, suddenly, the game becomes a laughing, shouting, and joyful commotion. Naturally other games do this to, encouraging friendships and parties. Where as games such as World of Warcraft, the closest thing you get to interaction, is hooking up with some other friends to do a quest. Online play has really made the basement dweller much more common, because now, he can pretend he has friends, without ever leaving his basement. My last note is that, a select few games, are actually good for the body. First of all Dance Dance Revolution, it may not seem so on light, but by the time you get to heavy, you can hardly go one song without collapsing. Also the game Eye-Toy anti-grav, not quite as good as DDR but still, the arm flailing jumping and shifting will start taking a toll on your body on the later difficulties.

In conclusion, gamers can have no life, or they can make one out of gaming, without of course substituting, real-life stuff.

This flash was rather well done, you used alot of images, something i usually look down on. But it was smooth and well drawn.

You have officially ruined my night...

I don't mean that in a bad way... But more of a "Your more right than I want to admit..." kinda way... And I really don't know how to fix it...

And now my mind is blank...

Good message

however, what would you prefer we do instead of playing videogames? Is driving from LA to NY any more productive? Videogames are simply an interest, just like books or music or movies. Why should any one interest be inherently better than any other?


Wow! Usually people write a bunch of junk about their life. This had true meaning! 5/5


like you i am i intense gamer who loves all about video games, but looking at this i am rethinkin, i doubt ill ever stop playing video games, but i am however goin to focus on more important things first and hopfully though games i do play somthing good could possibly come from it.


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