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- Soviet Madness -

September 22, 2009 –
December 29, 2010
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

have you ever been fisted???????????????????


This whole flash was terrible. The action was slow and story was full of holes and cheesy moments. Plus, Dimitri Petrenko? You obviously took that from COD WAW. And the other "Wounded comrade" Basic character was based totally on Resnov. Try being more creative next time

Not good at all. Im sorry, but that was terrible. You illegally stole a character and everything was illogical. At the end the guy is crying over someone he met about 5 minutes ago dying. And when he actually gets to the guy and starts talking to himself, he DROPS his rifle even though nothing is wrong with it, and rushes the general guy in a terrible ending. Why didnt he just make an ending line and shoot him in the chest? Also, it was the same damn tune for the whole movie. Logic please.

I loved it was, very orginal, and a good Idea, but you misspelled temprary at the end, and the guy below is an idoit

Completely horrible mate, it was all just so slow! He was standing there shooting at two guys while one had ONLY a pistol and the other didn't have anything at all! By the way, the name of the main character, Copywrite infringement Private Dimitri Petrenko was the character from Call of Duty World at war.

Ive got just two things you should improve on...
One, its a Madness Flash, ADD MORE VIOLENCE AND FAST PACED KILLING. You shouldn't have just two or one person dieing on screen at once.
Two, Get some originality. Copying a character from a game isn't the way to get people to like you.

Great movie i loved it.The nazis looked kinda were they the 12SS Panzer division?


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3.83 / 5.00