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Messed-Up Bible Stories 4

September 1, 2008 –
May 10, 2021
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

Wowie! Daily Feature, Weekly Users' Choice, and Front Page! Thanks to everyone!

Messed-Up Bible Stories: Noah's Ark - God commands Noah to build an Ark after deciding to end all life on earth.

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Written, Animated and Voiced by
Sam T

Additional Voices by
Jeffrey Wisenbaugh II



hehe nice

i hope some are "offended by this" as in thinking about in WHAT they believe...

i realy like it :D gonna watch the others too


"I used to think you went through the Bible trying to find stories that were messed up, it dawns on me know that you draw upon common misconceptions, overlook key facts, and decide to intentionally mess up previously non messed up Bible stories.

Well, you did a wonderfully ace job of messing up this one. I can barely find one true fact within anything you just stated in this, and that's just how messed up it is.

So congratulations, I really don't know too many people who can cling to such a small sliver of truth that everything gets messed up while still holding just barely enough to the truth that people who are familiar with the story can keep up with it. Truly you are the master of messing up Bible stories."

All Bible stories are messed up. Even the concept. I like that you've been so brainwashed by that culture that the idea of an all powerful superbeing commanding a single man to get 2 of every animal (so travelling the world before most of it had been discovered, or before they had any real means to do so), and build an ark big enough to store 2 of EVERY animal. And then these animals magically deny their basic instincts and don't eat one another, because it's often the case that a fox and a sheep will work together in times of need...

Yeah, maybe the plot points in the cartoon didn't match up to the "facts" from the bible. But come on, grow up, they're all fairy storys made up to manipulate the masses anyway.

Oh, and movie was good btw. Funny.


i was somewhat bored throughout... maybe i have come to expect a higher level of clip from newgrounds. Not that you shouldn't make more or anything and as yet i haven't check out any of you other movies... maybe they will be better...

Not That Messed Up

OK, I like the way you point out the things in the Bible like that. I doubt that Noah was that inquisitive though, he seemed like an American soldier to me, God says 'jump' He asks 'how high?'. Good animation though. Are you going to do anymore, because I would like to see how many stories you can pull from the Bible and put in flash form. I don't think you messed up the story much as Mintish said you did. I've read the Bible aswell, and for some unknown reason can't forget it, so I remember rather well how the story went, and yours wasnt too far from the truth. You get 5/5 and 10/10 from me. Really hope to see a number 5 in the future.

<deleted> responds:

Yeah, the story was pretty spot on. the only changes I added was the people making fun of Noah. Even though I heard the story told to me like that all my life, it wasn't actually in the bible.


With these things you always see people writing "LOL I BET PEOPLE WERE OFFENDED BY THIS" when most of the time no-ones actually said a thing, instead they all assume if you're not an athiest then you're going to be offended by this, or you actually believe all this killing is justified. I even heard some dumbass refer to this as specifically 'Christianity' a few posts back.
How about instead of going off on one about the whole religious argument we keep comments specific to the movie? I mean for fucks sake lol, no-ones even said anything and you all launch into accusing those who are religious of being offensive or crying. I'd say it was petit to take offence to something like this, ye, but I'd say it was downright fucking pathetic to purposely try make someone take offence to something like this. I'm not religious, but I'm not an athiest.

Thus in conclusion, good movie, good animation, there were one or two voice
actors who didn't really suit their roles, but it didn't matter because there were some good lines. Nice going. x


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