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MS paint your NG weapon!

3,601 Views | 64 Replies

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-22 20:52:58

At 9/22/08 08:52 PM, CyberWolfX wrote: So Megaman wins? Ok cool. When is Pimp going to show up? I want him to show his art off!

Id rather Tomspulp show up.


Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-22 20:54:24

Oh ok good. The threads back to normal. Some pics and posts about the topic!

john for fucks sake just drop it and DO NOT say anything unless your painting more pics of weapons.

Every night at midnight i go on Newgrounds and...Howl.

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-22 20:55:45

Ill post a new picture tomarrow. Till then i am off line. Bye all.


Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-22 20:57:08

At 9/22/08 08:48 PM, megaman12345 wrote: Sorry i won. Judge said so.

Yeah, for starters, unless he can forcibly make us STOP posting irrelevant pictures, his word is nothing but bullshit that you're trying to use against me.

Shut up. Really i did this because YOU piss me off for MANY reasons that i would rather not bring up. Besides this if you had for once just said -Ok i lose. Whatever.- This would not of happend.
Your the one being a whiny, pussy baby who can't stay on topic.

So let's take a trip down memory lane for just one second. I posted a picture at the beginning of the thread, containing a Level 26 knife in my head. Up until now, nothing is off topic, correct?

Of course it is.

Then, you post a picture of some sort of poison filled needle stabbing me. This needle, by the way, does not show up as your Level Icon, nor does it match with ANY of the 60 official Level Icons. Which means the person responsible for getting the thread off topic is you.

Now, take a close look at all of the pictures I posted after that. ALL OF THEM. If you pay very close attention, I'm trying to end the conflict that you present to me in each and every panel in an attempt to GET BACK ON TOPIC.

I do this, and what happens next?

You come up with another bullshit way to further drag the thread away from its rails by ATTACKING ME AGAIN. Consider, for one second, if you did not respond to even one of the pictures. What would have happened next, hmm? Nothing. Nothing would have happened after that and the thread would've gotten back on topic.

So not only are you responsible for starting the thread malfunction, you're also responsible for dragging it out for this long. Piss the fuck off, you prick.

Oh Liteice did that. Or Brock. or Jack. Or Nick. Or Ultra. or Megay. Dunno.


Your being an asshole. You lose i win. Get over it.


Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-22 20:58:17


MS paint your NG weapon!


BBS Signature

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-22 21:00:06

ya know, this had the potential to be an amazing thread, if not for the petty squabbling over...pictures or something....

BBS Signature

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-22 21:01:20

You must enter some text!

MS paint your NG weapon!

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-22 21:01:21


MS paint your NG weapon!

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-22 21:19:30


MS paint your NG weapon!

I finally made my own signature. I am unoriginal

Super Ms Paint Brawl, REBORN!

BBS Signature

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-22 21:35:50

Listening to Dragonforce! Worst band ever!

Will improve when I get Photoshop

BBS Signature

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-22 21:41:30

do i win?

MS paint your NG weapon!

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-22 21:43:00

At 9/22/08 09:35 PM, ChaosBeam21 wrote: Listening to Dragonforce! Worst band ever!

Will improve when I get Photoshop

Hey, don't be discouraged. Try and make something with GIMP, even if it is a shitty stick-figure drawing.

I finally made my own signature. I am unoriginal

Super Ms Paint Brawl, REBORN!

BBS Signature

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-22 21:43:10


Relevant to today

MS paint your NG weapon!

For my next trick, I will need a condom and a volunteer.

BBS Signature

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-22 21:49:42

sorry, I was too lazy to change the size, then I forgot what my icon was

MS paint your NG weapon!

BBS Signature

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-22 22:01:22

this will take a while.

MS paint your NG weapon!

You cannot grasp the true form of slighly-minty's attack

BBS Signature

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-22 22:46:58

Hmmm... Adsince it's madness day I'l- DAMN IT! Someone took my ides!

MS paint your NG weapon!

BBS Signature

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-22 23:00:22

Oh, it's madness day?

Guess I'll redo mine then.

MS paint your NG weapon!


BBS Signature

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-22 23:27:08

Here's mine, it's a reference to my space camp thread http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/9717 35/2

MS paint your NG weapon!

I <3 Paper Mario

BBS Signature

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-22 23:31:12

Only the good die young.

MS paint your NG weapon!

BBS Signature

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-22 23:36:48

best I could come up with

MS paint your NG weapon!

BBS Signature

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-23 00:41:26

This took me about 30 seconds to make.

MS paint your NG weapon!

NG's Useless One Liner-er (just kidding Evark, don't ban me :S)

BBS Signature

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-23 01:06:06

It looks like a penis that has seen much better days

I <3 Paper Mario

BBS Signature

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-23 06:31:14

Sorry for the terrible quality.

MS paint your NG weapon!

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-23 06:52:21

Don't even try and grab it.

MS paint your NG weapon!

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-23 07:32:53

F is for Fail.

And B is for bump.

MS paint your NG weapon!

Yep, it's a sig allright.

BBS Signature

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-23 07:58:46

Incase it looks too shit, it is a full size lolly being forced into someones mouth tearing the sides of the lips. Enjoy! :D

MS paint your NG weapon!

BBS Signature

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-23 09:52:54


MS paint your NG weapon!

Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-23 17:55:28

At 9/22/08 09:19 PM, Rageblood wrote: FALCON PAUNCH!

You fail.

Your a bully and i am not takeing your bull shit any more.
Got it Fagblood?

MS paint your NG weapon!


Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-23 18:13:03

At 9/22/08 08:57 PM, John12346 wrote: WAHHH!!!!

Dude shut up. Look i was really pissed off yesterday. I took it off on you. Really when i saw you i thought of all the times you blew me off and refused to fight me or respect me. I rememberd the fat camp thread you ruined and sided with rageblood on. He callled me and you fat. I defend you and me. You take his side.It pissed me off. Look i have no problems with you. Lets just forget about this and burry the hatch.

You can burn in hell RAgeblood.


Response to MS paint your NG weapon! 2008-09-23 18:17:02

At 9/23/08 05:55 PM, megaman12345 wrote:
At 9/22/08 09:19 PM, Rageblood wrote: FALCON PAUNCH!
You fail.

Your a bully and i am not takeing your bull shit any more.
Got it Fagblood?

Haha, Hades you make me laugh.

PM me if you think I am good at MS paint. PMs: 9 Newest By:

darkspartan000 Siggy, made by ME :3

BBS Signature