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Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club

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Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-11 17:49:50

At 10/11/11 05:32 PM, Scarface wrote:
At 10/11/11 04:25 PM, HungarianSupermarket wrote: So it's national coming out day or something.

No, I don't know which specific nation this refers to, but it seems to be a worldwide thing.
I think most developed countries recognize it. I probably should've come out today.

There are (probably?) still a few hours left if you are planning on doing it? It would be an easy way to ease into the conversation, unless your parents are busy laughing at "alla dem fags on da teevee".

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The Noise I Make. || I'm not dead! || Confess. || AIM/MSN.

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Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-11 18:38:44

At 10/11/11 05:49 PM, HungarianSupermarket wrote:
At 10/11/11 05:32 PM, Scarface wrote:
At 10/11/11 04:25 PM, HungarianSupermarket wrote: So it's national coming out day or something.

No, I don't know which specific nation this refers to, but it seems to be a worldwide thing.
I think most developed countries recognize it. I probably should've come out today.
There are (probably?) still a few hours left if you are planning on doing it? It would be an easy way to ease into the conversation, unless your parents are busy laughing at "alla dem fags on da teevee".

No, I told my parents I'm gay. I don't know if they still know that, I think they thought it was a phase, but I told them at least, and they were fine with it.

Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-11 19:08:22

Wow, It's actually been eight years since I first came out here on Newgrounds! Unbelievable.

Though I didn't come out to my family for more than a full year after that.

A truly prophetic sig...

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Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-11 19:20:44

At 10/11/11 07:08 PM, Painbringer wrote: Wow, It's actually been eight years since I first came out here on Newgrounds! Unbelievable.

Yeah, Newgrounds is really cool in that they're supportive and accepting of gays. It's one of the reasons that I love the site so much.

Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-11 19:36:48

At 10/11/11 07:20 PM, Scarface wrote: Yeah, Newgrounds is really cool in that they're supportive and accepting of gays. It's one of the reasons that I love the site so much.

I don't think the users of NG really cared for us gays and bis back in '03/'04 - Except for a few high profile popular ones like Mr. C and Insomnia.

Also, NCOD 2003 happened less than four months after the US repealed all the sodomy laws.

I guess the NG community always had a place for us gay/bis (thanks to early support from Tom, Wade, and the rest of the NG staff) but just more-so these days.

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Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-11 20:49:10

Newgrounds is gay.

Seriously, I'm glad gays have a place in Newgrounds.

Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-11 21:54:19

At 10/11/11 08:49 PM, Scarface wrote: Newgrounds is gay.

The swarms of horny 12 year old straight boys (who primarily reside in the Portal) would beg to differ. But it is the BBS (General, mostly) where all the gays and flaming bis tend to hang out.

Seriously, I'm glad gays have a place in Newgrounds.

Until politics change, or the "pansexual" movement takes over, it shall hopefully remain that way.

A truly prophetic sig...

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-13 16:26:55

At 10/12/11 10:00 PM, KermitTheMuppet wrote: Excuse me guys, I have posted a relevant topic on General, and I was wondering if you would be so kind as perhaps look it over and give your thoughts?

And what a mature, intelligent discussion that turned out to be.

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The Noise I Make. || I'm not dead! || Confess. || AIM/MSN.

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Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-13 18:26:06

At 10/12/11 10:00 PM, KermitTheMuppet wrote: Excuse me guys, I have posted a relevant topic on General, and I was wondering if you would be so kind as perhaps look it over and give your thoughts?

Summery of my response which I'll post here:
Symbolic of equality.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-14 05:45:40

At 10/13/11 09:09 PM, KermitTheMuppet wrote:
At 10/13/11 04:26 PM, HungarianSupermarket wrote:
At 10/12/11 10:00 PM, KermitTheMuppet wrote: Excuse me guys, I have posted a relevant topic on General, and I was wondering if you would be so kind as perhaps look it over and give your thoughts?
And what a mature, intelligent discussion that turned out to be.
Jeez, I don't think anyone is letting this sink in for a moment:

We live in a Christian Culture

Yeah, you came to start an argument, not a discussion. And you can take it elsewhere. This is the most pathetic form of trolling.

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The Noise I Make. || I'm not dead! || Confess. || AIM/MSN.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-14 06:50:34

At 10/13/11 09:09 PM, KermitTheMuppet wrote: We live in a Christian Culture

I don't think you read that first amendment quite close enough.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..."

Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-15 00:09:26

At 10/14/11 06:50 AM, Scarface wrote: I don't think you read that first amendment quite close enough.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..."

If that were really reflective of our culture, then gay marriage wouldn't even be an issue. If we as a society were really true to the idea of separation of church and state, then gay marriage would be legal, as none of the arguments against it are secular.

I actually kind of agree with Kermit partially. I do think that churches, as private institutions, should have the right to choose whether they preform homosexual marriages or not, as separation of church and state goes both ways. Kermit is correct in saying that religious values that have existed for millenniums aren't going to change just like that at the will of a movement. The most effective, pragmatic approach is to address the issue on a purely legal level, legalizing homosexual marriage on a federal level and waiting for the church to catch up by its own volition.


whoa art what

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-16 13:07:38

At 10/15/11 12:09 AM, InsertFunnyUserName wrote:
At 10/14/11 06:50 AM, Scarface wrote: I don't think you read that first amendment quite close enough.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..."
I actually kind of agree with Kermit partially. I do think that churches, as private institutions, should have the right to choose whether they preform homosexual marriages or not, as separation of church and state goes both ways.The most effective, pragmatic approach is to address the issue on a purely legal level, legalizing homosexual marriage on a federal level and waiting for the church to catch up by its own volition.

Oh, I'm not at all saying that private churches should be forced to perform gay weddings. I'm just saying that legally, there shouldn't be an issue.

Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-19 06:31:14

At 10/16/11 01:07 PM, Scarface wrote: Oh, I'm not at all saying that private churches should be forced to perform gay weddings. I'm just saying that legally, there shouldn't be an issue.

Shouldn't being the key word. However, there is.

With regards to the idea of choice of churches to preform the ceremony, I reluctantly agree with the idea that churches would be able to decide. However, it would have to happen on one condition: Secularisation. The problem stands that if you call gay marriage a civil partnership, it's still different to a marriage, even if it's only in name. This creates a perception that civil partnerships are different (and therefore inferior) which leads to homophobia. If secularisation does not happen, then the church is seen to have more power than they really deserve in a post-modernist society, one characterised by choice.

Hopefully, with more secularisation and legalisation of the government for churches to preform gay marriage (NOT civil partnerships) which is equal in every way to heterosexual marriage, this will create competition among the churches who realise they're a symbol of an age long gone. Although I'm surprised the government hasn't lifted marriage out of the hands of the church and into the hands of the state.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-24 16:39:07

It's my 3-year-anniversary on Newgrounds.

Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-24 16:46:21

At 10/24/11 04:39 PM, Scarface wrote: It's my 3-year-anniversary on Newgrounds.

I don't think that's reason enough to bump our beloved club.

If it were your 3-year-anniversary of being with someone, male or female, that would reason enough to celebrate.

Either way, congrats on your recent achievement.

Oh, and my seven-year anniversary of being with Don is coming up in February - That's only five months away.

A truly prophetic sig...

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-24 16:53:07

At 10/24/11 04:46 PM, Painbringer wrote:
At 10/24/11 04:39 PM, Scarface wrote: It's my 3-year-anniversary on Newgrounds.
I don't think that's reason enough to bump our beloved club.

I was looking for a reason to bump it, but didn't have anything gay to say.

Oh, and my seven-year anniversary of being with Don is coming up in February - That's only five months away.

Well, congratulations to the both of you, I'm glad you two found eachother.

Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-24 19:20:35

At 10/24/11 04:53 PM, Scarface wrote: I was looking for a reason to bump it, but didn't have anything gay to say.

Not exactly a good thing to admit. But if you consider this club as your official homeroom here on NG, then I guess it would be okay.

Well, congratulations to the both of you, I'm glad you two found eachother.

Our relationship is nothing special, but it is holding itself together quite well, despite the lack of marriage.

A truly prophetic sig...

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-24 19:38:30

At 10/24/11 07:20 PM, Painbringer wrote:
At 10/24/11 04:53 PM, Scarface wrote: I was looking for a reason to bump it, but didn't have anything gay to say.
Not exactly a good thing to admit. But if you consider this club as your official homeroom here on NG, then I guess it would be okay.


Well, congratulations to the both of you, I'm glad you two found eachother.
Our relationship is nothing special, but it is holding itself together quite well, despite the lack of marriage.

Still, glad that you two are happy together, despite being unable to wed each other.

Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-24 19:56:26

At 10/24/11 07:38 PM, Scarface wrote: Er...uh...IT'S A GAY ANNIVERSARY FOR A GAY ACCOUNT ON A GAY WEBS-ah, fuck it.

Well, that was quite "gay" of you. :-P

Still, glad that you two are happy together, despite being unable to wed each other.

Oh, we are quite legally able to get married - We just don't feel the need to. That and I'm free to leave if I ever really have to.

A truly prophetic sig...

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-25 20:53:29

Do you feel like whenever someone (or something nearby, like a movie or a television show) makes a gay joke, everyone immediately looks at you to gauge your reaction? As though any gay joke at all is off-limits?

I sometimes wonder if my family does that around me.

Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-26 01:29:14

I'm not sure what's going on in the girls' minds when a gay joke shows up on TV, but I don't think they really care that much about what I think.

But maybe I've wondered that during the rare times I was over at my mom's.

A truly prophetic sig...

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Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-29 19:25:38

I've just left the UAE and moved back to the UK.

Homosexuality (and really anything apart from hetrosexuality) is banned in the UAE and as such I learned to suppress my sexual urges when there. But now that i'm back in the UK i'm interested in developing an active sex life. Problem is I haven't a fecking clue how to do so.

I go out clubbing with friends 2 or 3 times a week and we always have a great time. I just wish instead of attracting funny/weird female attention I could meet some other guys. I've so far had no luck with this baring two incredibly unattractive people I wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole.

Does anyone know anything I could do to increase my chances of meeting a nice guy?

Glitter and kisses :P

nobody goes there anymore. its too popular.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-29 21:11:01

At 10/29/11 07:25 PM, WaterShake wrote: I've just left the UAE and moved back to the UK.

I had no idea you were one of us - Or living in the UAE for that matter.


Does anyone know anything I could do to increase my chances of meeting a nice guy?
Glitter and kisses :P

Well, you could try coming out at the upcoming Manchester meet, but you might be the only gay guy there.

I honestly have no idea how to pick up guys in most public places.

A truly prophetic sig...

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-29 22:26:24

At 10/29/11 09:11 PM, Painbringer wrote:
At 10/29/11 07:25 PM, WaterShake wrote: I've just left the UAE and moved back to the UK.
I had no idea you were one of us - Or living in the UAE for that matter.


Thanks a bunch. I used to post on NG fairly regularly about a year ago, but that all kinda fell off a cliff once I got a full-time job and just ended up consumed by work. Feels good to be back now though, both on NG and in the UK :-)

Does anyone know anything I could do to increase my chances of meeting a nice guy?
Glitter and kisses :P
Well, you could try coming out at the upcoming Manchester meet, but you might be the only gay guy there.

Always kinda wanted to go to an NG meet. If there's ever one close by in Scotland i'd definitely consider swinging by.

I honestly have no idea how to pick up guys in most public places.

Yeah me neither, i'm always jealous of my mates who're able to get down to it pretty damn quickly. Whereas i'll see a guy, think he's cute, spend 5 minutes thinking is he/isn't he before getting distracted by a great song and completely forgetting about him.

I really can't imagine myself doing it but I think my only real chance would be to go to a gay clubnight :-O

nobody goes there anymore. its too popular.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-30 03:23:28

At 10/29/11 07:25 PM, WaterShake wrote: I've just left the UAE and moved back to the UK.

Welcome back to the internet.

I go out clubbing with friends 2 or 3 times a week
Does anyone know anything I could do to increase my chances of meeting a nice guy?

I wouldn't really reccommend trying to meet nice guys in clubs. Nobody really goes looking for relationships in bars. But if you are looking for sex, I can't reccommend it highly enough.

Try some gay dating sites or grindr if you have an iPhone, and see if there are any GLBT social groups in your area.

This is filler text.

The Noise I Make. || I'm not dead! || Confess. || AIM/MSN.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-30 08:39:25

At 10/30/11 03:23 AM, HungarianSupermarket wrote:
At 10/29/11 07:25 PM, WaterShake wrote: I've just left the UAE and moved back to the UK.
Welcome back to the internet.

I go out clubbing with friends 2 or 3 times a week
Does anyone know anything I could do to increase my chances of meeting a nice guy?
I wouldn't really reccommend trying to meet nice guys in clubs. Nobody really goes looking for relationships in bars. But if you are looking for sex, I can't reccommend it highly enough.

I'll bear this in mind. I don't really know exactly what i'm looking for but its definitely too early for sex.

Try some gay dating sites or grindr if you have an iPhone, and see if there are any GLBT social groups in your area.

I haven't got an iPhone but i'll have a nosey around online and see what's out there. Has anyone in this club got any experience with online dating services?

nobody goes there anymore. its too popular.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-30 16:06:31

At 10/30/11 08:39 AM, WaterShake wrote: I haven't got an iPhone but i'll have a nosey around online and see what's out there. Has anyone in this club got any experience with online dating services?

squirt.org (NSFW and 18+) is how I found my boyfriend.

A truly prophetic sig...

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Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-30 17:19:59

At 10/29/11 07:25 PM, WaterShake wrote: Does anyone know anything I could do to increase my chances of meeting a nice guy?

Try going to a gay bar alone.

Response to Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club 2011-10-30 17:23:41

At 10/30/11 05:19 PM, Scarface wrote:
At 10/29/11 07:25 PM, WaterShake wrote: Does anyone know anything I could do to increase my chances of meeting a nice guy?
Try going to a gay bar alone.

Club sluts aren't exactly relationship material.

This is filler text.

The Noise I Make. || I'm not dead! || Confess. || AIM/MSN.

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