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Reporting Seizure Material

4,585 Views | 69 Replies

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-07-26 16:30:41

beatlelover34 wrote:
:My brother has elipesy and thank god i watched this before he did

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-07-26 16:36:41

Ah yes. Seizures. Fun to watch, boring to diagnose.

20 cool points to anyone who gets the reference.

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-07-26 17:10:45

Lol, the bit about the 13 year old dying was hilarious... You really believe all of those are true? Wow..... Also, the only thing he did "wrong" was not make a warning.....That is all!

- email jrhager84@gmail if interested in voice acting/ music/ production/ mixing etc. -

BBS Signature

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-07-26 17:40:55

At 7/19/08 04:58 AM, toastofwar6789 wrote:
At 7/19/08 03:53 AM, wondergamer wrote:
squirrelhitter wrote:
<insert sob story of 13 year old bro dying>
Im still laughing!

That story is a fake. If his brother really died, he wouldn't make all of this spelling mistakes, neverthless to say he wouldn't type "username out".


BBS Signature

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-07-27 13:55:00

You know it's really sickening how you guys can have so little compassion for the human life. I know people who have had seizures from this type of crap. Maybe not died, but have been injured & hospitalized in the process. The attitudes of some of the people on here are downright disgusting.

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-07-30 11:08:46

onnut wrote:
:this could give someone a seisure and i dont care if u hate naruto but dond do shit like this

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-07-30 11:14:00

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-08-01 00:00:40

Pigletface does whatever it can to make poeple experince seizures... And I believe the person behind this has more than 1 account to comment on his creations!

Mah boi, this peice is what all true lawyers strive for.

BBS Signature

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-08-01 00:01:48

damn right, that is.

Mah boi, this peice is what all true lawyers strive for.

BBS Signature

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-08-01 00:23:42

I have lost all hope for newgrounds, you douchebags can't be serious for at least half of a thread.

BBS Signature

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-08-01 00:43:37

I actually have epilepsy, I've looked at some spam flash that had Strobing backgrounds and felt nauseous after a short while. After I closed the window the nausea abated, however I feel that if I had continued watching, I would have suffered a seizure, most likely a series of petite Mal seizures. However it could have devolved into a grand Mal seizure.

The topic of theoretically harmful content on the internet has been the subject of a great deal of debate for some time now; the harm being psychological in nature. (Mostly about violence and sex being available to minors.) However this is protected under the first amendment and several Supreme Court decisions.

However when actual PHYSICAL harm can be done to a specific group of people through the anonymity of the internet, it not only violates the law, but it opens up the door for injured parties to file litigation

The argument that one doesn't have to view an epileptic flash isn't very sound because the majority of the creators of such flash are spammers and take great pleasure in mislabeling flash.

I say that the spammers have more than enough rope, let's see them hang themselves on a gallows of their own making.

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-08-01 16:36:23

At 8/1/08 12:00 AM, ShannonTheScatman wrote: And I believe the person behind this has more than 1 account to comment on his creations!

This is what I was getting at before although some people will deny this. I've had the displeasure of posting reviews on this same guys stuff before, at which point he would just make another alt & scroll bad reviews off so that everything on the first page read "You rock!" or "This is the bomb."

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-08-01 16:38:31

wow that shit was crazy..i think ive seen faster though. Hopefully Wade will take care of it.

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-08-02 04:27:46

At 8/1/08 04:38 PM, Sawke wrote: Hopefully Wade will take care of it.

I'm thinking he's just ignoring it... I haven't heard anything on it. Even added a person in NG Security on AIM so that they could message him & that hasn't done any good.

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-08-05 10:11:17

:You nearly gave me a seizure as well this has nothing to do with naruto as well.

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-08-05 10:15:06

Try playing The Epilepsy Game. It's a brilliant game which apparently cures epilepsy.

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-08-05 10:18:48

I have seizure activity, not triggered by flashing lights.

I don't know though, flashes have flashing lights all the time, you should be careful if you have that kind of epilepsy when on flash sites.

I'd consider that flash as a spam flash more then a purposeful seizure flash.

For my next trick, I will need a condom and a volunteer.

BBS Signature

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-08-06 03:12:26

PwnedninjaR34 wrote:
:what the hell was that?!?!?!
:give someone an epileptic seziure, will ya!!!
:and...-ahem-...nice authors'comments.............

:if youre epilepitic uhh----ep--what...anyways, dont watch it it hurts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hornet111 wrote:
:I agree, it does and I hope that people who are epiliptic that like naruto will get a seizure. This
:amuses me!

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-08-06 03:14:56

ooo.... not good for the brain

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-08-06 03:15:15

i think there should be a warning lable for that...

Now with 100% more Steam! lI Minecraft you say? II XBL: WorseThanMonday II

BBS Signature

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-08-07 12:41:52

At 8/6/08 03:15 AM, xports wrote: i think there should be a warning lable for that...

Warning lables don't even cut it. It needs to be removed. I can only see lawsuits on NewGrounds if stuff like this is allowed to stay.

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-08-07 12:51:01

If you are serious about this, I honestly hope you go get seizured or what ever the hell you people call it, if you don't want to encounter seizure material get the fuck off the internet and stop watching the god damned television.

It is your duties not ours to be carefull about avoiding seizure material.

I have an allergy to kiwi fruit but you don't see me bitching and complaining because the super market still carries it.


BBS Signature

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-08-07 12:57:41

At 7/10/08 05:55 PM, wondergamer wrote: Supporting proof of this can be found here:
http://www.engadget.com/2008/03/29/hacke rs-embed-flashing-animations-on-epilepsy -support-forum/

If I recall that was 7chan hacking their forums.




BBS Signature

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-08-07 12:58:11

Its really no fucking use reporting them. They'll just keep on making them.

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-08-07 18:08:27

At 8/7/08 12:58 PM, lilcheeselad wrote: Its really no fucking use reporting them. They'll just keep on making them.

And I'll just keep reporting them. I will not drop this issue until this trash is removed. I'm about to write one of my online reviews on this so everybody who agrees my oppinion can come on here & post their disgust with retards like this. As I've said, I'm also working on getting some of these vids removed from YouTube as well. That review will be on there as well.

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-08-08 09:25:57

xXcompassionXx wrote:

Oh My God Seizures!

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-08-08 15:48:41

Appears that he also made another one that induces seizures:

http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/40 4006

However, this one is not as bad as the one I mentioned before.

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-08-08 15:52:12

well i think that if you are prone to seizures then dont watck seizure flash
its fun for the rest of us

BBS Signature

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-08-08 15:56:28

Aw screw this. Every one of his flashes are created for the purpose of inducing seizures.


I've been told that Wade does not care about this issue. I guess that means that he doesn't care if people get hospitalized over these types of submissions either. Therefore I will be starting my online reviews on this issue reguarding videos/flashes that induce seizures & heart attacks (YouTube & NewGrounds to start). I'm through with trying to get the head of NewGrounds to take the responsible actions.

Response to Reporting Seizure Material 2008-08-08 15:58:13

At 8/8/08 03:56 PM, wondergamer wrote: I'm through with trying to get the head of NewGrounds to take the responsible actions.

You're going to make a difference. Everyone cares what you say.

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