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That's not my finger...

13,830 Views | 178 Replies

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 14:40:55

Lucky, now you have got 2 penises.


BBS Signature

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 14:41:11

It looks like you have multiple tiny vags in on your finger.


Good luck with that I suppose.

And just like that....he was gone...

BBS Signature

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 14:43:57

At 3/25/07 02:30 PM, Metalix wrote:
At 3/25/07 02:15 PM, cementsocks wrote: Metalix, all I have to say---- needs moar pooper.

Go about pointing at people with it and dip it in peoples drinks to piss them off. You can be like the guy from scary movie 2 now.

It'll make you feel better.

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 14:49:19


Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 14:56:08

Ew, that shit is nasty man.

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 14:59:56

At 3/25/07 02:34 PM, Serbian-terrorist wrote:
At 3/25/07 01:53 PM, Metalix wrote: (Yes, I wont lie, every family here or everywhere in Bulgaria makes home-made brandy, called rakia.)
Hahaha ziveli za rakiju :D

Dizz iz ze finger speaking. I ze not speak srpski. Only romanian pleaze.


That's not my finger...

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 15:02:05

At 3/25/07 02:59 PM, Metalix wrote:
At 3/25/07 02:34 PM, Serbian-terrorist wrote:
At 3/25/07 01:53 PM, Metalix wrote:
Dizz iz ze finger speaking. I ze not speak srpski. Only romanian pleaze.

omfg your finger is evil lol

hello nowdie

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 15:06:28

I bet your girlfriend wont let you touch her special area with that hand.. Especially the scary vampire.

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 15:09:55

I wont beleive you untill oyu write my name on your finger >:(

Grass grows, Birds fly, Sun Shines, and bruddah, I hurt people.

BBS Signature

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 16:00:59

At 3/25/07 02:19 PM, Havayosunu wrote:

Help? I may lose my finger. :(
More pictures soon.
oh boy, i m really sad for ya. there s a sticky epidermal problem for me as well: probably because of kissing kittens, a part of my lip dried and fell. it s not really bad in fact, even it may not be a big problem. however now a little piece of my lip is gone =( and even i didnt kiss a girl from mouth yet!

Oh well, I feel sorry for you, but why the crap are you kissing kittens, dude? Those filthy furballs are full of diseases. But I do feel more sorry for you because you never kissed a girl mouth to mouth. Dude!

btw about rakia, we Turks have a national drink called raki. i tihnk it s relative with yours ;)

Yeah, we made it, everybody steals it. Unfair. >:[ We do have some left turkish words in our language like "tepe" or "manja" and many others.

once upon a time, Turks and Bulgarians were living together u kno

WRONG. Don't you study history? You turkey faggots kept us in slavery about 500 years. Thank God Vasil Levski saved our asses from your dirty hands that day on April.

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 16:01:57

I had an ORGASM just by seeing it LIKE OMFG!

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 16:04:09

Ew. It looks like a snake D:


Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 16:04:29

I would go see a doctor if I were you....

BBS Signature

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 16:05:08

Seriously dude these shit is nasty as hell chop that shit

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 16:06:07

i puked blood when I saw that thing!

Kill it with fire!

you were so high you chewed on candle wax for like an hour | Join the TF2 club.

(Gamertag: FrostedButts25)

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Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 16:06:21

...how in the hell does that wrinkled mass of flesh and bone look like a penis?

This thread is made of WIN.

(clever laughable phrase)

BBS Signature

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 16:06:24

At first I thought it looked just like a finger which had been in water for several hours. (Like when I burned mine.)

Then you held it next to your other fingers.. holy shit. You should go see a doctor. That's not the color it should have.

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 16:07:49

Lmao, that's the funniest thing I've seen all day.


BBS Signature

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 16:16:32

Ah man, that looks really bad. Let it aerate so it is not so wrinkly.

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 16:21:00


WTF is THAT!!!!

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 16:25:21

Hm, it's probably because it was moist for 8 hours. Dry it up, wait a day or two and the wrinkles should be gone.

But while i have the chance...


Please PM me for hot lesbian porn.

BBS Signature

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 16:43:13

fucking disgusting

I lol'd

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 16:48:28

thats pretty fucking funny man, and may i suggest... Freddy Kruger finger?

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 16:50:29

....dude you're gonna get banned for posting pics of your penis...you know that right?

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 16:51:38

That sucks for you index finger to be like that, it looks like you dug it up from a graveyard.

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 16:53:40


I wish I had a finger that looked like that.

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 16:55:36

I am your finger!

That's not my finger...

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 17:18:35

Use those scissors there and cut it off.

There is a war going on in you're mind. People and ideas all competing for you're thoughts. And if you're thinking, you're winning.

BBS Signature

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 17:22:08

At 3/25/07 01:55 PM, SuperFlonic wrote: I pitty thee for having such a penis.

Why is there a huge penis in the top left?

Response to That's not my finger... 2007-03-25 17:27:13


Looks like the stuff you put on your hand was soaked up by the skin, causing it to turn white and puffy. Like when you take a bath and you get pruny fingers- but I've never seen anything like THIS. WOW. I'd visit a different doctor this time.


oh no I am choking on a million dicks

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