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Doctor Who Crew

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-08-23 08:07:45

At 8/21/09 09:05 AM, TheMaster wrote: BBC Worldwide has signed a deal with Blinkbox, a UK online video service, to offer 300 hours of BBC archived content.

omg that would be awesome. I guess it would only be available in the uk though?

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-08-23 08:29:32

At 8/23/09 08:07 AM, Sticky wrote:
At 8/21/09 09:05 AM, TheMaster wrote: BBC Worldwide has signed a deal with Blinkbox, a UK online video service, to offer 300 hours of BBC archived content.
omg that would be awesome. I guess it would only be available in the uk though?

Dunno. Go to the website and see if it'll let you watch anything that's already up.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-08-23 12:26:54


BTW does anyone else have Dr who:the television companion book. It's amazing and I'd reccomend it to any who fan of the classic series who would like the whole of the classic series in one book. You can buy it here if you're interested. Although the new version costs a lot the old ones do have crummy paper so if you're loaded buy the new one.


Doctor who crew

Cinema club

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-08-26 03:11:01

At 8/23/09 08:29 AM, TheMaster wrote: Dunno. Go to the website and see if it'll let you watch anything that's already up.

Yeah, 'not available in your country' :'(

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-08-28 13:40:13

"Filming today took place at what appears to be a wartime bunker surrounded by barbed wire, and features the return of the Doctor's greatest adversary the Daleks! Only partially seen, it would appear to have a more 'traditional' grey colour scheme to those seen in recent series. As well as the regulars, actor Bill Paterson was also glimpsed during the rooftop scenes."

Doctor Who Crew

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-09-03 13:01:14

Watched Kinda, Snakedance and The King's Demons.

Kinda and Snakedance were pretty average. The Mara is a shit villain, and Adric was irritating as ever in Kinda, but they were still okay. King's Demons was better, if only for having The Master in it. Very short, and nothing much seemed to happen in it, though.

Just 11 left to watch now.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-09-03 19:24:12

At 8/28/09 01:40 PM, TheMaster wrote: "Filming today took place at what appears to be a wartime bunker surrounded by barbed wire, and features the return of the Doctor's greatest adversary the Daleks!"

Is this a joke? That is a really lame picture.

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-09-03 19:26:41

At 9/3/09 07:24 PM, Sticky wrote:
At 8/28/09 01:40 PM, TheMaster wrote: "Filming today took place at what appears to be a wartime bunker surrounded by barbed wire, and features the return of the Doctor's greatest adversary the Daleks!"
Is this a joke? That is a really lame picture.

It was happening on a roof, the pictures are from people hanging around outside, not official stuff.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-09-04 06:41:01

Is wikipedia telling the truth? Torchwood definitely has another season in the works? I thought it might after Children of Earth seemed to do pretty well.

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-09-07 18:47:40

This isn't news or anything but I've been watching reruns of series 3 and watched the episode 'gridlock' last night. Maybe I wasn't watching close enough but seems to me it has a lot of plot holes.

I mean if the drug bliss killed everyone in the city in 7 minutes then how does that leave survivors to get into the motorway years after? New new york is only 1 city. How come other cities don't come to rescue them? How come everyone is so god damn stupid not to realise a police car hasn't come to help them in over 6 or even 23 years?! If cars can get in why can't they get out now the virus has cleared? Why didn't the face of boe open up the roof? How can there still be operating pharmacists with everyone dead? Why aren't they dead?! I mean what kind of idiot writer would create this many plot holes in a script...

Doctor Who Crew

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-09-12 19:42:33

Watched "The Awakening".

I can't say I'm a fan of these two-part Davison episode, of which there are a few. They're just too short. This one had a pretty excellent concept, an alien device causing the 1600s to leak through into the 1980s and cause people participating in a war re-enactment to take things more and more seriously until they're actually trying to kill people, but it was all so horribly rushed that it just felt hollow.

150 down, 10 to go.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-09-12 19:51:16

Also, I just realised that as of the release of The Twin Dilemma, all of Colin Baker's serials are now on DVD. Shame the first doctor to get everything released is also the worst.

Still, upcoming DVD releases are good. Box set of Frontier in Space and Planet of the Daleks, and then Keys of Marinus. Still lacking a lot of essential Jon Pertwee, though. Only having one season 8 serial out is a disgrace.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-09-13 04:51:15

At 9/7/09 06:47 PM, Sticky wrote: This isn't news or anything but I've been watching reruns of series 3 and watched the episode 'gridlock' last night. Maybe I wasn't watching close enough but seems to me it has a lot of plot holes.

I mean if the drug bliss killed everyone in the city in 7 minutes then how does that leave survivors to get into the motorway years after? New new york is only 1 city. How come other cities don't come to rescue them? How come everyone is so god damn stupid not to realise a police car hasn't come to help them in over 6 or even 23 years?! If cars can get in why can't they get out now the virus has cleared? Why didn't the face of boe open up the roof? How can there still be operating pharmacists with everyone dead? Why aren't they dead?! I mean what kind of idiot writer would create this many plot holes in a script...

Nitpick supression time...
The survivors and their ploy can be explained by the fact that the whole disaster was orchestrated by the then-evil masterminds Macra, they wanted to kill enough people off so that nobody outside the city found out what was going on but left survivors so that they would run the motorway and generate the toxic gases they needed to survive.
Most of the survivors were pretty ignorant and conformistically adapted to the horrible situation brought upon them.
The Face of Boe couldn't sacrifice himself to save the city yet because he needed to warn the Doctor about You Are Not Alone, which works as a major plot device later.
Also, RTD may not please the audience with lesser attention-paying capabilities, but look at it this way: when he's gone, it'll all be nightmare fuel galore...

Doctor Who Crew

I'm afraid you'll have to speak up.

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-09-13 21:57:29

At 9/13/09 04:51 AM, MrDark01234 wrote: Nitpick supression time...

oh right lol. Even though the macra were just unintelligent beasts by this time and boe's message to the doctor didn't help him in any way at all hahaha.

Can't wait until series 5 =D

BBS Signature

Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-09-21 14:23:04

The Mind of Evil has been recoloured for a DVD release. About time it got a release, it's an excellent serial. No date for it yet, but I'd expect November at the earliest, since releases are generally once a month, and next month sees a box set of Frontier in Space and Planet of the Daleks released.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-09-26 21:46:52

Watched Planet of Fire and The Twin Dilemma, meaning I've watched all Peter Davison and Colin Baker serials now.

Planet of Fire was particularly good as far as Davison episodes go. It's not "Caves of Androzani" good, but better than most.

Twin Dilemma was awful. Possibly even worst serial ever awful. The Doctor is so intensely unlikaeble in it it's painful to watch.

Just Sylvester McCoy to go.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-09-27 12:36:46

Hey just popping in to say I love Doctor Who and I'm making a Doctor Who cartoon as we speak. It's a low term animation though... probably won't be seen till next summer.

Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-09-27 12:53:06

At 9/26/09 09:46 PM, TheMaster wrote: Just Sylvester McCoy to go.

Are you going through every single serial of every Doctor?

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-09-27 13:13:46

At 9/27/09 12:53 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote:
At 9/26/09 09:46 PM, TheMaster wrote: Just Sylvester McCoy to go.
Are you going through every single serial of every Doctor?

Yes, but not in order. I just watched whatever for ages, and then went back to the start and filled in all the gaps. I've seen all but 6 serials now.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-09-27 19:57:41

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-09-29 05:51:59

At 9/27/09 12:53 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: Are you going through every single serial of every Doctor?

I am. Very very slowly haha stupid dead torrents.

At 9/27/09 07:57 PM, TheMaster wrote: This is amazing.

Agreed. I love the effects lol

BBS Signature

Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-09-29 15:10:38

Does anyone buy Doctor Who Magazine? I don't usually unless there's something good in it, like "The Mighty 200" issue. I've been reading that and I strongly disagree with some of the choices, particularly The Caves of Androzani coming first and Blink (very overhyped in my opinion, it's not even scary) coming in second. Don't get me wrong, I think they're great episodes. At least Genesis came third.

I'm also angry that The Invasion of Time wasn't even in the bottom 10. Guess the sixth Doctor sucks too much.


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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-09-29 16:29:22

At 9/29/09 03:10 PM, dogpup4 wrote: Does anyone buy Doctor Who Magazine? I don't usually unless there's something good in it, like "The Mighty 200" issue. I've been reading that and I strongly disagree with some of the choices, particularly The Caves of Androzani coming first and Blink (very overhyped in my opinion, it's not even scary) coming in second. Don't get me wrong, I think they're great episodes. At least Genesis came third.

Caves and Blink certainly aren't as good as Genesis. Both excellent, but Genesis is near perfect as far as 4th Doctor serials go.

I'm also angry that The Invasion of Time wasn't even in the bottom 10. Guess the sixth Doctor sucks too much.

Invasion of Time is pretty shit, but Sixth Doctor is consistently awful. Trial of a Time Lord is okay in places, but overall he's just dreadful.

What were the full lists, by the way?

I'd go:
1. The Daemons
2. Genesis of the Daleks
3. The Mind of Evil
4. The Curse of Peladon
5. Tomb of the Cybermen
6. The Ark In Space
7. City of Death
8. The Dalek Invasion of Earth
9. Caves of Androzani
10. The Seeds of Death

For the top 10.

1. Love and Monsters
2. The Twin Dilemma
3. Vengeance on Varos
4. Fear Her
5. Four to Doomsday
6. Revelation of the Daleks
7. Midnight
8. Partners in Crime
9. Journey's End
10. Invasion of the Dinosaurs

For the bottom 10.

Actually, thinking about it, I prefer some Sixth Doctor stuff to most of RTD's episodes.

Hartnell and Troughton don't really have any "bad" episodes. There are some that are worse than others, but none get really cringe worthy like later Doctor stuff does. Pertwee and Baker can carry an episode by themselves, especially in Baker's case. I'd rank Invasion of the Dinosaurs in the bottom 10 for the insanely bad effects, ridiculous plot, and the way Mike Yates was turned into a villain for no real reason. Other than that, Pertwee is very solid and overall is easily my favourite Doctor.

Beyond that, Davison is generally good. He's likeable enough to carry an average episode, but lacks any of the real charm or charisma that Baker had, so while Baker can make almost anything enjoyable, no matter how bad the rest of the episode, Davison can't. Four to Doomsday is probably his worst, if only for the shockingly bad ending where the episodes just sort of stops, without any real build up or tension.

Colin Baker is shit through no fault of his own, being incredibly unlikeable because that's the way they decided to write him. It just doesn't work. You can't hate the Doctor and still enjoy the show. His only tolerable episodes are ones carried by the villain, and even then they're only average. Even the Daleks couldn't save Revelation, though.

McCoy is pretty average as The Doctor, but Ace is an awesome companion, so that helps a lot of otherwise average episodes to become good. Maybe his pre-Ace stuff is worse, I've only seen one of them, and it was pretty poor, saved by being absolutely batshit insane.

McGann movie is watchable but doesn't really count as an episode. Also has that criminal line that tries to make out that the Doctor is half human, which has been denied several times since.

Eccleston is a great Doctor backed by a poor writing staff, although not as bad as what Colin Baker had to put up with. When someone competent (read: Steven Moffat) writes for him, he's really good, but with RTD behind most of his episodes, he just seems wasted.

Tennant suffers from much of what Eccleston did, but isn't quite as likeable as he often comes off as smug when he supposed to be coming off as witty. Benefits from Moffat's fantastic writing, but is also crippled by Davies' tripe.

That post was way longer than I intended.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-10-01 18:31:50

I watched Dimensions In Time.

It was one of the most bizarre things I have ever seen. I have no idea what happened.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-10-02 06:42:55

http://www.blinkbox.com/TV/Series/343/Do ctor-Who-The-Classic-Series

That blinkbox has the episodes up now. Just The Sensorites, The Web Planet, Tomb of the Cybermen and The Krotons so far.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-10-02 10:59:41

Fuck the BBC.

Just got the Planet of the Daleks box set, and they've changed the box art style from all the previous releases. Not hugely, but it is different.

Thankfully they've included an original style box art on the reverse of the sleeve, so you can take it out and swap it over (they did this with K9 and Company, too), but it's still a bit irritating.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-10-06 12:32:34

New logo.

I like it more than the old one.

Doctor Who Crew

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-10-06 22:47:29

At 10/6/09 12:32 PM, TheMaster wrote: New logo.

I like it more than the old one.

It's pretty much the same as they had when the show started lol

I like the tardis shaped thing even if it is a bit tacky.

BBS Signature

Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-10-07 03:30:24

Watching "The Mind of Evil" has brought lots of congruence with the doctor's rebirth in "Last of the Time Lords".

If only those classic serials were more accessible. "Mind of Evil", "Genesis of the Daleks", "Revenge of the Cybermen and "An Unearthly Child" are the only I've been able to get at so far.

More unbridled Doc Who comedy.

And somehow, I still feel I'm doing it wrong when it comes to express fandom.

Doctor Who Crew

I'm afraid you'll have to speak up.

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2009-10-08 18:54:23

Blue Peter are having a contest for kids to design a console room for the new TARDIS. Presumably it'll just be a case of The Doctor using it as the "desktop theme" for the TARDIS for a few seconds before settling on whatever it's going to end up like. Honestly, I'm hoping it goes back to something simpler in the end. Not keen on any of the extravagant ones, not the current one or the 4th Doctor wooden one.

At 10/7/09 03:30 AM, MrDark01234 wrote: Watching "The Mind of Evil" has brought lots of congruence with the doctor's rebirth in "Last of the Time Lords".

How so? The stuff with The Master seeing The Doctor laughing at him?

If only those classic serials were more accessible. "Mind of Evil", "Genesis of the Daleks", "Revenge of the Cybermen and "An Unearthly Child" are the only I've been able to get at so far.

There's loads out on DVD, and all of them were released on VHS. You can get them on the internet through more questionable means, too.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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