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Hardest game of all time?

2,890 Views | 77 Replies

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 20:45:17

uhhh hmmm,....Splinter Cell, im not good at those kinds of games....but if i see any1 say the hardest game is disgaea or makai kingdom, i will laugh like the damned

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 20:46:51

alien hominid was pretty hard

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 20:48:42

Old school Contra, without cheats

up down up down left right left right a b a b [start]

"Something creative."

BBS Signature

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 20:50:15

Not the game fully, but the 4th boss on Body Harvest was a toal BITCH.

I have only ever completed it once, and i've had that game neraly 7 YEARS now.

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 20:53:33

well personally i'd have to say splinter cell chaos theory because I could never complete the second mission

BBS Signature

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 20:54:33

Pac-man. I can't seem to beat it. All of those dots, fruit and damn ghosts.

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 20:57:29

Ninja Gaiden Black: MASTER NINJA MODE. The creater only expects 1000 people to ever beat it! And 3 hits, you're dead! I have a tough time with Very Hard! =O

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 21:05:49

The dump truck levels on Blast Corps were tough cause you had to swing the damn things tail end into buildings to destroy them.

I have no idea how Marble Madness can be beaten without cheats. I can't beat it even when I save state. Ghouls and Ghosts? Super is a nightmare.

The original TMNT nes game is damn hard. I've only beaten it with a game genie.

Time Lord is rediculous. There's a clam boss on the pirate level that just hops around, and I can't figure out how to attack it. teh edn.

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 21:32:33

At 2/25/06 09:29 PM, Funkybob2 wrote:
At 2/25/06 12:12 PM, Liquid_Snake12607 wrote:
At 2/25/06 11:52 AM, Liquid_Snake12607 wrote: hard mode on the playstation version of metal gear solid, you never get a radar & you cant aim or move camra angles around corners
can any one tell me how to contact meryl?
Her Codec Number is on the back of game package in one of the screenshots.

Its a secret technique to stop people copying the game.
Oh i have to look on the back of the box? Shit i have no box.

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 21:34:45

At 2/25/06 12:01 PM, Beretta wrote: Devil May Cry 3 on Dante Must Die mode is fucking impossible


Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 21:39:01

AH was a really hard game the first time around.


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Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 21:41:21

At 2/25/06 11:29 AM, MarioBegins wrote: What do you think is hardest side-scrolling game ever made, I've narrowed it down to the arcade version of Karnov, Metal Slug 3, Contra, and Ghost n' Goblins.

Metal Slug 3 is easy! Well, for me atleast...

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 21:51:44

At 2/25/06 09:50 PM, _Spawn_ wrote: Here are some of the hardest games that i know of

Castlevania ( NES )

Ikaruga ( Dreamcast )

Gunstar Super Heroes ( Game Boy Advance )

Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening ( PS2 )

Tekken 5---on the highest difficulty setting ( PS2, Arcade )

Tell me if i may have missed some

Ninja Gaiden was really hard......original, not black

BBS Signature

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 21:52:54

Spider man and Carnage or something like that for the SNES.

I still play it like once a day, and I only ever gotten to the part with Captain America :(

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 21:54:04

I could never beat grand theft auto 3.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

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Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 21:54:46


I doubt that anyone on NG has actually beat the game fair and square.


oh no I am choking on a million dicks

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Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 21:54:59

devil may cry 1-3 and the resi games(except Zero, I own zombies on that one.)

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 22:01:43

At 2/25/06 11:30 AM, Noob-Antichrist wrote: Alien Hominid is fairly tough, Area 51 is anyway

Area 51 wasnt that tough, I beat it in about 3 days anyway. Problem with that game is that when you turn into a mutant, the game gets less and less interesting.

BBS Signature

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 22:03:19

At 2/25/06 11:32 AM, smallydude wrote: Blockdude for the TI83+ calculator. Now that's fucking hard.

They only had 11 levels. It took me awhile but I solved it single-handedly.

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 22:04:39

At 2/25/06 11:32 AM, smallydude wrote: Blockdude for the TI83+ calculator. Now that's fucking hard.

Rofl, block dude is so hard.


BBS Signature

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 22:04:39

Hardest sidescrollers, I can't think of anything that hasn't already been said.

As for hardest game period. Civilization IV on Deity level (or whatever they named the highest level).

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 22:06:24

At 2/25/06 11:50 AM, Cryptos_Painbringer wrote:
At 2/25/06 11:31 AM, DanAbnormal wrote: The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time; MASTER QUEST.

Man it's fucking hard. The first dungeon is fucking hard.
Er...no it isn't.

The only difficult dungeon I found was the water one. I think it's third?

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 22:07:15

Am I the only one who played Alien Soldier for the Genesis?

Alien Soldier

Find it, play it, cry like a bitch, repeat as needed.

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 22:08:28

Oh yeah! For Blockdude, the password for the last level is wTF.

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 22:09:28

ET. It was never finished, so they made the last level impossible.

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 22:10:12

The Namco arcade game Galaga.

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 22:13:34

the swat a fly mini game on mario paint for the snes. not one person on earth has ever beaten it.

my youtube.

click it.

BBS Signature

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 22:14:26

pacman. Most irritating game was Super Mario Sunshine. that was a dissapointment.

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 22:14:45

Any game you play on a emulator is hard enough, because it's not the real feel of the original game.

Response to Hardest game of all time? 2006-02-25 22:16:36

Age of empires 3 cheatless, It takes fucken hours.