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The Audio Forum Lounge

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Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 08:16:55

I have no idea why people upload music that isn't by themselves... after all someone will notice anyway.
Is it just to gain fans? Because I'd never want to gain fans that way, I want to gain fans for what I do, not for what someone else made.
Anyway, zellers, just make sure all stolen songs get off, and don't be such a fool again. I forgive you.

And also, it's on the other side of the world for me but hey... YAY FOR OBAMA!
I watched the video of his speech, really nice, I believe he'll bring change

Also, my old Frozen mind song reached top30 after all that time ^_^ finally some exposure during my months-long writers block.

I'm just not touching FL for a while now, I made countless parts for songs, but couldn't get anything finished. So maybe it'll go better if I don't even touch FL for some weeks.

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 08:18:45

At 11/5/08 05:26 AM, Everlasting-Elements wrote:
At 11/5/08 05:20 AM, WritersBlock wrote: Dreamscaper has invented excuses to avoid the guilt of his blatant violation of the rules.
What were the excuses he used? Did he, actually, get away with it?

You can read some of them here.

And all his submissions are gone and he's lost submitting priveliges, so no. He didn't get away with it.

READ: "A Fear of Great Heights" and other forthcoming adventures right HERE

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Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 10:06:15

At 11/5/08 09:32 AM, Chronamut wrote: just let it go.

What did you expect? "Oh hey, he stole some music, but it's ok, he used to be a respected member of the audio portal, so it's all cool now ;D"
He's stuck to his excuses, so why persecute Darkside and myself for sticking to our responses? The topic comes up, I state my opinion. If the topic doesn't come up, I state nothing.

If you submitted stolen music, I'd be bitterly disappointed. If you cut the bullshit I wouldn't hold it against you, but if you kept up the excuses, then I'd treat you just like Dreamscaper.

READ: "A Fear of Great Heights" and other forthcoming adventures right HERE

Signature Picture by: Spartan204

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Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 10:23:51

At 11/5/08 10:06 AM, WritersBlock wrote:
At 11/5/08 09:32 AM, Chronamut wrote: just let it go.
What did you expect? "Oh hey, he stole some music, but it's ok, he used to be a respected member of the audio portal, so it's all cool now ;D"
He's stuck to his excuses, so why persecute Darkside and myself for sticking to our responses? The topic comes up, I state my opinion. If the topic doesn't come up, I state nothing.

If you submitted stolen music, I'd be bitterly disappointed. If you cut the bullshit I wouldn't hold it against you, but if you kept up the excuses, then I'd treat you just like Dreamscaper.

100% behind him on this one Chron. My tolerance and forgiving meter pretty much vanish the second people try to get away with it. Also i'd like to point out Dreamscaper had to be caught THREE TIMES on seperate occasions before we wiped him out. We gave him his chance, ample times, he did, and still does, deserve what he got.

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 11:03:51

At 11/5/08 10:31 AM, Chronamut wrote: *grumbles* yea I suppose you're right..

I'm sure you can see where I am coming from though - me - and a lot of other people - looked up to him - he was amazing, and he is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet - which is one reason why AI still can't get it into my head that he is a dispicable person - and when I see you guys just tearing him up, it makes me angry - angry that you could just tear into a person like that, someone who has been here so long - just makes everything seem so fleeting - like we are all standing on a needle and onhe move will have our fans devour us..

I don't want to be the bad guy here. It was a shame, what happened, and I do somewhat understand where you're coming from. I trust a lot of you guys, I didn't really know Dreamscaper like you did. Mistakes were made, and it's under that pressure when people sink or swim. It was terribly unfortunate that he didn't do anything with his second chances, and the fact that he was such a hug role model made everything all the more real. It wasn't just some random nobody, falling off their little kiddie's chair, Dreamscaper let a lot of people down, a seemingly trustworthy figure, he just so happens to be the perfect example for theft. If you think of the situation he's in at the moment, he's a musician, with friends and fans on Newgrounds. He's been put on display, fallen from his high pedestal, but it's just Newgrounds. If the same thing happened in real life, he'd be stuffed. He's lucky, that's for sure, and life goes on. I didn't mean to offend, Chronamut. You've got my respect, even if I don't agree with you 100% of the time.

READ: "A Fear of Great Heights" and other forthcoming adventures right HERE

Signature Picture by: Spartan204

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Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 11:03:46

Dreamscaper theft... lol, WASAI, lyrics would be something similiar to a Robin Hood -type of ballad, but with the difference that DS was stealing music, and had the funniest excuses for doing what he did - funniest evaaar.
On second thought, there's no recemblance with Robin Hood at all. He totally ruined the whole "hey this guy seem cool the times i've had contact with him" by attempting to defy gravity with his explosive diharrea, ass pointing upwards. Gravity won, and DS ended up with shit in his face.

Hey somone should WASAI about that diharrea-takeoff instead oklol.

thinking fresh prince in bel-air -ish lyrics. rawr.

Wakka wakka

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 11:21:34

At 11/5/08 08:16 AM, MICHhimself wrote: I have no idea why people upload music that isn't by themselves... after all someone will notice anyway.

Dude, lets ask zellers. A man on the inside. Like Hannibal Lector helps catch cannibals, while still in his cell. Mwuahaha!

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 13:46:20

Woo big boring posts.
Really tempted to copy and paste a load of "qrbrtbwrthbqerb" - but, I'll refrain. <3

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 14:19:05

I'll be DJing some dnb at my campus radio today at 3. If anyone's interested try the mp3 stream.

According to rig, it wasn't working last year, and I doubt they fixed anything :/

quarl BandCamp

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 15:11:46

mp2 doesn't work/ I'm not doing my show. Better luck next week :C

quarl BandCamp

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 15:22:09

At 11/5/08 11:26 AM, Chronamut wrote: I just wish you wouldnt hate him so much as a PERSON - sure he fucked up - but since as you mentioned this ISNT real life - there is no reason you can't still like him on a person basis - you can hate him for his musical actions but please don't go around slandering him - you really don't know him at all - I do, like you said. I've actually talked to him in real life,..

In real life, i would choose not to be friends with somone who constantly lies and is full of shit. Now, DS may not be this extreme (as an old frie d of mine was, whom I have had no contact with in many many years. I belive he's a fullblown mythomaniac), but the fact that he got more than one chanse and blew them all...
Like you say it's not real life this, but maybe you shouldn't interpret everyone who've chosen to take distance from him as "RL DS haters" either. My point is that what happens on the internet not nessecarily should be interpret completley serious either.
I'd totally take e-distance from DS for being an ass due to fucking up more than one chanse, causing trouble for the mods - but mainly for his bullshit reasons for submitting stolen material. I take e-distance, note the word.

In real life I dont know the guy, but it's fully possible that he's awesome and all that. But then again, we're not interacting in real life here, this is all the Intrawebz, and therefore my choise of turning my back on him is an easy one.
Intruhwublz, yo.

Wakka wakka

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 15:22:22

Hey, did any of you dudes participate in the world-wide student protests against the commercialization of education systems in your countries? As I understand, protests were held in a whole lot of countries in the entire world. I even got to be on TV as a part of an angry mob yelling "Free education" and shit.

Strange, I've been a student for about four weeks, and already I'm protesting... XD

BBS Signature

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 16:20:15

At 11/5/08 04:11 PM, Chronamut wrote:
At 11/5/08 03:22 PM, Hades0013 wrote: Hey, did any of you dudes participate in the world-wide student protests against the commercialization of education systems in your countries? As I understand, protests were held in a whole lot of countries in the entire world. I even got to be on TV as a part of an angry mob yelling "Free education" and shit.

Strange, I've been a student for about four weeks, and already I'm protesting... XD
um.. never heard of it?

Yeah, well, Canada wasn't on the list of countries, meaning you probably have free colleges, right?

You see, in Croatia, only a small percentage of students that have scored best on the ranking tests (which you have to pass to get into college) have the right to go to college without any paying. I'm lucky enough to be one of those people, but the rest have to pay quite a lot of money to go to college, even though our education system is financed from the tax-payer's money. Obviously, this falls into the "Major-League Suck" category, and that's why we protested. Just like people from France, UK, the US, Chile and a whole lot of other countries.

BBS Signature

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 17:26:25

Dude I totally didn't have a clue about any protest?

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 17:32:03

At 11/5/08 05:26 PM, Ambimetric wrote: Dude I totally didn't have a clue about any protest?

Well, there definitely should have been one, but I'm not really sure to what extent do these things go in other countries. Perhaps it was only in a few cities, so you didn't get to hear about it.

BBS Signature

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 17:55:59

If you're in on the notion that education is a right, not a privilege I'm with you on that argument. Dumping all that money to gain nothing is absolute bullshit. They have a right to be heard.

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 19:24:13

At 11/5/08 12:36 PM, Chronamut wrote: wait I take back some of what I said - did you not READ the response dreamscaper said to you writersblock? The "second" chance given to dreamscaper was in fact unfairly ripped away from him. After submitting ben sage's song he didnt in fact ever submit stolen music ever again - however - when he committed his first crime, he sent a pm to wade, asking him to delete all the songs.. aw fuck this i'm just going to paste this in and you can ALL read it:

Yes I did read that, all of it, and I did not reply because he'd probably just delete/ban from the newspost.
Chronamut, I've been shown solid proof that he got what he deserved. Yes, his side of the story does sound convincing, but I don't believe what he says on the topic because of the iron clad truth. He stuffed up his chances, and he tried to deceive us. I'd never have ripped on him like I have done without taking his side of the story into the equation. In fact, I'd have much more respect for him if he just said "you know what? I made a mistake. And after that I made another one. And another. And I had no good reason to do what I did."

Sorry Chron, but you're not going to change my thoughts on Dreamscaper as a musician. All I can do is say that he stole and lied about it. If you see that as a personal attack, then maybe you just take everything a little too personally. :/

READ: "A Fear of Great Heights" and other forthcoming adventures right HERE

Signature Picture by: Spartan204

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Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 19:36:34

Ha well...that is true. I do like pie.

..............The Guide to Newgrounds Audio

Latest Track: Phoenix

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Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 20:35:26

This cake is fucking amazing.



pervokatively provocative perverted person

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 20:49:22

Hey, lets not argue, and instead talk about how much you love Envy


At 3/27/11 10:22 PM, sugarsimon wrote:

the brilliant songs who create a production for music


Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 21:07:05

At 11/5/08 08:49 PM, Envy wrote: Hey, lets not argue, and instead talk about how much you love Envy




Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 21:21:18

At 11/5/08 08:35 PM, ZENON wrote: This cake is fucking amazing.

Mah pie is amazing. I made layered pies.. with pumpkin on the bottom, and cheesecake on top.

Natural talent in cooking and music? Hellz yes! ahahaha! =D

At 1/16/12 03:08 AM, Xyresic wrote: EchozAurora: The SEXY Audio Mod. (2019 edit lol not anymoar)

Check out soundcloud.com/echozaurora for more recent songs and DJ mixes!

BBS Signature

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 21:33:45

At 11/5/08 09:21 PM, EchozAurora wrote:
Mah pie is amazing. I made layered pies.. with pumpkin on the bottom, and cheesecake on top.

Natural talent in cooking and music? Hellz yes! ahahaha! =D

Cooking and music? You mean like this guy?

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 21:35:12

At 11/5/08 09:21 PM, EchozAurora wrote:
At 11/5/08 08:35 PM, ZENON wrote: This cake is fucking amazing.
Mah pie is amazing. I made layered pies.. with pumpkin on the bottom, and cheesecake on top.

Natural talent in cooking and music? Hellz yes! ahahaha! =D

I love baking, but I tend to do breads rather than cakes or pies. I make a WICKED stew also. Got some in the crockpot right now, almost done... smellls delicious.

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 21:41:43

At 11/5/08 09:33 PM, gregaaron89 wrote:
At 11/5/08 09:21 PM, EchozAurora wrote:
Mah pie is amazing. I made layered pies.. with pumpkin on the bottom, and cheesecake on top.

Natural talent in cooking and music? Hellz yes! ahahaha! =D
Cooking and music? You mean like this guy?


Hmm.. I wonder if there is a correlation between cooking skill and musical ability..

any thoughts?

At 1/16/12 03:08 AM, Xyresic wrote: EchozAurora: The SEXY Audio Mod. (2019 edit lol not anymoar)

Check out soundcloud.com/echozaurora for more recent songs and DJ mixes!

BBS Signature

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 21:42:58

At 11/5/08 09:41 PM, EchozAurora wrote: Hmm.. I wonder if there is a correlation between cooking skill and musical ability..

any thoughts?

I didn't really start cooking until after I started studying music (both within the last three years).

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 22:12:11

Music is a lot like a recipie I guess...

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 22:27:14

At 11/5/08 09:07 PM, Chronamut wrote: and lol - canadians have to pay to go to college and university unless they are super smart and get scholarships - that's the way it should be - too many kid's parents pay for their education and then they just drop out. You want an education? WORK FOR IT!

Yeah, it's the same in Aus here. You pay a bit, the government helps out a bit, but it's entirely based on grades. Private universities suck. There's only one private uni in Western Australia, and I went there a while back. They said pretty much that you need to have pretty good grades, but if you can afford the upfront costs then you're in. Fuck that, I got into Curtin uni through grades alone.

READ: "A Fear of Great Heights" and other forthcoming adventures right HERE

Signature Picture by: Spartan204

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Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 22:38:16

Envy...you're OK.

I like pie better than most cake.

Arguing over.

Forum closed.


..............The Guide to Newgrounds Audio

Latest Track: Phoenix

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Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2008-11-05 22:59:55


Help me, guys! I've been in the General forum for unhealthy amounts of time and I need an intervention! D:

____________________________Bel-Air remixes! You must listen!____________________________

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