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psychic club

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Response to psychic club 2005-07-11 23:04:40

Lol, I know there isn't a scientific explanation to everything (despite wishing there could be, I'm aware that everything would be boring that way...), I'm just asking questions.
I'm not one to talk about things I don't understand, so here I am.

Response to psychic club 2005-07-11 23:58:17

Actually psi has been explained to the best of Scientists knowledge. I believe even less now that it is all spiritual now though, at least psi balls and shields etc... The feel of the energy feels nothing like spiritual energy. It feels like when you jump on the trampoline on a hot day and build up static. To me it feels almost EXACTLY like that. I dont know about empathy and the others though. When I do Empathy It dosent feel the same as psi balls, shields, etc... I could just be making a guess here, but maybe Empathy, telepathy and out of body and things like like that have nothing to do with psi balls, shields, and telekinieses. Just a thought...

Response to psychic club 2005-07-12 00:05:59

Oh yeah! Im making a website.. If you guys want to check it out


Its about psi. I need some articles for the tutorial section if any of you would likes to contribute. The website is not done yet though.. If you do want to email me a tutorial to put up email me at joshshanet@aol.com

Pardon, I couldnt get the link feature to work.

Response to psychic club 2005-07-12 12:42:53

can you please tell me what you mean by "psi balls"? it makes me think of orbs which are basicly just spirits in a spiritual ball form. But making spirits is impossible. is it some kind of energy of yourself which you concetrate to your hand, used for healing or something? You should make a tutorial of that on your site soon.
Your shielding tutorials are good, but you should add that you can make a visualisation technique yourself.

BBS Signature

Response to psychic club 2005-07-12 12:46:50

Psi is just energy from your subconsious. An area in your mind. Check out Psipog.net for more tutorials. psimog.tk dosent have as many though because it is a new website....

Response to psychic club 2005-07-12 13:16:14

lol i succeeded the first step alreadyO_O But visualizing the electricity-like energy around my hands is difficult, it also felt alot like aura. Is that normal?

BBS Signature

Response to psychic club 2005-07-12 20:54:35

At 7/12/05 01:16 PM, Whirlguy wrote: lol i succeeded the first step alreadyO_O But visualizing the electricity-like energy around my hands is difficult, it also felt alot like aura. Is that normal?

no idea, i can't see an arua except in freak times or i can't make psi balls ect. i'll just stick to divining for me. allright have to get my tarot card out.

Between the idea And the reality

Between the motion And the act, Falls the Shadow

An argument in Logic

BBS Signature

Response to psychic club 2005-07-12 21:18:37

At 7/11/05 09:42 PM, CaylC wrote: Note: Anything said in this post is not intentionally offensive. Please read it entirely before replying.

Okay as long as u don't try to offend then all is ok!

In all honesty, I've never believed in psychics. I've never had any real proof and to be quite honest, I have never desired any proof. After reading this topic, I'm still not convinced, but I do try to enter things with an open mind. Think of me as the nosy neighbor with good intentions, but doesn't really do much.

Proof exists only to those that decide for it to be fake. No offense to u.

Now, I have some questions because I like to flatten out the details.

Bring em on!

1. Have you ever lied and told someone that you had a special mental ability? (i.e. "I can read your mind", "I can predict the future", etc.) On or off the Internet, it doesn't matter.
Keep in mind, you don't have to answer these out loud.

Well I am sure that there probly were moments when I was much younger. I am actually very open about who I am. I tell ppl things about what I do that most ppl want to commit me. If ppl cant accept who I am I don't care.

2. If you truly believe that you have a special power or unlocked sense, when did you become aware of it? Was it after hearing someone talk about it or before? Can you turn it on or off?

Some of my powers are at my command for the most part and I can turn them "on and off". Others are pretty random but tend to be hard to control on will. As for when I learned... I have always had them. Sometimes I was more in controll than at other times. When I was in middle school it was a hard time for me and they were practically inactive. This past year I have really advanced in my skills and have awakened my forgotten knowledge and am still awaiting more.

3. Again, if you really think you have a gift, how many times has it been a controlled act? Was it an accident? Could it possible just be a coincidence? On purpose? Were you aware at the time that you were committing a supernatural act? (I can't think of the proper wording, so I used supernatural...)

Supernatural is a good word. I sort of answered ur question above. I like to use different words in different situations when talking to ppl. Sometimes I use paranormal, psychic, spiritual, magick(k distinguishes between real and stage) and others.

4. Think of examples of your abilities. Are you positive it happened? Could your moving a piece of paper really just be the air conditioning turning back on and you not noticing? Could your reading someone's mind really just be them going along with what you said?

Well there are many examples of my abilities, but that would take along time to list some. As for an example just click on my sig it will take u to the first time I posted here. Not all of those are very common for me, but are ones that I have been known to do from time to time. Although most of them do occur alot. My most prided ability is the ability to cure. I have always been able to cure physically and spiritually with my mind.

5. To those who have claimed to have prophetic dreams, were you fully aware of the dream's meaning before the event took place? Did the information in the dream slowly start coming back in sort of a deja vu moment or did you wake up thinking, "Wow, this is gonna happen today."?

Sometimes I have had dreams that tell the future in a clear and percise way but those aren't often. I am very good at interpreting the meanigns of dreams. Not every dream tells u something. When I interpret dreams I ask for as many details as the person can give. Sometimes it is one small detail that can reveal the meaning of a dream.

I'm just interested in the topic and I was wondering if some of you would like to share your views. These questions may not be worded perfectly (or even correctly), but I think you'll understand the general meaning of the questions.

While not perfect these qeustions are worded quite well. I would answer them in a more detailed fashion but that would take forever and would be quite boringlol.

And for a quick final questions. Do you think your unique gift makes you better than us who lack it? I've seen a few "mere mortal" references thrown out in this thread.

No because everyone has the potential to do any ability we have. Mere mortal refs were probly out of retaliation and were probly denying that we were any better because I know that I made a few. In thereory all humans can become immortal in this life so that alone shows that I do not claim to be immortal or better than humans.

Response to psychic club 2005-07-12 21:23:14

At 7/12/05 01:16 PM, Whirlguy wrote: lol i succeeded the first step alreadyO_O But visualizing the electricity-like energy around my hands is difficult, it also felt alot like aura. Is that normal?

everything is energy so It is bound to feel familiar. It feels like and aura to me as well. It is sort of an extention of ur energy

Response to psychic club 2005-07-12 21:38:44

At 7/3/05 11:14 PM, SivartKceBael wrote: Homework on bottom!
Finally, I'm back. I got banned for a few days. Psi-Boy did you get my email. I said I'll help you. I had a bit of an emotional breakdown today. My dad called out of nowhere without having written to me in 2 years. Visions of a baby boy kept popping in my head. At first I thought it was my dad's until I found out that my little brother's dad's fiance is possibly pregnant and hasn't decided to reveal it yet. Hey Kitty do you know how I can get a higher position in the club. I'd really like to help with everything. I already post as much as I can. In fact I've checked a couple of times and have been able to keep us on the first page. We get more veiws that way. I've seen some new faces recently so welcome. Invite more people. We dont want this club to die out. We need more people to contribute. When are the higher ups coming back(Tiger and everyone else)? I want to meet them. Hey everybody join the Psi-dog forums! Go back to like the sixth or seventh page and click on Tiger's link. Does anyone know where I can get a custom sig made for me. I guess until the others come back, I will be in charge of the homework if you don't mind Kitty. By the way what part of SC did you live in. Hey Kitty or anyone else do you have a list of current active members. Does any one else have demon counterparts. U know demons incarnated into your soul. I do and so does my friend. Mine has not revealed its name to me yet, but it doesn't need to. Okay now for homework.

HW: If a ghost is the spirit of a human. Plus if anybody believes in Heavan or Hell, how is it possible for us to be reincarnated into our next life if we are also ghosts or in a heavan or hell?

NOTE: This is less opionated than past homeworks. I am not looking for an absolute specific answer only answer sufficiant enough to compare to my opinion. Please, no choppy one sentence answers. Only thought out answers please. Use an open mind if you don't believe in reincarnation. Try to answer anyways.

Answer due by Thursday: I'll post mine on Friday

Okay i posted this awhile back and forgot about it so here it is. I'll keep the due date. Some ppl already know my veiw on this.

Response to psychic club 2005-07-12 22:11:43

I would answer if I believed in reincarnation... sorry..

Response to psychic club 2005-07-12 22:19:43

Hey, I know this is going back a little but Whirlguy, I read the aura thing pretty fast and I still dont know exactly "WHAT" an aura is.. I at first understood it until it said that even object can give off auras, Explamtion please ( :

Response to psychic club 2005-07-12 22:44:43

At 7/12/05 10:11 PM, FuriousFiveJosh wrote: I would answer if I believed in reincarnation... sorry..

Hey no prob just be open about it and post what ever u can think of. If u cant come up with an anwer that includes reincarnation then come up with a similar answer. Since u don't believe in reincarnation try to come up with an answer for both sides.

Response to psychic club 2005-07-13 04:30:51

At 7/12/05 10:19 PM, FuriousFiveJosh wrote: Hey, I know this is going back a little but Whirlguy, I read the aura thing pretty fast and I still dont know exactly "WHAT" an aura is.. I at first understood it until it said that even object can give off auras, Explamtion please ( :

Im not really familar with auras but ill try. Auras are colours around someones body, those colours expose your mood and health depending on what colours and where. Every living form has auras; grass, plants, trees, people, insects people etc. The fact that aura is around everything was also new to me when i first read it. I dont know where it comes from, i think from other sources, or maybe you see those colours because you look through your own aura. Anyway, auras get better to see with a big contrast, im the best at seeing them in the(not totally) dark, while i read on sites people think its easy with a white background. But maybe it is because ive always seen those pixel-like dots in my sight, and i just have to develop it.

Im reading an awesome book btw, im borowing it from my aunt:) When i read the whole thing ill tell you about it. I could tell you about other books, or an experience i had which i bet you didnt talk about yet:)

BBS Signature

Response to psychic club 2005-07-13 07:50:00

i could use all of your support overhere

BBS Signature

Response to psychic club 2005-07-13 12:50:09

At 7/13/05 07:50 AM, Whirlguy wrote: i could use all of your support overhere

Ok I posted in that thread..

Response to psychic club 2005-07-13 18:36:50

At 7/13/05 12:50 PM, FuriousFiveJosh wrote:
At 7/13/05 07:50 AM, Whirlguy wrote: i could use all of your support overhere
Ok I posted in that thread..

eh i wan't goint to try, i knew it wouldn't happen, i try to stay away from the general thread unless i'm bored.

Between the idea And the reality

Between the motion And the act, Falls the Shadow

An argument in Logic

BBS Signature

Response to psychic club 2005-07-13 19:08:15

This club is hilarious.
It looks to me as if you people actually take yourselves seriously... And that's the saddest part about it.


BBS Signature

Response to psychic club 2005-07-13 20:01:25

I didnt take any of it serionusly either until I started to get curious and see if it worked. But whatever, Believe what you want, but don't spam our club with remarks like that.

Response to psychic club 2005-07-13 20:38:00

At 7/13/05 07:08 PM, -TheDoctor- wrote: This club is hilarious.
It looks to me as if you people actually take yourselves seriously... And that's the saddest part about it.

Hey Doc its pretty pathectic that u return to spam us after 3 or 4 pages. I've got an idea take life seriously and look past what u see with ur ideas!

Response to psychic club 2005-07-13 20:46:15

At 7/12/05 12:05 AM, FuriousFiveJosh wrote: Oh yeah! Im making a website.. If you guys want to check it out


Its about psi. I need some articles for the tutorial section if any of you would likes to contribute. The website is not done yet though.. If you do want to email me a tutorial to put up email me at joshshanet@aol.com

Yay moogles!

Hey once u get the forum up and start members make me a mod! Also u should state that energy can be used for magick and other forms. I will right out a few tutorials and essays after u get it up and running!

Response to psychic club 2005-07-14 00:37:34

Okay is anyone here if so I want all n00bs to sign up at the forums. Look for kefka's sig and click on his Psychic club link

Response to psychic club 2005-07-14 01:24:29

SO this is a club for psychics, eh? Well, I happen to believe in psychics, but I don't think you cna find em this easily. Prove your Psychics. Name 3 things that will ahppen to me tomorrow.

Response to psychic club 2005-07-14 02:14:46

At 7/14/05 01:24 AM, Kerreck-Resputin wrote: SO this is a club for psychics, eh? Well, I happen to believe in psychics, but I don't think you cna find em this easily. Prove your Psychics. Name 3 things that will ahppen to me tomorrow.

1.U will wake up
2.U will breath
3.U will eat
4.u will sleep
well thats not quite proof but it isn't something that can be done on command all the time. But if u believe in psychics then welcome to teh club. also if i am correct u have 2 cats and 1 dog

Response to psychic club 2005-07-14 02:21:28

Wrong, 3 dogs, A Toy Poodle, A Toy Poodle/Japanese Chin Cross, and a Newfoundlander.

Response to psychic club 2005-07-14 02:31:09

At 7/14/05 02:21 AM, Kerreck-Resputin wrote: Wrong, 3 dogs, A Toy Poodle, A Toy Poodle/Japanese Chin Cross, and a Newfoundlander.

wow i was just messin around. at least i got the number of animals right. i was just guessing tho so u in or not?

Response to psychic club 2005-07-14 02:36:46

Ahhhhh why not. I've always been trying to find real pychic, so this is as good as any place to start.

Response to psychic club 2005-07-14 02:37:59

Hey, is it makes you feel better, 2 of the Dogs are small, about cat sized. Easily mixxed up.

Response to psychic club 2005-07-14 03:02:37

At 7/14/05 02:37 AM, Kerreck-Resputin wrote: Hey, is it makes you feel better, 2 of the Dogs are small, about cat sized. Easily mixxed up.

lol nah i wasnt trying but thats pretty cool 2 tiny little dogs. Sometimes i get small things easy other times not. I've freaked a few ppl out when talking to them. Last night i was chatting to this chic and first told her that her cat was to the left of her. she was like woah. like 20 min later itold her"its back again" just this time it to ur right.or something like that. there was like a 10 second pause and she wrote back that she nearly jumped out of her seat. she was like i hate u for that. apparently her cat scared the crap out of her after i said that. thats just a small thing tho. that broke my distance record. It was from Here South Carolina to Kentuckey so that was pretty far.

Response to psychic club 2005-07-14 03:19:48

Maybe the problems is I'm in Canada! Far west, BC, in a town called.............its a test! Not to prove you, but jst to see if you can get a Canadian.