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Bbs Female Users Club

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Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 12:56:19

uh-oh. seems like we're getting another fight. this time between TigerDemon and ac500below.
=/ the noez.

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 12:57:02

At 10/2/04 12:49 PM, AC500BELOW wrote: Afraid to say bullshit?

AC, quit harassing the people in this club. If you think that they shouldn't vote why the fuck would you post that in a FEMALE USERS CLUB?! What response do you think you'll get by saying something like that. Don't come into a place and try to get a rise out of people.

BBS Signature

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 12:58:05

Let me clear up a few things:

1. No I am not afraid to swear I just dont feel the need to do it every other word.

2. Being Macho is nothing to brag about it makes you look like an ass in most cases( it can be ok some times but not most)

3. You are twisting the words of a relatively small percentage of girls and makeing it seem like they all hate on guys which is just not true.

Oh an one more thing that I didnt put in my last post is your saying girls are good for "some thing" is a very open clue to your foolishness about girls and the reason you will never have a meaningful relationship till you grow up and stop acting like a caveman

Priest of Anubis and guardian of the NOX.

I'm a heavy drinking, chain smoking, foul mouthed sailor and guess what Im dating your SISTER!

BBS Signature

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 13:00:00

At 10/2/04 12:57 PM, QuikFox wrote: AC, quit harassing the people in this club. If you think that they shouldn't vote why the fuck would you post that in a FEMALE USERS CLUB?! What response do you think you'll get by saying something like that. Don't come into a place and try to get a rise out of people.

<speaker voice>
ladies and gentleman;
QuikFox has joined the fight..!
for money bets please go to BareNakedSneepioo.
</speaker voice>

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 13:08:55

At 10/2/04 12:57 PM, QuikFox wrote: AC, quit harassing the people in this club. If you think that they shouldn't vote why the fuck would you post that in a FEMALE USERS CLUB?! What response do you think you'll get by saying something like that. Don't come into a place and try to get a rise out of people.

I was not trying to harass anyone, I just made something for people to discuss. If this is the FEMALE club, then why don't they talking about girl stuff? So that's why I said that, for them to actually talk about something releated to girls.

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 13:11:07

Look on the page befor this for what I said to your last post.

Priest of Anubis and guardian of the NOX.

I'm a heavy drinking, chain smoking, foul mouthed sailor and guess what Im dating your SISTER!

BBS Signature

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 13:12:56

At 10/2/04 01:11 PM, TigerDemon wrote: Look on the page befor this for what I said to your last post.

No, you don't get attention today because I don't give a shit about you.


Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 13:15:39

At 10/2/04 01:12 PM, AC500BELOW wrote:
No, you don't get attention today because I don't give a shit about you.


Please dont be sorry I could care less what you think. I just felt the need to respond to the trash you posted.

Priest of Anubis and guardian of the NOX.

I'm a heavy drinking, chain smoking, foul mouthed sailor and guess what Im dating your SISTER!

BBS Signature

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 13:46:33

At 10/2/04 11:08 AM, TigerDemon wrote:
At 10/2/04 10:01 AM, Dezkiller wrote:
willin to bs with me.
I do, my name's Genevieve, I'm 16, you can see what I look like by clikking on my fist.
Thanks tell me a little bit about your self.

Well what do you wanna know? I'm sportive, I do fencing three times a week, I run 10mins each day, I LOVE video games, I'm a D&D player, I read a lot, I like canoeing and camping so canoe-camping is my paradise, I like mythology since I'm youg, I wanna be a ranger when I'll be graduated, I love animals, i got a dog names Biscuit, I spend a lot of my time online, I'm a killer at Halo, I mesure 5ft 6inch, I like to drink beer with friends on friday nights, I'm BBS user...what else... n-e way if u wanna know anything else, just ask me

BBS Signature

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 19:23:48

see this is why i dont like AC500BELOW anymore because he has no manners and sais shit even if it will hurt peoples feelings.

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 19:32:47

At 10/2/04 12:06 PM, AC500BELOW wrote: Don't get me wrong, I like girls, they are good for some "things".

It's just that their "girl power" shit gets so fucking annoying. The only thing girls can do better than guys is spread rumors about people, which is illeagal since just about everything they say is untrue.

Wow you have a lot of growing up to do...
I don't gossip by the way it turns my stomach.
Don't be so judgemental and assuming, it makes you look like an
ignorant fool. Go back and read your statement a few times over and if you still think it's not the dumbest thing you've ever posted here repeat it to every female you know starting with your mother, and moving on to any close friends and so on. See what they think of you then.
I believe in equal rights that means women earning just as much as men for doing the same job and the like. There is no reason why it shouldn't be that way other than age old sexism. I don't think women deserve more than men just the same respect that any human being deserves.

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 19:42:34

At 10/2/04 01:46 PM, Dezkiller wrote:
At 10/2/04 11:08 AM, TigerDemon wrote:
At 10/2/04 10:01 AM, Dezkiller wrote:

Ok seriously if someone does another ASL bit I'm going to burn this whole thread down...
save the small talk for aim
here's a new topic we'll stick to the women's rights theme, how do all the nonidiots feel about it. Some think they deserve special privleges for ages of abuse some don't. How far have these rights come? Women still make on average 70 cents to every male dollar for the same position and work load.

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 19:48:14

At 10/2/04 07:23 PM, Halloween_Yoshi wrote: see this is why i dont like AC500BELOW anymore because he has no manners and sais shit even if it will hurt peoples feelings.

God your a fuckin damn moron. After you argued with me all that fuckin time and after you kept trying to convince me otherwise. You are the fuckin perfect example of why nobody should even care.

BBS Signature

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 19:50:57

At 10/2/04 07:48 PM, QuikFox wrote:
At 10/2/04 07:23 PM, Halloween_Yoshi wrote: see this is why i dont like AC500BELOW anymore because he has no manners and sais shit even if it will hurt peoples feelings.
God your a fuckin damn moron. After you argued with me all that fuckin time and after you kept trying to convince me otherwise. You are the fuckin perfect example of why nobody should even care.

ya i thought youd act like a n00b and try to flame me after i said that.
please be stop with the bad language and dont talk to me. thank you.

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 19:51:22

At 10/2/04 07:42 PM, ScaryDeadGirl wrote: here's a new topic we'll stick to the women's rights theme, how do all the nonidiots feel about it. Some think they deserve special privleges for ages of abuse some don't. How far have these rights come? Women still make on average 70 cents to every male dollar for the same position and work load.

that sounds about right. hey, 70% is good. in another 20 years, you'll be up to 80! and as for ages of abuse, i never hit a woman in my life.....why should i want to give special privileges because of something that people that have been long dead that i ever met did to other people who are long dead and i've never met?

(Mind you, i am playing devil's advocate here. im just looking to see what interesting responses such a question might arouse.)

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 19:54:06

Ok seriously if someone does another ASL bit I'm going to burn this whole thread down...
save the small talk for aim
here's a new topic we'll stick to the women's rights theme, how do all the nonidiots feel about it. Some think they deserve special privleges for ages of abuse some don't. How far have these rights come? Women still make on average 70 cents to every male dollar for the same position and work load.

i agree with you there women are created just as equal as men some as strong as men some arnt same gos for guys. i do believe girls should make the same as men but take my mom for example she makes more than my dad does about 40k more than he does but that doesnt mean shes better in any way shape or form.

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 20:08:05

At 10/2/04 07:50 PM, Halloween_Yoshi wrote: ya i thought youd act like a n00b and try to flame me after i said that.

Yeah, who fuckin does that anyway. Argue and flame someone all god damn day only to go and fuckin change their mind the next day. God you're simply the stupidest fuck I have ever seen.

please be stop with the bad language and dont talk to me. thank you.

I can swear all I want.

Now, just fuckin die you moron.

BBS Signature

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 20:22:20

At 10/2/04 08:08 PM, QuikFox wrote:
At 10/2/04 07:50 PM, Halloween_Yoshi wrote: ya i thought youd act like a n00b and try to flame me after i said that.
Yeah, who fuckin does that anyway. Argue and flame someone all god damn day only to go and fuckin change their mind the next day. God you're simply the stupidest fuck I have ever seen.

such meaningless rage. and it wasnt all day you can go ahead and flame me all you want and act like your 5 years old or you can be an adult about it like i am and stop.

please be stop with the bad language and dont talk to me. thank you.
I can swear all I want.

Now, just fuckin die you moron.

whos the moron now?

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 20:48:37

At 10/2/04 08:22 PM, Halloween_Yoshi wrote: whos the moron now?

You listen here fuck face. This pisses me off, you aruge about that shit until you're blue in the face and simply do not listen to reason. Then, you come around the next fuckin day and just comepletely change your mind. If you were trying to be the adult, the bigger person, you wouldn't be responding to me. You are responding because you are trying to get a rise outta someone.

Don't go around talking like you are being more mature when you did all that stupid shit. When you went around and defended that little bitch, only to change your mind the next day and not say shit to the person who you fuckin just sided with but were arguing with the other day. You simply don't understand what the fuck this whole thing is about don't you?

Why fuckin just change your mind about AC500 now, when he does something stupid, as usuall, but not when I fuckin gave you proof and told you all this shit the day be-fuckin-for? I don't know what the fuck is wrong with your brain processes but that is pretty fucked up. It makes it look like you did nothing but argue and flame just because you could. Like you didn't even care if you were right or wrong, you just wanted to do it because you could.

You have officially taken the title of stupidest user on the NG BBS away from Chefcoop. Congratulations. I really hope you have a fun time just arguing with people and then changing your mind later. Then calling the people who you argued with children when you can't even stick to your own damn opinion. You make an opinion and you stick to it, not just change it right away when some little thing goes against it. That would make you a bandwagon whore and another fuckin face in the sea of fuckin faces all trying to fit it.

You wanna be the bigger man? You wanna be the "Adult"? Then don't fuckin respond to try and purpetuate this arguement, because you've fuckin pushed me way over the edge with this hipocritical shit. How the hell would you like it if someone said they hated you one day and just fuckin sat there saying you're stupid and a moron. Then the very next fuckin day you turn around and say, ohh yeah, I like you.

If you had any god damn brains you would tell that person to fuck off because they are either a a)hipocrite b)trying to use you, or c)just plain stupid. This is exactly what you just did with this whole AC shit. You are a fucker plain and simple. Sorry I can't think of something better, but I am too fuckin enraged by your shit-headed-ness. People like you need to be shot and left to die right where they were shot.

Now prove you're the bigger man and the "adult" by responding to this post and trying to contiune it. Because thats exactly what the bigger man would do, now wouldn't it?

BBS Signature

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 20:48:47

At 10/2/04 08:08 PM, QuikFox wrote: God you're simply the stupidest fuck I have ever seen.

Oh poo, I thought I was>:(

Well, sorry about that whole WR thing...just trying to start a conversation, but it didn't really go well:(

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 20:55:47

At 10/2/04 08:48 PM, QuikFox wrote:
At 10/2/04 08:22 PM, Halloween_Yoshi wrote: whos the moron now?
You listen here fuck face. This pisses me off, you aruge about that shit until you're blue in the face. blah blah blah

um ok but your stil argueing so you have to have a rainbow face by now. :)

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 21:26:23

At 10/2/04 08:55 PM, Halloween_Yoshi wrote: um ok but your stil argueing so you have to have a rainbow face by now. :)

Um, you don't think things through very well do you?

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 22:02:27

At 10/2/04 07:42 PM, ScaryDeadGirl wrote:
At 10/2/04 01:46 PM, Dezkiller wrote:
At 10/2/04 11:08 AM, TigerDemon wrote:
At 10/2/04 10:01 AM, Dezkiller wrote:
here's a new topic we'll stick to the women's rights theme, how

oh man you have such a hot sig....

hey hey NG shojo's!

man i didnt even know there was a club like this, how baka am i

BBS Signature

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-02 23:03:05

At 10/1/04 03:30 PM, Lacie wrote: LOL it is so funny that people still post stuff in here that has nothing to do with the club It boggles the mind LOL.

I agree...

Listen guys...I'm going to say it once...so listen to it carefully:


Or, I'll start banning people here... I'll keep an eye at this club for a while...so...

Bbs Female Users Club

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-03 02:25:12

At 10/2/04 11:03 PM, -El_Dorado- wrote: STOP THE FIGIN FIGHTS!

dammit ozcar. i just started earning money with it. :*|

At 10/2/04 07:42 PM, ScaryDeadGirl wrote: here's a new topic we'll stick to the women's rights theme, how do all the nonidiots feel about it.

amazon power

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-03 02:53:48

SDG i really love that sig you have it is very sexy Any chanch i could get one?

LOL yes I am the LOL Girl ^_^

The "LOL" girl is back ^_^

Follow The LOL Girl

BBS Signature

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-03 03:22:45

At 10/3/04 02:53 AM, Lacie wrote: SDG i really love that sig you have it is very sexy Any chanch i could get one?


Bbs Female Users Club

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-03 03:30:43

At 10/3/04 03:22 AM, BareNakedSneepioo wrote:
At 10/3/04 02:53 AM, Lacie wrote: SDG i really love that sig you have it is very sexy Any chanch i could get one?

That is nice but I am not part of the ASM and i am sure SDG will add her own touch.

And she has not said yes or no so i cant take that sig ^_^

LOL yes I am the LOL Girl ^_^

The "LOL" girl is back ^_^

Follow The LOL Girl

BBS Signature

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-03 03:44:16

And thanks to master_unlucky he drew me yay.

Bbs Female Users Club

LOL yes I am the LOL Girl ^_^

The "LOL" girl is back ^_^

Follow The LOL Girl

BBS Signature

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-03 03:46:33

At 10/3/04 03:44 AM, Lacie wrote: And thanks to master_unlucky he drew me yay.

if he drew that...he's a very good and realistic drawer.
;) wrong picture, perhaps?