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Universal Acceleration?

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Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 19:15:07

Okay, this is another one of those geeky sciencey threads where someone copy's someone's work and posts it just to see what people think, right? Wrong. This thread is about MY theory invented by ME, and if anyone knows someone who came up with this before me then just say it outright insted of flaming...

Anyway, here it goes... I'll start with the FACTS. The universe is accelerating according to the red shift... The universe is a sphere...

Now, the question is how and why is the universe accelerating. Here's my explanation, its called the "point-plane theory of universal acceleration".

The outer plane of the universe, the edge, the observable horizon if you will is a 2D spherical plane which is the exact same space as the 0D point at the exact center of the spherical universe. When I say it is the same space I mean what enters the outer rim comes out the point at the same tangent angle it went in. This would form a very simple perpetual motion machine.

Now, heres where it gets intertwined a bit with string theory. have you ever placed 2 mirrors facing each other and seen infinity? I know I have. That is the exact same thing going on with the universe only that there is a matter exchange between the two surfaces, the point and the plane. Now how can there be matter exchange? Easy. Think about the fundamental theory of string theory, they said that there can be dinensions existing inside every atom, each piece of matter, and above all, each piece of antimatter. There is an anomalie where the 3D matter can only enter the 5th dimension (the one inside every piece of matter/antimatter) at the plane, creating a fourth dimensional anomalie because a spherical desigen of the sort cannot be achieved in 3 dimensions. The fourth dimension is of course time so what enters the plane exits the point at the center while bipassing time in the 5th dimension.

Here's where it really gets interesting: Since there is a set finite "horizon or plane" there must be an edge in the fourth dimension to allow this, right? Wrong, the bipass of time is what seperates this from string theory so much. The universe is infinite in time as well as space, defining space-time as infinite. The only finite dinension is the fifth dimension which has a SET horizon which is "the plane".

I bet some of you are going to wonder why did scientists define the age of the universe as "finite" if I say the universe is infinite in time? Simple as well, since matter bipasses time at the "plane" it bipasses time bipasses time also. Therefore we are existing in an infinite time warp, the time that scientists defined as "the big bang" was actually just when earth/the milky way/our supercluster crossed the plane, resetting time for us indefinitely.

Now if crossing the plane resets time, does it reset the matter to the time? No, it does not, time is never "reset" it is only bipassed, meaning time is infinite as well as space in the time warp, time as we know it continues forever, but in universal time (eg the distance from "the point") it is reset that way.

Now how can this theory be proven? Very, very simple; find a repeating pattern in the universe. Since we have no clue what our universal time (distance from the point) is, we have no clue how long this pattern may be. An example is this.
let's say this period is the "point", and the / is "the plane", then the galaxys would be letters looking like this.

. asjdhdfodshfkjashfjksakl /

Thats what it would look like to an observer in the fifth dinension, this is what it would look like to us:

fodshfkjashfjksakl.... on forever

Now, what if we were 8000000000000000000 light years from "the point" then we would see 8000000000000000 light years worth of non-repetitive galaxys. Interesting, huh?

Hope this gave you something to think about... Thank you for reading.


(dont try to steal this, it was date stamped)

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 19:18:46

At 9/8/04 07:15 PM, Xtama wrote: Anyway, here it goes... I'll start with the FACTS. The universe is accelerating according to the red shift... The universe is a sphere...

this is reason alone for me to disregard your post and not read or contemplate the whole thing - you're another rookie thinker, assuming an opinion or theory is automatically fact... if you make an assumption, you must define it as an assumption. Not a fact.

Try again.

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 19:22:55

everytime I read the word "bipass" my brain stops thinking.

I find it interesting to realize my brain doesn't do well with typos when I'm thinking physics.

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 19:24:59

At 9/8/04 07:22 PM, HeinousDude wrote: everytime I read the word "bipass" my brain stops thinking.

I find it interesting to realize my brain doesn't do well with typos when I'm thinking physics.

lol yea i suck at spelling =)

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 19:26:44

At 9/8/04 07:15 PM, Xtama wrote: Science Mumbo-Jumbo


Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 19:29:21

to much to read but scientists also think that if at somepoint in time we reach the end of space there is nothing leterally you just go to the opposite side ok say you kept going up and sooner or later you will atomaticaly be at the bottom weird huh? i think they are wrong on this theory tho.

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 19:30:21

this is almost the exact same as the "Time sphere" theory by the german physicist, der Kummon, sorry bud

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 19:32:34

my cats breath smells like cat food

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 19:37:05

At 9/8/04 07:30 PM, dig_dug wrote: this is almost the exact same as the "Time sphere" theory by the german physicist, der Kummon, sorry bud


Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 19:41:24


Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 19:46:11

At 9/8/04 07:37 PM, Xtama wrote:
At 9/8/04 07:30 PM, dig_dug wrote: this is almost the exact same as the "Time sphere" theory by the german physicist, der Kummon, sorry bud

At least I can say Im as smart as a german physicist at the age of 15! =) and i havn't even taken high school physics yet lol

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 19:50:03

Thats moderatly interesting.

But something concerns me more.

If the universe came from nothing, then how is that possible?

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 19:54:37

At 9/8/04 07:50 PM, -API- wrote: Thats moderatly interesting.

But something concerns me more.

If the universe came from nothing, then how is that possible?

In the theory the universe is perpetual in time and space, matter either always existed or originated from some place in the fifth dimension.

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 20:04:47

I dunno, I heard somewhere that universe will never collapse into what it was before the big bang as Star Super Novas keep spreading out the matter faster than it's gravitational forces can pull it back in.

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 20:07:35

by the time a new big bang occurs it will have to reach us and by then millions of years will have gone bye

nasa saw a star explode but it happened 2 million years ago

it took all this time for the light to reach us

the light we see from the stars isnt light as fast as u click on a light that light from the stars is light it gave off thousands of years ago and it is just reaching us now!

Dark Kisses In Sweet Places

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 20:10:09

At 9/8/04 07:54 PM, Xtama wrote:
At 9/8/04 07:50 PM, -API- wrote: Thats moderatly interesting.

But something concerns me more.

If the universe came from nothing, then how is that possible?
In the theory the universe is perpetual in time and space, matter either always existed or originated from some place in the fifth dimension.

matter and energy are interchangable.

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 20:15:18

Have any of you tried Vanilla Cream Canada Dry? That shit be hangin'.

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 20:20:51

At 9/8/04 08:15 PM, Wadezilla wrote: Have any of you tried Vanilla Cream Canada Dry? That shit be hangin'.

What if any thoughts in your head inspired you to say that on THIS thread???

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 20:21:28

ok. theres one problem i find with your hypothisis, you cant test it.
it reminds me of what science and math say about the universe, math says it ends at some point while science suggests that it goes on forever.

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 20:23:10

At 9/8/04 08:21 PM, Soul_Specter wrote: ok. theres one problem i find with your hypothisis, you cant test it.
it reminds me of what science and math say about the universe, math says it ends at some point while science suggests that it goes on forever.

yes you can, i explained how it can be tested in the last part of the theory. Just find a repeating pattern.

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 20:32:05

At 9/8/04 08:23 PM, Xtama wrote:
yes you can, i explained how it can be tested in the last part of the theory. Just find a repeating pattern.

but you can use that on paper or posting it like you did, how would you be able to test it on the universe itself and what caused it to happen? the problem i find with a lot of theories is that it eventually ends at some point, where they can explain this, but cant explain how it works or where this came from to form this.

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 20:59:20

The whole theory that the universe was created from nothing is actually queit scary when you think about it. What was there BEFORE the nothing? Surely something cannot be made from nothing.
A thought which crossed my mind about this whole " the universe is a sphere " is : What happens once you reach the edge? will you know it? We all know that to block anything you need something which physically exists, so what happens when you attempt to pass beyond the edge of the universe? Will the edge of the universe by a visible and solid boundry?
I read somewhere that outside the universe , if infact there was a boundry , that everything would cease to exist. Time , matter , eneger .. everything. I also read that the universe is ever expanding it's boundry... if so then where do the new stars and planets come from that fill that space. Urg this whole space thing gives me a headache.

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 21:04:52

im terribly terribly sorry.
i dont have time to read your entire long long long long post.
i might get around to it some day though.
keep your fingers crossed though!

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Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 21:08:12

At 9/8/04 08:59 PM, Azumi wrote: The whole theory that the universe was created from nothing is actually queit scary when you think about it. What was there BEFORE the nothing? Surely something cannot be made from nothing.
A thought which crossed my mind about this whole " the universe is a sphere " is : What happens once you reach the edge? will you know it? We all know that to block anything you need something which physically exists, so what happens when you attempt to pass beyond the edge of the universe? Will the edge of the universe by a visible and solid boundry?
I read somewhere that outside the universe , if infact there was a boundry , that everything would cease to exist. Time , matter , eneger .. everything. I also read that the universe is ever expanding it's boundry... if so then where do the new stars and planets come from that fill that space. Urg this whole space thing gives me a headache.

The entire point of the theory is to say that the universe is not EXPANDING!!! it is simply speeding up in the perpetual motion device. In the theory there is no expansion, only acceleration. You are correct that if the boundry was penetrated then it would cease to exist. But that will never happen because there is NO PHYSICAL BARRIOR like a black hole or a white hole. There is only a fifth dimension anomaile, invisible. No, if you cross the boundry you will not know it, it will be exactly like everything else, the only way to tell when you cross the boundry is to mathmatically calucuate the pattern of galaxys and find when it repeats then calculate the time until our galaxy repeats.

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 21:11:09

I dont really think this is possible. Since there are so many bodys of matter in the universe we see many many bodys appearing out of nowhere in the "center" of the universe every second. We dont see bodys appearing from nowhere so your theory cannot be true.

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 21:12:51

Mabye could you post a condensed version? lol

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 21:18:40

At 9/8/04 09:11 PM, DeepEyes wrote: I dont really think this is possible. Since there are so many bodys of matter in the universe we see many many bodys appearing out of nowhere in the "center" of the universe every second. We dont see bodys appearing from nowhere so your theory cannot be true.

No, there are no bodys appearing at the center of the universe, but when you look at the center, you are looking into what is the outside from the outside, like concenteric shells. Therefore you would not see any bodys appearing at the center, just a very large, very bright patch of light. And there have been many statements that say that that is what is at the center of the universe.

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 21:35:04

Xtama, I'm curious as to if you've ever read QED by Richard Feynman. Not that it really pertains to your idea of how the universe is constructed, but it deals a lot with the nature of light and touches slightly on string theory. It's the book that made me see the universe entirely differently. Anyway, it's great to see someone as young as you thinking this way. I was majoring in Physics for quite a while and stopped short of a BS before switching to Graphic Design (Big shift!). I also take it you've read Einsteins theories on Special and General Relativity?
And if you don't mind me asking, where the hell do you go to school to have already learned these things, because though a bit of what you're saying has some weakness to it, it's still some very solid thinking. And you were playing with CAD a 9 years old?! Damn.
Anyway, yours is an interesting theory, but only a select few people can even truly understand a four dimensional coordinate system let alone five.
Good luck with it and I really do wish you the best with your studies.

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 21:43:42

At 9/8/04 09:35 PM, cheshirepus wrote: Xtama, I'm curious as to if you've ever read QED by Richard Feynman. Not that it really pertains to your idea of how the universe is constructed, but it deals a lot with the nature of light and touches slightly on string theory. It's the book that made me see the universe entirely differently. Anyway, it's great to see someone as young as you thinking this way. I was majoring in Physics for quite a while and stopped short of a BS before switching to Graphic Design (Big shift!). I also take it you've read Einsteins theories on Special and General Relativity?
And if you don't mind me asking, where the hell do you go to school to have already learned these things, because though a bit of what you're saying has some weakness to it, it's still some very solid thinking. And you were playing with CAD a 9 years old?! Damn.
Anyway, yours is an interesting theory, but only a select few people can even truly understand a four dimensional coordinate system let alone five.
Good luck with it and I really do wish you the best with your studies.

Wow, thank you very much! No, I have never read any books by einstein or any of those people, the thought of a perpetual motion machine for a universe just came to me when I was watching a nova special on string theory and stuff... I go to school in San diego... I love the idea of string theory and how there can be over 6 dimensions scrunched up into every atom, very facinating stuff if you ask me... Thats a big change in your life to switch from physics to graphic design so i guess you know a lot about both of my posted topics, huh =) Some people probably didn't understand the theory because i didn't phrase it right... believe it or not, this is the first time the theory has been written down on a computer... for over a year it's been just devoloping in my head lol.

Response to Universal Acceleration? 2004-09-08 22:01:06

I want to see the math to back it up. :P

An interesting theory actually. I've never read up on the string theory, so I can't really follow your statements that well. I just don't see how you expect matter to be translated from the outer edge of the universe to the point. That's the only part that's catching me. Does that part deal with the string theory? Maybe you could provide a small explanation? And if you already did, tell me. :)

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