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New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN!

7,156 Views | 49 Replies
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New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-26 17:18:47

I'm back from my week in Cancun and excited to present some fun new stuff!

First off, we have a new CrazyTalk section that everyone will love - CrazyTalk Interactive! You can now type in your own messages and have them spoken to you by people like Britney Spears, Mr. Rogers, and our cat Sherbert! We will be adding lots of new characters over time. Let us know what you think of it!

Matthew S Burns has finished episode 3 of Captain Low-Rez. Go there and check it out right now - I promise you'll get a kick out of it! Don't forget to play the game if you haven't already!

We have been leaked some footage from a new Tom Green movie that is coming out soon. Some of this footage is pretty damn disturbing and probably won't make it into the final cut of the movie - but we have it here! Expect to see it on the site by the end of the week, and expect to be grossed out!!! More later!

Time to catch up on my email from the past week!

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-26 17:47:55

Uhh, I just pooped my pants...

New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN!

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-26 19:43:41

hey, everything is really cool, cap'n low-rez kicks ass and crazy talk is just silly, i love it. but i have a question about the BBS, how do you become user of the day? i just wanted to know because lil ol me was chosen today, and haow come iv'e never seen you wand wad in the same place together? hmmm... makes you think, well not really

New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN!

BBS Signature

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-26 20:43:04

Tom, you're the man. That game is terrific... that's really you, long lost brother! Welcome back.

Steve Hutchison

New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN!

How do you get POWERS?

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-26 23:15:35

TOM FULP ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN!

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-26 23:23:01

Hello Tom. How was Cancun? I've been there before. The sand is white and water is crystal clear. I have never seen such clean beaches or clean water in my life. You can see 20 to 25 feet deep. Went snokerling in Cancun and it was awesome and you can see coral reef and fishes and skates. It was awesome!! I also went speedboating and that was fun also. Well, I hope you have a good day, Tom.

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-26 23:25:54

i went to ur dbz section and i was wondering y my dbz game wasnt up there.....here is the url to check it out ....its on newgrounds


Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-27 01:19:01

At 3/26/01 05:18 PM, TomFulp wrote: I'm back from my week in Cancun and excited to present some fun new stuff!

First off, we have a new CrazyTalk section that everyone will love - CrazyTalk Interactive! You can now type in your own messages and have them spoken to you by people like Britney Spears, Mr. Rogers, and our cat Sherbert! We will be adding lots of new characters over time. Let us know what you think of it!

Matthew S Burns has finished episode 3 of Captain Low-Rez. Go there and check it out right now - I promise you'll get a kick out of it! Don't forget to play the game if you haven't already!

We have been leaked some footage from a new Tom Green movie that is coming out soon. Some of this footage is pretty damn disturbing and probably won't make it into the final cut of the movie - but we have it here! Expect to see it on the site by the end of the week, and expect to be grossed out!!! More later!

Time to catch up on my email from the past week!

Welcome Back...did you take any pics of you in Cancun?

New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN!

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-27 05:20:42

Sir, I believe YOUR mustache is a copy of MINE!

New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN!

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-27 13:49:20

At 3/26/01 05:18 PM, TomFulp wrote: I'm back from my week in Cancun and excited to present some fun new stuff!

First off, we have a new CrazyTalk section that everyone will love - CrazyTalk Interactive! You can now type in your own messages and have them spoken to you by people like Britney Spears, Mr. Rogers, and our cat Sherbert! We will be adding lots of new characters over time. Let us know what you think of it!

Matthew S Burns has finished episode 3 of Captain Low-Rez. Go there and check it out right now - I promise you'll get a kick out of it! Don't forget to play the game if you haven't already!

We have been leaked some footage from a new Tom Green movie that is coming out soon. Some of this footage is pretty damn disturbing and probably won't make it into the final cut of the movie - but we have it here! Expect to see it on the site by the end of the week, and expect to be grossed out!!! More later!

Time to catch up on my email from the past week!

Hey, this is RaVeN. I thought the CrazyTalk was pretty cool. It was funny watching all those caracters saying different stuff. I think you need to add MR. T. to that section tho, that would make it cool. I also checked out the next Captain Low-Rez movie. Awesome!
Well, keep up the good work guys.

New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN!

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-27 14:13:21

At 3/26/01 05:18 PM, TomFulp wrote:
We have been leaked some footage from a new Tom Green movie that is coming out soon. Some of this footage is pretty damn disturbing and probably won't make it into the final cut of the movie - but we have it here! Expect to see it on the site by the end of the week, and expect to be grossed out!!! More later!

I don't have cable so I've never watched the Tom Green show, but I did see previews for that movie and it was disturbing, hahahah, can't wait to see what you have on that. But I didn't see anything that bad that it would be cut out of the movie, I hope not. The most disturbing thing I saw was Tom Green playing the piano I think with sausage tied to strings, and he was singing to his father "daddy would you like some sausage" hahahahhahahahhaha. By the way, welcome back Tom, missed your posts.

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-27 17:06:22

At 3/26/01 05:18 PM, TomFulp wrote:
I'm back from my week in Cancun and excited to present some fun new stuff!

First off, we have a new CrazyTalk section that everyone will love - CrazyTalk Interactive! You can now type in your own messages and have them spoken to you by people like Britney Spears, Mr. Rogers, and our cat Sherbert! We will be adding lots of new characters over time. Let us know what you think of it!

Matthew S Burns has finished episode 3 of Captain Low-Rez. Go there and check it out right now - I promise you'll get a kick out of it! Don't forget to play the game if you haven't already!

We have been leaked some footage from a new Tom Green movie that is coming out soon. Some of this footage is pretty damn disturbing and probably won't make it into the final cut of the movie - but we have it here! Expect to see it on the site by the end of the week, and expect to be grossed out!!! More later!

Time to catch up on my email from the past week!

New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN!

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-27 17:15:38

Hey Tom Gengash here just to say that NEWGROUNDS kicks total pombass

New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN!

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-27 17:30:10

Matthew S Burns has finished episode 3 of Captain Low-Rez. Go there and check it out right now - I promise you'll get a kick out of it! Don't forget to play the game if you haven't already!

The Low-Rez shit kicked ass as usual. I love the game, please make more.

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-27 18:02:22

At 3/26/01 11:23 PM, ray1912 wrote: Hello Tom. How was Cancun? I've been there before. The sand is white and water is crystal clear. I have never seen such clean beaches or clean water in my life. You can see 20 to 25 feet deep. Went snokerling in Cancun and it was awesome and you can see coral reef and fishes and skates. It was awesome!! I also went speedboating and that was fun also. Well, I hope you have a good day, Tom.

Cancun was lots of fun... I also went snorkeling. I couldn't believe that they got everyone drunk before having them jump into the water! We actually swam really far - good things we had floaters and flippers, or else I woulda ended up at the bottom after 20 minutes in there. :)


Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-27 23:02:24

i put mustard on my custard

New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN!

BBS Signature

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-28 06:13:09

check my website that is the only responce.

forge merit

New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN!

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-28 10:03:49

Cancun, eh? Que bueno! Did you manage to get out to the ruins at all? I've always skipped over Cancun in favor of Isla Mujeres, but hell, it's all beautiful. Hope you were good to your skin, man.

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-28 10:19:32

yo tom
hope you got a good time there in cancun

but i've a Q about the crazy talk, i can't get it to work, i wanted to let brintey say some words, but i don't hear anything, do i have to install an extra plugin or something?

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-28 10:24:15

let me rephrase it, the normal crzay-talks work just fine, but if i want to make my own, it doesn't work at all, i also tries to use some of the smaples, but they don't workj either

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-28 15:54:46


Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-28 15:56:06

At 3/26/01 05:18 PM, TomFulp wrote: I'm back from my week in Cancun and excited to present some fun new stuff!

First off, we have a new CrazyTalk section that everyone will love - CrazyTalk Interactive! You can now type in your own messages and have them spoken to you by people like Britney Spears, Mr. Rogers, and our cat Sherbert! We will be adding lots of new characters over time. Let us know what you think of it!

Matthew S Burns has finished episode 3 of Captain Low-Rez. Go there and check it out right now - I promise you'll get a kick out of it! Don't forget to play the game if you haven't already!

We have been leaked some footage from a new Tom Green movie that is coming out soon. Some of this footage is pretty damn disturbing and probably won't make it into the final cut of the movie - but we have it here! Expect to see it on the site by the end of the week, and expect to be grossed out!!! More later!

Time to catch up on my email from the past week!

its great! we need new faces though - suggestions...

Pope John Paul II
Captain Picard
George W Bush
Alan Greenspan
Justin Timberlake
Tom Green
James and Lars from Metallica (should be a popular one)
Adolf Hitler

erm erm thats it for now

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-28 16:03:00

and in case you wondered...

New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN!

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-28 16:24:14

Hey Tom,

Everybody on newgrounds hates me so I think I would be a great candidate for crazy talk lmao

New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN!

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-29 06:53:45

At 3/28/01 04:24 PM, legokiller666 wrote: Hey Tom,

Everybody on newgrounds hates me so I think I would be a great candidate for crazy talk lmao

i don't hate you

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-29 07:23:34

Thank you but if u ask calista what she thinks............ well be afraid

New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN!

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-29 14:53:57

Look at this snowman I made with my mates!!!

by the way where did the starwarz Gangsta rap go???

New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN!

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-29 20:56:54

it doesent work bitch.....fix it

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-30 05:17:38

BOO! I scared you! HAHHAHAHAHHAHAH! I can use HTML! Are you proud!? Go to my site! CLICK ON ME TO BE THE BEST OR YOU ARE A SILLY SILLY MAN!

New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN!

Response to New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN! 2001-03-30 05:20:00

Star Wars Gangsta Rap was sold to another site i think i saw it in an engine

New Stuff! FUN FUN FUN!