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Account Security

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Account Security 2023-12-29 08:57:29

Several accounts have been broken into this week, here are some tips / reminders of what you can do to keep your NG account more secure:

  1. Use a strong password, meaning a long combination of various characters. Avoid single words or common phrases.
  2. Enable 2FA on your account. This can be done via the “Login Options and 2-Factor Authentication” link on your Account page.
  3. Consider also choosing the option to log in with your email address instead of your username, so any attempts to log in using your username will fail. You can also do this via the Login Options page.
  4. Make sure your email address is up-to-date and your account isn’t connected to an email address you no longer have access to.
  5. Use a unique password for each platform you use, so a compromised account from one place doesn’t impact your account in other places.

2FA is highly recommended, especially if you’re an artist account that will be a larger target.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 09:05:41

RIP Jim Melon:

Let's play Hangman!

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 09:10:25 (edited 2023-12-29 09:10:37)

damn turns out I used a very old email which I don't have access to anymore to register. good thing this post exists otherwise I'd probably never have noticed.


Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 09:13:46 (edited 2023-12-29 09:28:36)

A good idea would be to go to https://www.newgrounds.com/account#

Select "Download options" and download your projects, including PMs.

Saving all of your stuff on multiple external hard drives is a good idea and make sure your file structures are organized so you can find all of the things you have saved.


You can also click "Manage Messages" -- Select All

And delete any messages to increase space.

Create an archive folder for all your projects, which should also encompass tips, tricks, and the pipeline. Save this on an external hard drive; having two is advisable. 

A 1 TB external hard drive costs $50. 

I have mine named "-- Archive" So it shows up at the top of the Windows file structure.

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 09:30:35

well i never been hacked in my life and they only hack people who haven't post in a long time

AlexToolStudio voicing acting since 2023

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 09:39:37

i already changed my password and locked it to email only which i do have my email up to date as well as block PMs from random people

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 09:50:16

Unlocked 2FA!

A member of Thumbnail Crew!, you should help as well!

AKA fe3l1ngsk1lled and Skilled!

BBS Signature

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 09:52:52 (edited 2023-12-29 10:19:46)

Just putting this here as well:

If you play any *ahem* very competitive video games (or participate in communities with a known terrible reputation)-- and if you use services set up by your guild/website that are independent of that game (forums, statistics tracking, recipe builders etc) one thing that will help you immensely:

Clear your browser cookies when you are finished using those services and;

don't use the same password, even if its for stuff you don't care about!

Angry nerds with administrative access to your guild services (and money/SEO training) have figured out they can track what websites you go to and visit-- this isn't necessarily because they are dickheads but because they are looking to see if you are a spy for an enemy guild. They don't have to hack your computer-- they just need you to have that stupid cookie and track you that way!

Now apply what I just told you if someone REALLY hated you and had your email address and the common throw away password you use everywhere.

I was a victim of this. Even if you think I'm full of crap it doesn't hurt to stop normal advertisers from tracking you anyway. Check your browser's settings and tick that box to erase your cookies when you close your browser, and use a password manager.

BBS Signature

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 10:45:11

Thanks for reminding me to secure my account! :D

Not just on NG, but my email and other sites I use religiously!

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 10:46:43

At 12/29/23 08:57 AM, TomFulp wrote: Several accounts have been broken into this week, here are some tips / reminders of what you can do to keep your NG account more secure:

2FA is highly recommended, especially if you’re an artist account that will be a larger target.

how do they get in?

1:37 ───ㅇ─────3:45 ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯


Former fan of the general forums. Artist, Twitter hater, loser, bad poet.

BBS Signature

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 10:53:42

At 12/29/23 10:46 AM, KhaosKitsune617 wrote:
At 12/29/23 08:57 AM, TomFulp wrote: Several accounts have been broken into this week, here are some tips / reminders of what you can do to keep your NG account more secure:

2FA is highly recommended, especially if you’re an artist account that will be a larger target.
how do they get in?

because either;

  1. You use a common password that can be guessed or;
  2. An account you had previously was compromised and on a list somewhere on the darkweb-- and that password ends up on a combo list with your email address and if you used that password everywhere they will try it.

BBS Signature

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 10:55:30

At 12/29/23 10:53 AM, YendorNG wrote:
At 12/29/23 10:46 AM, KhaosKitsune617 wrote:
At 12/29/23 08:57 AM, TomFulp wrote: Several accounts have been broken into this week, here are some tips / reminders of what you can do to keep your NG account more secure:

2FA is highly recommended, especially if you’re an artist account that will be a larger target.
how do they get in?
because either;

oh. will they pm you also to try to get into it?

1:37 ───ㅇ─────3:45 ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯


Former fan of the general forums. Artist, Twitter hater, loser, bad poet.

BBS Signature

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 11:01:22 (edited 2023-12-29 11:02:12)

At 12/29/23 10:55 AM, KhaosKitsune617 wrote:
At 12/29/23 10:53 AM, YendorNG wrote:
At 12/29/23 10:46 AM, KhaosKitsune617 wrote:
At 12/29/23 08:57 AM, TomFulp wrote: Several accounts have been broken into this week, here are some tips / reminders of what you can do to keep your NG account more secure:

2FA is highly recommended, especially if you’re an artist account that will be a larger target.
how do they get in?
because either;
oh. will they pm you also to try to get into it?

You'd have to be very naive to fall for something like that. I'd like to think the majority of NG users are aware of simple social engineering threats-- but being I used to work in technical support for a large ISP people always surprise me that something I think is common knowledge... isn't. :/

BBS Signature

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 11:22:39 (edited 2023-12-29 11:22:50)

If you use a shared computer in a library, school computer lab or the family PC you should also be mindful that you're logging off of your account and the PC when you're done using it. You can also manage your active sessions in account settings.

Practice good Internet hygiene. Wash your hands and feet and clear your browser history.

¥ ♡ ¥ BBS, Review and Chat Mod - PM for help or to snitch! ¥ ♡ ¥

¥ ♡ ¥ Sig pic byTemplate88 ¥ ♡ ¥

BBS Signature

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 11:30:08

Now my account is BUFF!!!!1!1!1!1!!11!!1!1!1!!!!11!11!1!1!!1!1!1!1!1!1!!

Est. 2014, 2016 & September 2021

BBS Signature

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 11:34:20 (edited 2023-12-29 11:37:16)

another thing to remember is this simple rhyme

think, think, think before you click that link, link, link

BBS Signature

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 11:47:18

2FA is just common sense in this day and age.

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 12:18:39

At 12/29/23 09:30 AM, AlexToolStudio wrote: well i never been hacked in my life and they only hack people who haven't post in a long time

That's what you're saying rn

Being 100% alive means taking a 50% of actions and having a 50% of perspective

BBS Signature

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 12:22:56

I Got An 2FA On My Account Tom!

BBS Signature

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 13:22:49

Hackers are a bunch of piece of filth!


Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 13:36:57

They're out to get us. Enabled 2FA, sucks to do it each time but rather that than losing everything.

Atleast I don't have to do a captcha each time!

The knocking will not stop until they make their way to the top

Listen to the Open Door Policy

BBS Signature

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 13:48:16

At 12/29/23 08:57 AM, TomFulp wrote: Consider also choosing the option to log in with your email address instead of your username, so any attempts to log in using your username will fail. You can also do this via the Login Options page.

Is there a reason I can't access my login options page with my password? I can login to the site normally perfectly fine. I can't be mistyping it because I'm pasting it in from a password manager.

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 14:01:12

Account Security is important, but now we all have to worry before the end of 23.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 14:49:33

At 12/29/23 08:57 AM, TomFulp wrote: Several accounts have been broken into this week, here are some tips / reminders of what you can do to keep your NG account more secure:

2FA is highly recommended, especially if you’re an artist account that will be a larger target

Mr. Google said to me that I needed to change the password. I changed it and now I do the 2FA Enable. Protect your accounts and I hope nothing happens to all :)

Dear the user AngelLOL123 ;D

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 15:09:51

At 12/29/23 08:57 AM, TomFulp wrote: Several accounts have been broken into this week, here are some tips / reminders of what you can do to keep your NG account more secure:

2FA is highly recommended, especially if you’re an artist account that will be a larger target.

I feel very sorry for those who got hacked. How much damage was dealt?

- Crazymonkey154

BBS Signature

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 15:18:00

godammit Tom I told you tomcfulp wasn't a good password for an admin account!

Click the Squid -> 🦑

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 15:24:34

At 12/29/23 09:30 AM, AlexToolStudio wrote: well i never been hacked in my life and they only hack people who haven't post in a long time

You are very lucky. Keep up the good work.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 15:43:19

At 12/29/23 08:57 AM, TomFulp wrote: Several accounts have been broken into this week, here are some tips / reminders of what you can do to keep your NG account more secure:

2FA is highly recommended, especially if you’re an artist account that will be a larger target.

The hackers are still here

For example: @chickenwings007

Official Member of the ROTC and the WC (haha toilet)

Also Current Owner of Wikigrounds (I adopted it on December.)

BBS Signature

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 15:47:13

At 12/29/23 08:57 AM, TomFulp wrote: Several accounts have been broken into this week, here are some tips / reminders of what you can do to keep your NG account more secure:

Well damn, I haven't expected that coming! How did I not notice this hours prior?

Response to Account Security 2023-12-29 15:55:47

At 12/29/23 08:57 AM, TomFulp wrote: Several accounts have been broken into this week, here are some tips / reminders of what you can do to keep your NG account more secure:

2FA is highly recommended, especially if you’re an artist account that will be a larger target.

I Think Im Safe ... Thanks Again Tom ...