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short video intro and 3d parts

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short video intro and 3d parts 2017-01-25 01:24:24

I will start to make a new serie with the programm muvizu. I need some help with 3d parts and i need some animation for the intro.

Response to short video intro and 3d parts 2017-01-25 05:49:10

Is this a paid gig and are only looking for 3d animators? Besides that examples of my work can be found on my main page @Wondermeow if you like what you see we can move from there, cheers.

Kind regards,


At 1/25/17 01:24 AM, no-budget-toon wrote: Hi.
I will start to make a new serie with the programm muvizu. I need some help with 3d parts and i need some animation for the intro.

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