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31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!!

15,826 Views | 279 Replies

Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-07 20:01:04

At 10/7/13 07:53 PM, Whirlguy wrote:

That sounds quite different haha. Les Yeux Sans Visage is about a doctor whose attempt to fix his daughter's disfigured face has him kidnaps young girls in order to perform face-transplants.

And fromt he description of the skin I live in (experimental skin) I could see how you'd think they would be similar. Also, Antonio Bandaras is the mad doctor and he sells it. If you're a fan of him and don't necessarily have to see him always be the good guy I'd give it a watch.

I agree, that's very cool about Chernobyl Diaries. I myself watched Final Destination (2000) tonight. The second part of the series was the only one I had seen before.

I never watched that, or saw or any of the other latter day series movies. I figure they'll give me plenty of material to keep doing this challenge years on.
Tonight's film was Apollo 18. I've seen worse found footage movies. I actually cared about one of the characters. The villian was a bit overplayed but overall watchable.

I have nothing against people who can use pot and lead a productive life. It's these sanctimonius hippies that make me wish I was a riot cop in the 60's

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Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-07 20:10:25

has anybody watched dario argentos stuff? i highly recommend suspiria, phenomena, cat o nine tails, profondo rosso, and tenebrae, his films have a really unique eerie atmosphere. i also recommend Black christmas(1974), its the best slasher ever and one of my favorite films, it actually made me feel uncomfortable.

Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-07 20:50:10

Just watched the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920). Another interesting film. It wasn't scary as much as it was just weird. I liked the set design and overall tone of the movie, though.

31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!!

Sig by BlueHippo - AMA

Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod

"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!

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Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-07 21:13:54

At 10/5/13 01:57 PM, Xenomit wrote: I don't like horror movies, and I never really got what's so great about them

Stay out then. Fuck.

As for me, Wax Work is at the top of my list.

Best movie ever.

Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-08 12:13:40

Watched Maniac Cop 3. The first two were awesome, but this was meh.

Also watched Demons 2. Pretty cool, but what the hell was up with the demon baby puppet? Also, kinda weird seeing Asia Argento as a kid cuz normally her adult grown up self...well, just hearing her name gives me a chub.

And Dog Soldiers. Pretty good, and a good cast. Sean Pertwee, son of the Doctor, plus Lucius Voerenus/Tommy from Trainspotting.

And I think I forgot to mention that I watched Cube before. Not bad. The main character reminded me of a friend of mine, which made it kinda weird when he went bonkers.

At 10/7/13 08:10 PM, DeIirium wrote: has anybody watched dario argentos stuff? i highly recommend suspiria, phenomena, cat o nine tails, profondo rosso, and tenebrae, his films have a really unique eerie atmosphere.

I've seen Suspiria, Tenebre, and Profondo Rosso, which were all good. They also had very catchy theme songs. And I recently saw Demons 1 and 2. He didn't direct them, but he was involved with both, and his daughter was in 2.

i also recommend Black christmas(1974)

meh. I didn't hate it but it didn't do much for me.

At 10/6/13 02:21 PM, poxpower wrote: And I did watch The Thing this month haha. It was alright.

That's one of my all time favorite movies ever ever ever. I've watched it so many times.

At 10/6/13 08:06 PM, ZJ wrote: Just watched Tucker & Dale vs. Evil. I liked it a lot. It's funny and does a great job of making fun of horror movies that feature crazed rednecks.

I fucking looooove that movie.

At 10/7/13 04:26 PM, TheMaster wrote: Week 1 progress report. Not as much horror as I'd have liked, but I'm working on it. Got The Fall of the House of Usher ready to watch, but after that I'm going to have to acquire some more.

Waltz with Bashir and Fargo. Very good movies.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-08 12:18:10

At 10/7/13 08:10 PM, DeIirium wrote: has anybody watched dario argentos stuff? i highly recommend suspiria, phenomena, cat o nine tails, profondo rosso, and tenebrae, his films have a really unique eerie atmosphere. i also recommend Black christmas(1974), its the best slasher ever and one of my favorite films, it actually made me feel uncomfortable.

Phenomena is probably in my top 10 films of all time, not just top 10 horrors. Argento is the king of giallo. Fulci and Bava are up there, but Argento is in another league.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-08 16:45:29

Just watched Cube 2. Was totally with the timey winey shit, but what the fuck happened at the end? What the fuck was that fucking shit? I'm just annoyed by this bullshit right now.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-08 18:28:08

the second cube movie just felt like a re-make of the first one. well it's not like they could have done much else with it but then again it didn't need a sequel. the third cube movie is even worse. they really fucked it up by giving an explanation for the cube, it was better when it was a mystery.

Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-08 18:52:39

Today I watched Death Ship.

After a cruise ship is deliberately rammed and sunk by a mysterious vessel in the night, a handful of survivors float in the ocean until the come across a rusty, seemingly abandoned freighter. It soon becomes apparent that a malevolent presence is in the ship.

I thought this was a good movie.

It was more subtle than I was expecting. You never even see a ghost on screen.

The ghost ship itself is quite creepy.

The standout performance is by George Kennedy, who plays the frustrated captain of the cruise ship. The ghost ship is able to influence him, and he becomes a madman who believes himself captain of the ghost ship. His arc reminded me a lot of Jack Torrance from The Shining.

All in all, a decent fright flick. I would recommend it.

31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!!

Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-08 23:10:19

Saw 1985's Re-Animator tonight. I'm not a huge H.P. Lovecraft buff, but I enjoyed the movie. It had a lot of charm to it and told a pretty interesting story. The mixing of horror and comedy was pretty awesome.

31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!!

Sig by BlueHippo - AMA

Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod

"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!

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Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-09 02:19:27

I'm not taking part in this.

Mainly because I'm late to the party and I simply don't have time.

I would like to suggest a couple of trilogies.
Feast and Hatchet. These movies are gorefests but they're also comedies. Feast is low budget but worth a try.

Slither, Curse of Chucky (which just released), Trick 'r' Treat, Old zombies movies (ones with 'living dead' or 'of the dead' in the title), and any Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street.


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Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-09 03:05:08

At 10/8/13 06:52 PM, Darthdenim wrote: Today I watched Death Ship.


That shit movie, Ghost Ship, totally ripped off the poster art of Death Ship.

Except Death Ship's poster is art, and Ghost Ship's poster is photoshopped garbage.

31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!!

Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-09 08:30:28

At 10/8/13 11:10 PM, ZJ wrote: Saw 1985's Re-Animator tonight. I'm not a huge H.P. Lovecraft buff, but I enjoyed the movie. It had a lot of charm to it and told a pretty interesting story. The mixing of horror and comedy was pretty awesome.

I saw that in the cinema a few weeks back. Great with an audience, and it's always been one of my favourites. Check out Bride of Re-Animator, too, it's a pretty solid sequel.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-09 15:17:26

At 10/7/13 08:50 PM, ZJ wrote: Just watched the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920). Another interesting film. It wasn't scary as much as it was just weird. I liked the set design and overall tone of the movie, though.

Funny. I saw that movie in my film history class the other day. I thought it was pretty interesting too.

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Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-09 16:55:18

I'm seeing Re-Animator and Trick 'R Treat mentioned. Those are both awesome, awesome movies.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-09 17:24:30

I watched v/h/s and I think I figured out why I'm not the audience for found footage movies. For me setting is a big thing. I have to believe the world the characters are in. Without that you'd need some very defined and compelling characters to draw me in. You can't just be dudebro number 4 or "girl with a past" when your performance IS the whole movie. Didn't like it.

I have nothing against people who can use pot and lead a productive life. It's these sanctimonius hippies that make me wish I was a riot cop in the 60's

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Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-09 17:27:52

At 10/9/13 05:24 PM, stafffighter wrote: I watched v/h/s and I think I figured out why I'm not the audience for found footage movies.

Check out [Rec.] and Man Bites Dog.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-09 17:33:20

Saw a couple films these last days.

about 3 days ago, I saw Creepshow 2, something i was going to get to sooner or later. It was pretty neat, the first story was kind of meh, while the second was the clear best. and had the most intense and interesting plot. The third, was pretty so so, but the costume design was really top notch.

Then, I saw The Frightners and thoroughly enjoyed the campiness and the socially retarded FBI antagonist. Hilarious movie with some great characters. Michael J. Fox was pretty stiff in this one, and the real comedy came from the ghosts, FBI agent and his interactions with them. Pretty solid film.

Today, I'm planning on Watching Dr. Calagari. I heard some really legitamately good stuff about it, and I can't wait to see it

31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!!

Viva La Liquid Funk Baby. Keep it Mellow for all our sakes.

For Crap Nobody Cares About

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Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-09 18:12:43

Today I watched The Godsend, from 1980.

When a mysterious woman gives birth in the Marlowe house, then disappears without a trace, the Marlowe family decides to raise the child as their own. The little girl, of course, turns out to be evil for some reason.

This movie is in the same vein as films like The Bad Seed, and Orphan.

It's a pretty enjoyable movie, even if it is largely treading old ground. The only surprise in the movie for me was the ending. I was expecting a basic happy ending, and was glad the movie threw me a curve ball.

It's a good flick.

31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!!

Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-09 21:30:58

One of the best films, I've had the pleasure to see. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari makes for GREAT horror via it's truly amazing and disturbing sound-track, acting, amazingly distorted set-design, cinematography, and of course, one of the best original plots in horror I've seen in a long time.

The original Twist ending. Pure elegance and beauty. This year's 31 days of Horror is off to a great second week

Viva La Liquid Funk Baby. Keep it Mellow for all our sakes.

For Crap Nobody Cares About

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Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-09 21:33:42

Going to watch Rosemary's Baby tonight or early tomorrow. Then, going to have to dive into Netflix again

Viva La Liquid Funk Baby. Keep it Mellow for all our sakes.

For Crap Nobody Cares About

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Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-09 21:37:12

At 10/9/13 09:33 PM, DarkShadowblade wrote:

Then, going to have to dive into Netflix again

Oh yeah. half the fun of this is the hunt, some random piece you'd never find let alone watch otherwise. For me tonight's film, the last one I mentioned was from last night if that sounds confusing, was devil's playground. One of the many fast zombie in London 28 days later clones, but a well made one.

I have nothing against people who can use pot and lead a productive life. It's these sanctimonius hippies that make me wish I was a riot cop in the 60's

BBS Signature

Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-09 21:43:00

Rewatched the Deaths of Ian Stone the other day. More of a thriller, but quite Halloween appropriate. First saw it last October. Very good movie. You all should see it.

31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!!

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-09 21:59:58

Watched 1935's The Bride of Frankenstein tonight. Didn't really like it. It was a lot of stuff about the monster just wandering around.


Also, the fact that the actual bride shows up about five minutes before the film ends and doesn't really do anything was a bummer, too. Oh well.

31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!!

Sig by BlueHippo - AMA

Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod

"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!

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Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-09 22:00:26

Beat this scary fucker...still gives me nightmares

31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!!

Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-09 23:29:37

American Horror Story:Coven

had the strongest first first episode out of all three seasons. It's shaping up to be one of the scariest, campiest, and best seasons of an already great show. All horror fans should be watching this if you aren't.


Viva La Liquid Funk Baby. Keep it Mellow for all our sakes.

For Crap Nobody Cares About

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Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-09 23:36:19

At 10/9/13 10:00 PM, zmatt007 wrote: Beat this scary fucker...still gives me nightmares

It kinda fell apart at the end, though.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-09 23:49:07

At 10/9/13 09:37 PM, stafffighter wrote:
At 10/9/13 09:33 PM, DarkShadowblade wrote:
Then, going to have to dive into Netflix again

Oh yeah. half the fun of this is the hunt, some random piece you'd never find let alone watch otherwise. For me tonight's film, the last one I mentioned was from last night if that sounds confusing, was devil's playground. One of the many fast zombie in London 28 days later clones, but a well made one.

I agree! The horror challenge is ALL about finding the gems you wouldn't normally look for! Most of the movies I've watched on the challenge were great watches that I would easily re-watch. What a coincidence! I saw Devil's Playground in LAST year's 31 days of horror challenge.

I personally hated it because the protagonist (Jim? Cory? Cole?) was the biggest dumbass I've ever seen. He constantly gave stupid advice to his makeshift survivor squad, and the zombies spent 95% of the film parkouring the hell out of the environment, instead of running directly toward the survivors.

I remember at one point near the end, they did a close up shot of a zombie flipping over a building thing, when he could of easily and much quickly went around it and got to the survivors.

A 28 years later clone I saw this year was State of Emergency. State of Emergency was REALLY bad, because the survivors KNOW their getting picked up soon and that the infections only localized, along with having a shit-ton of weapons and food rations, they had No problems whatsoever.

TO make it worse, in the film you see about FIVE, count em FIVE zombies. All of the 5 zombies don't even bite anyone, but just try to attack you; and they only saw those zombies due to their own stupidity. Pretty bad movie, and the stale acting made it worse.

Viva La Liquid Funk Baby. Keep it Mellow for all our sakes.

For Crap Nobody Cares About

BBS Signature

Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-09 23:55:05

At 10/9/13 09:59 PM, ZJ wrote: Watched 1935's The Bride of Frankenstein tonight. Didn't really like it. It was a lot of stuff about the monster just wandering around.


Also, the fact that the actual bride shows up about five minutes before the film ends and doesn't really do anything was a bummer, too. Oh well.

I actually LOVE that movie. I give it a 9 out of 10.

Different strokes for different folks.

Response to 31 Days of Horror Challenge 2013!!! 2013-10-09 23:56:46

At 10/9/13 11:29 PM, DarkShadowblade wrote: American Horror Story:Coven

had the strongest first first episode out of all three seasons. It's shaping up to be one of the scariest, campiest, and best seasons of an already great show. All horror fans should be watching this if you aren't.


I really liked it too.

I just hope they don't start throwing in a bunch of stuff that has nothing to do with one another. Like serial killers, nazi doctors, Satan, and aliens.

Let's go for a "less is more" approach this season.