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sig rater crew

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Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-08 14:17:09

At 7/8/05 01:07 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote:

:You do know there is a special help page where you can type in your old accounts e-mail adress and alias and the password to that account will go to that e-mail adress don't you?

Yes I know but i set the email to something that is not existant so I cant do that :p

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-08 14:17:28

At 7/8/05 01:11 PM, -Dawkins- wrote: Rate my current sig plz.

It's alright. A spin off of those odd sigs, or stop that sigs, or whatever they are called. 4/10.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-08 14:56:50

I wish to know if my sig is good

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-08 15:04:57

At 7/8/05 02:56 PM, flash_fox5 wrote: I wish to know if my sig is good

lol No. It's horrible, make a better one. 0/10.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-08 22:54:41

I think I need to add more layers to this, the file size came out much smaller than I expected.

sig rater crew

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-08 22:57:05

Can some one rate teh sig I'm wearing?

I'm back. Call the Police

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-09 19:36:37

At 7/8/05 10:54 PM, BeFell wrote: I think I need to add more layers to this, the file size came out much smaller than I expected.

I like how the tanks treds are animated like that. Mr. Bigglesworth AKA Butters, funny, I guess you like him that much eh? :D It's alright, the background is a bit off from the NG colour, but it's alright. 4/10.

At 7/8/05 10:57 PM, MattAC wrote: Can some one rate teh sig I'm wearing?

Good colours, going nicely with your aura. The animation is alright. Good font for your alias, and everything else is alright as well. 4.5/10.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-10 22:59:06

Rate my new siggy please. :)

You will like it more if you've played FFTA.

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-10 23:06:20

At 7/10/05 10:59 PM, BazookaNinja wrote: Rate my new siggy please. :)

You will like it more if you've played FFTA.

I've played FFT, but not TA. :/ I like the simplicity of it all, good characters as well. 3/10.

But yeah, FFT rocks if you've not played it.

sig rater crew

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-11 03:08:41

How is my sig. I'm a firefox supporter to the core.

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-11 11:42:09

Rate my current please (yeah, it's simple, but it gets the message across).

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-11 12:03:11

At 7/11/05 03:08 AM, Fired wrote: How is my sig. I'm a firefox supporter to the core.

It's crummeh. :O It's all grainy and blurry, not a good sig at all I'm afraid. 1/10.

At 7/11/05 11:42 AM, TimeFrame wrote: Rate my current please (yeah, it's simple, but it gets the message across).

Heh, I like the ' Art Starts Here ' bit, that's pretty clever. It's good, but it's only a half sig. :/ I'm know you could do better. Good colours though, the grey and blue go nicely together. 5.5/10.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-11 12:10:39

I havn't realy gave a shit about my sig for months so yea rate this peice of shit.

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-11 12:15:33

At 7/11/05 12:03 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote:
Heh, I like the ' Art Starts Here ' bit, that's pretty clever. It's good, but it's only a half sig. :/ I'm know you could do better. Good colours though, the grey and blue go nicely together. 5.5/10.

It's just for advertisement. And yes, i could do better, but i really hate this 60x400 size limit.

By the way, where could i find that free-trial version of photoshop CS 2?

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-11 12:17:43

At 7/11/05 12:15 PM, TimeFrame wrote: It's just for advertisement. And yes, i could do better, but i really hate this 60x400 size limit.

Ah, I see. And yes, the limit is bothersome at times.

By the way, where could i find that free-trial version of photoshop CS 2?


Belive it or not, the same link you gave to me that had the CS trial.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-11 12:20:14

At 7/11/05 12:17 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote:

Belive it or not, the same link you gave to me that had the CS trial.

wow. Thank you very much. I just want to be sure where it is so i can get it after my 7.0 trial runs out.

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-11 12:36:58

What do you think of my current sig.

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-11 13:38:58

At 7/11/05 12:36 PM, -Jose- wrote: What do you think of my current sig.

*Whimpers* I don't know why, but that scares me, for some odd reason... >_< Please tell me that's some kind of chocolate icing she's got there... *hides*

Bleh. I made an animated banner. I know; I know; it's not finished yet. I need to work on the background. =(^-_-^)=

...among other things...

"Men don't grow up; they just grow out."

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-11 14:13:11

Alright, I'm back from holiday. Sorry I took a while to rate people's sigs. :| And I'm sorry that I've only rated people's sigs that have a link or a picture uploaded in their post as a sig to rate. This is incase I rate a sig that people asked for a rating when I was away, but changed sig before I got to rating sigs.

At 6/26/05 04:30 PM, Mango-Man wrote: http://i7.photobucke..gnatures/halosig.jpg

8/10. I'm not a Halo fan, but the backgrouns looked very nice with Master Cheif and the patterns.

At 6/27/05 01:58 PM, hyphon wrote: mmm.... simplicity: thanks

8.5/10. Heh, it looks interesting. The glow of the outline looks good. Nice font.

At 6/27/05 02:08 PM, CoryPrevost wrote: meh, i cant really make a decent looking one, because i dont have, nor want to pay for photoshop, ive made one sig on my own, but.........it's ugly as hell.........

3/10. Not too good. Border's okay, the sprites look bad quality and I don't like the text.

At 6/27/05 11:23 PM, BeFell wrote: I was going for a Simpsons-esque feeling with this. Of course thats just my cover for the fact that I can't draw very well.

4/10. Animation isn't too good. Graphics aren't too good either.

At 6/28/05 02:06 AM, Cannabis_Creations wrote: Rate plz

8.5/10. The background there looks really good. Border's nice and I've seen that smiley thing in the middle somewhere else before.

At 6/28/05 02:36 AM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: This is the one I did, didn't come out so well due to the fact that my equiptment is crap. :/

8/10. Agh, it's those things, but look really good like that.

At 6/28/05 05:35 AM, CoryPrevost wrote: yeh, i got a few new ones you guys can rate, *warning* may turn into a double post*
ok.... theres this........Made by hellfire.....and my current, made by me in ms paint (omfg)

6/10. I like the character there, although you didn't make it. Border's fine and the text is okay.

At 6/28/05 07:24 AM, Error405 wrote: sorry for double post i thought id post the pic as i keep experimentsing with me NG sig

8/10. Well, I won't score down because of the pink colours, but the characters and the background are used nicely.

At 6/28/05 12:17 PM, Flash_Gordon wrote: well i made this from scratch, none of it is google images lol, so whaddya think ?

9/10. Looks like the cola background. I like. Nice text.

At 6/28/05 12:33 PM, -Akula- wrote: Sig picture upload

8.5/10. I love the animation there. TomFulp and the nice colours. :D

At 6/28/05 04:51 PM, CoryPrevost wrote: lololol, sorry i posted the wrong one, and no i didnt add a border and text, hell-fire did, lol, heres the one though

5.5/10. Fade, not good border. Text is alright, but I didn't like it much.

At 6/29/05 12:03 AM, marsh1 wrote: ppl- tell me what you think of this animated sig i just randomly made

7/10. Heh, I like that animation. It's good.

At 6/29/05 06:53 AM, Error405 wrote:
No i didnt ask you to rate a sig on the last page ITS LIES! >:P

8/10. I like that fading part on that sig. Looks good. Purple colours look quite good.

At 6/29/05 07:24 AM, -Bonafide- wrote: Btw, rate this sig...

8/10. That background looks good. The text there also looks good.

At 6/29/05 09:27 PM, Soon_To_Be_Changed wrote: rate my new sig.Just made it right now since i joined the shock crew

2/10. Animation not good, bad background, not good font. I only liked seeing Mario and that's it about the sig.

At 6/30/05 11:15 AM, Mango-Man wrote: rate :P


8/10. The background looks good with the patterns. The character looks interesting.

At 6/30/05 12:08 PM, Big-Nose-James wrote: http://img181.images..screenshot0025hb.jpg

7/10. I don't really like the font. Bit hard to read, but the colours look good.


8.5/10. The background looks good and Mario, yay.


3/10. Font looks good, but just that, no background and a character? Not good, sorry.


7/10. The drawing looks nice. The colouring looks good. Looks good.

At 6/30/05 04:39 PM, -Charon- wrote: heres my most recent one i made for another forum

9/10. That monster there looks kick ass. Good background as well along with a nice border.

At 7/1/05 02:11 AM, Velocitom wrote: rate

9/10. Heh, the white and the other colours there make it look really good.

At 7/1/05 04:54 AM, Cannabis_Creations wrote: Rate plz

8.5/10. Background looks nice and the red border looks really good.

At 7/2/05 09:31 AM, -Akula- wrote: No images used, did this in 20 minutes.

8/10. Heh, that's good. I like the asm there. Nice background.

At 7/2/05 10:22 AM, -Dawkins- wrote: I meant this pic. Which one of my sigs is better?

2/10. Still not good, but that "Stop That" sig I find better.

At 7/2/05 12:22 PM, -Lex117- wrote: This was a sig on a bit larger scale than i usually do, but id like some feedback on it.

9/10. The background there looks very good. I love that colour background around Batman. The background on the right is also good along with the nice text and the colour of it.

At 7/2/05 02:29 PM, Big-Nose-James wrote: just made my first sig on photoshop after waiting 2 HOURS!!! waiting for the download, either way whatta u think? (Put the pic in case it ain't changed yet)

2/10. Yellow background, your big nose James and text. Not good.

At 7/2/05 04:20 PM, TimeFrame wrote: Rate please:

8.5/10. The background there looks good. I like how Chester looks there.

At 7/2/05 05:51 PM, Error405 wrote: whatya think of this one?

9.5/10. Heh, Plusle and Minum look funny there. I like them like that. :D The lightnings in the background look very good and the text looks good.

At 7/3/05 11:27 AM, BlueFlameSkulls wrote: pls rate the one i posted and the one im using

6/10. Background is nice, but the skull on the left doesn't look good. :|

since ive changed my sig here rate this one i made

8/10. Background is better and the skull looks better.

At 7/3/05 03:04 PM, The_Clansman wrote: Rate mine please.

6.5/10. Animation is alright, I don't like the background much. Quality doesn't look good. And I don't like sex jokes.

I'll have to make another post of ratings since I've almost hit the character limit. :|

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-11 14:24:24

Part two of the ratings.

At 7/3/05 03:35 PM, Stoogle wrote: http://gazler.com/users/flame//jsamus.gif

9.5/10. I like that background. Text looks good and yay for Samus!


8.5/10. Looks strange how the sig is in the centre and there's grey background around the image. However, background in sig looks good and the character also looks good. Nice text and border.


9/10. That blue background looks good. I like it more since I see Cloud.

At 7/3/05 04:17 PM, LiquidMayCry wrote: rate the one i made while i was banned

8/10. Character looks good and I like that rain animation.

At 7/3/05 07:33 PM, -Nev- wrote: Plus I'm not very good with photoshop and I'm a uber rookie. And the text isn't good, so any hints on what I could do with the text would help. As I'm happy with the rest of it:

8/10. I like the image. Border's alright and the text looks quite good.

At 7/4/05 12:06 AM, -Darkness- wrote: FF7

latest sig, been told its pretty good.

8.5/10. It damn right is good. Sephiroth, the background and the text. :D

At 7/4/05 01:41 PM, -Darkness- wrote: OMG RATE BOTH

8/10. Heh, I prefer it with Sephiroth.

At 7/4/05 04:18 PM, -Charon- wrote: http://img161.images..61/7098/sotw79wt.gif

9.5/10. Background looks very good and yay for Kazuya. Borders on the corners look good and nice video.

At 7/5/05 01:14 AM, -Darkness- wrote: linkage

8.5/10. Heh, the black and white makes the sig look really good. :D Nice background.

At 7/5/05 04:06 PM, xDrep wrote: Rate:

8.5/10. I like the background. Looks good and the green makes it look nicer. Nice font as well.

At 7/6/05 11:32 AM, NamesAreForLosers wrote: Rate.

1/10. They're not, but it was quite a funny sig. Nothing much, though.

At 7/6/05 11:50 PM, TimeFrame wrote: Rate please.

8.5/10. I see level 10 or 12, yay! Also, the image looks quite strange, but I still found it good.

At 7/7/05 01:16 AM, TimeFrame wrote: I modified it a bit:

9/10. Looks better.

At 7/8/05 12:48 AM, TimeFrame wrote: Well, here's another vector sig (not quite finished yet). Let me know what you think so far:

9/10. The character looks good and the background colour there looks very nice.

At 7/8/05 12:42 PM, SquiD75 wrote: I think my attemp at an explosion failed, not too sure.

9/10. I like that background. Looks great. The machine there looks good.

At 7/8/05 10:54 PM, BeFell wrote: I think I need to add more layers to this, the file size came out much smaller than I expected.

5/10. Heh, I like the NG Tank part and its animation. Alright sig.

I'll rate all sigs after this post. Again, sorry to those people that I didn't rate.

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-11 16:14:59

Could you tell me what you think about my siggy Bahamut? :D

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-11 17:24:53

Well, here's a new one. Tell me what you think (i might add a render on later depending on the rating):

sig rater crew

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-11 17:52:16

At 7/11/05 05:24 PM, TimeFrame wrote: Well, here's a new one. Tell me what you think (i might add a render on later depending on the rating):

It's pretty good as a background, but it really does need a render. Perhaps an interesting border or some tech brushes too.7/10

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-11 17:53:45

At 7/11/05 05:24 PM, TimeFrame wrote: Well, here's a new one. Tell me what you think (i might add a render on later depending on the rating):

Pretty nice. I do like the white and light blues of it all. Looks like the antenna look bits are like bridges or roads IMO. It's good. So you can add a render if you want to, but it's nice anyways. 7/10.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-11 17:54:01

At 7/11/05 03:08 AM, Fired wrote: How is my sig. I'm a firefox supporter to the core.

This is a real firefox sig.

sig rater crew

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-11 17:58:03

At 7/11/05 05:52 PM, Hypocrite wrote:
It's pretty good as a background, but it really does need a render. Perhaps an interesting border or some tech brushes too.7/10

I changed it around. Now it's vertical and the border is much more seeable. Im just waiting for MindChamber to give me permission to use his robot (looks a hell of a lot better that way).

Thank you for the rating, and i'll try out your suggestions.

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-11 17:59:43

At 7/11/05 05:54 PM, Hypocrite wrote:
At 7/11/05 03:08 AM, Fired wrote: How is my sig. I'm a firefox supporter to the core.
This is a real firefox sig.

As a note, it was made by iamnone, I don't specifically want it to be rated (but I don't mind if it gets rated), and the base pic is here.

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-11 18:06:41

At 7/11/05 05:58 PM, TimeFrame wrote:
At 7/11/05 05:52 PM, Hypocrite wrote:
It's pretty good as a background, but it really does need a render. Perhaps an interesting border or some tech brushes too.7/10
I changed it around. Now it's vertical and the border is much more seeable. Im just waiting for MindChamber to give me permission to use his robot (looks a hell of a lot better that way).

I used this render (google search "mech" in one of my sigs that looked like that.

sig rater crew

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-11 18:24:50

Well, here's the vert. sig version. Thanks to MindChamber for letting me use his pic (i might blend it in later):

Vert. Robot Sig

Response to sig rater crew 2005-07-11 22:10:37

At 7/11/05 05:59 PM, Hypocrite wrote:
At 7/11/05 05:54 PM, Hypocrite wrote:
At 7/11/05 03:08 AM, Fired wrote: How is my sig. I'm a firefox supporter to the core.
This is a real firefox sig.
As a note, it was made by iamnone, I don't specifically want it to be rated (but I don't mind if it gets rated), and the base pic is here.

Yeah, it's a good sig an image.

At 7/11/05 06:06 PM, Hypocrite wrote: I used this render (google search "mech" in one of my sigs that looked like that.

^ God 8.5/10

At 7/11/05 06:24 PM, TimeFrame wrote: Well, here's the vert. sig version. Thanks to MindChamber for letting me use his pic (i might blend it in later):

I highly suggest that you blend it to an extent. It's a good image, but it's to hard on that background by it's self. 4.5/10.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature