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Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2)

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Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-06 15:07:46

As quickly as you could say 'Took you long enough!', here are the results of Group 2, Round 4 :D. In all seriousness, sorry for the delay :C. Good news is that the reviews are longer than usual (at least mine and SBB's are) and we were really impressed by the submissions (at least I was. I downloaded each one xD). Blackhole12 has some challenge up ahead :D.

Keep your eye out for any mistakes. I double-checked the results so there shouldn't be any, but if you see any, please notify me. It's pretty late right now and I still have to finish a 400 word literature essay in the horrible language that I am forced to write it in (Maltese. Yuck I hate living in Malta). Anyway, enough about essays and crap... as usual, don't post till after the results are posted, and I'll be using my alt DarkShadow166 to post the other results due to the '4 posts per half an hour' rule. You guys know the drill. Enjoy the results!

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-06 15:12:29



SUMMARY : Now this, is cool.

REVIEW : Man, this song is yet again another masterpiece from you. I mean wow, this song is more than just evil or villainous.

I'll start with those awesome melodies. Seriously, they just sound out of this world. They're catchy and never want to leave your head, and they really evoke that 'don't mess with me' feel. Your use of accidentals really emphasized on how evil this Orcu is. This seriously rocks. Loved the break at 2:47. Epic songs don't always have to be epic, and that's why I think this break fits so well. Then, the buildup right after with that drum hit was sublime.

Instruments were superb quality, making me doubt if they're East/West or you hired your own orchestra and rock band. The guitar really got me by surprise, but it was a really nice surprise so yeah xP. It sounded very good, Ministry of Rock or Goliath, right? Choirs were also a nice touch, and the piano sounded amazing as well. One thing I would complain about your guitar is that I think it needs more bass to fill up the song a little more, since I think it leans a bit too much towards the treble. Still, I'm not experienced at all in that kind of stuff, so I won't reduce any points for you because I might be wrong. Yeah, instruments and melodies are perfection.

The transitions in this song were very smooth, and the song flowed really smoothly and no transition dared to be even slightly abrupt. New instruments were introduced really well, and what I really liked in this submission would be your brilliant buildups. The beginning had a buildup where you slowly introduced more elements to the song, which always makes a great intro, and the buildup after the break, as I said, was excellent.

The structure was fantastic, and the fact that you had such a powerful climax at the end really added to the good structure that this has. At times the song got slightly repetitive, especially a little after the guitar came in, but there were enough alternate melodies to keep the listener enjoying the song, so I can't really complain much about repetition. Intro was full of suspense, which I really liked, and the ending was almost perfect. Maybe you could make the final hit with the strings more powerful though, since it sounds almost as if the song ended with a drum hit only, and that didn't make such a good ending note. What I'm trying to say is, I think the final note of the strings could be a bit more prominent and not drowned away by the final drum hit.

The drums on the other hand were really some of the best drums I've heard on NG. I heard cymbal crashes, scrape sounds, guiros, bass drums and some of the most powerful drum hits I've ever heard on NG. Seriously, these drums fit so well with the song that I can't tell the difference between professional drums and your drums anymore xD. So yeah, drums were an absolute win for me, loved them from beginning to end!

The only thing which got your score down to a 9 would be the fact that the mix is so busy. The song actually got very cluttered and at times it was hard to understand what was going on. A person referred to your song as 'organised noise'. While this song is very far from 'noise', I can see what he means by that phrase - it's just so cluttered. So while it is extremely epic, I think there's too much going on. Maybe you should make the main melodies a bit more pronounced and easier to listen to, and remove a few elements from the song, since at times this song gets really busy and almost 'messy', since sometimes simpler is better :|.

Still, other than that, this song is beyond epic, and it's so devestating that I'm hardly surprised it got the top 5. a 9/10, just work a little on that ending and making the song a little less cluttered. Barely any other defects with the song, which shows how talented you are. Keep up your outstanding work, and say hi to Orcu for me! :D.

SCORE : 9/10


SUMMARY : Catchy, relaxing, awesome :D.

REVIEW : This is a great song, just like all your others. You excel at making relaxing trance songs, that's for sure, and this is a perfect example of your fantastic capabilities. Good job man, loved it!

The melodies were beautifully done, namely the piano melodies which were very catchy, especially in the chorus. I really like that you didn't keep to 4/4, but switched to a different time signature (sounds more like 6/8 than 3/4 to me but whatever), which is one of the things which I like about your songs - you don't always limit yourself to 4/4, but explore different time signatures, making your songs very original and unique. Loved the part at 1:30. Still, I'll have to complain about your mix. The song in all greatly lacked reverb. If you listen to those sweeps, they sound so dry, and sweeps are supposed to have that full, echoey sound. The piano sounds like it's begging for reverb, and the synths, although spacey, are bland and dry, which is why I'd highly suggest adding some more reverb to the piece overall.

There's a nice variety of different instruments, although the main instrument usually stays piano. The beginning of the song had some different instruments carrying the main melody, but from then on, basically the piano played the main melody, almost all the time. Maybe towards the middle/end of the song you could change from the piano a little, since although the piano truly does sound amazing, I think if you add more variety of instruments carrying the main melody, this piece would have even more diversity than it already has. Like in all your other songs, you sometimes have so many things going on at the same time, yet the song never becomes messy or cluttered, which is really effective and great, IMO. Good job :). Sweeps were brilliant and were a really nice touch.

Transitions on the whole were extremely well done, and show the fact that you worked really hard on the song. Still, I don't agree with some of the transitions, such as the transition to the different time signature at 1:42. I know how hard it is to change to a different time signature, so I won't really reduce many points for it, but still, the transitions to different time signatures may need some work (1:42 and 2:01).

The song has a good structure, quite interesting too. The only thing I'll have to complain about when it comes to the structure would be in the part from 3:24 till the end. It's as if you grabbed the original piano piece, put it in your song, added some beautifully done instrumentation and drums, but then at 3:24 you got lazy and decided to leave the piano piece as it is and submit it like that. Sorry, but I don't think this works too well. However, the variety was superb, and the fact that you varied it so well without it getting random was impressive.

The intro was BEAUTIFUL. The violins really set off the mood, and sounded amazing. Hip-hop drums were a nice touch in the intro, and they evolved into breakbeats so smoothly. 0:19 sounded great too. All in all, the intro was amazing, I wish I saw more parts along the lines of the intro throughout the song. The outro was fine, too bad it only ended in piano as I said above. Still, a good outro.

Drums were varied extremely well, and sound nice. I don't have much to complain about with the drums, except maybe the fact that you could add more cymbals. The only cymbals I heard where some really abrupt hi-hats. Crash cymbals, rides, open hats, you have a variety to choose from. Other than that, I really liked the drums since they fit so well with the submission.

Awesome submission, and I really enjoyed listening to it. This submission is among the top best I've heard in the NGADM so far. Just work on the dry mix, piano-only part at the end, and the time signature transitions. Other than those few defects, this song deserves all the 9's and 10's it gets :D. 9/10, keep it up!

SCORE : 9/10


Wolf Pack Riders - 9 / 10
Ghetto Boyz - 9 / 10

Continues in the next post...

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-06 15:14:12

At 4/6/10 03:12 PM, Supersteph54 wrote:
Continues in the next post...



REVIEW : Your songs are excellent, and as usual, this one is no exception. Sure, it's generic at times, but what the heck, this sounds so awesome, and the addition of piano was amazing. Still, this isn't one of your best, so while it's a good submission, it's just not a good dj-Jo submission ;).

The melodies were really nice. Loved the main melody here, it was extraordinarily catchy. Yeah, I think the melody that you added here was very well done. The part at 1:11 was fantastic and a great way to get the piano going. 2:34 was also well done. Unfortunately, the song doesn't live up to its name since although there is a nice amount of piano, the piano plays the same melody quite a few times and occasionally even gets drowned out by the other synths. Also, the amount of alternate melodies over here isn't too good. Sure there are a few subtle changes to the melody, and the song didn't exactly repetitive. The song was predictable rather than repetitive. The same melody with some changes for a whole 4 minutes and a half isn't such a good idea, to be honest. So while your melody is brilliant, your amount of melodies isn't.

The instruments, unfortunately, are generic. Yeah, this is a problem that keeps coming up in your songs. Sure, there isn't really much wrong with being generic, but the problem is that the song becomes even more predictable and the listener keeps thinking stuff like 'oh, I heard this before'. Also, the best adjective for the synths would surely be 'blaring'. They were too powerful, and at times got a bit annoying to listen to. The piano parts in the song were nice, since the calm piano provided a nice break from the blaring synths. Long story short, you should find some less-generic synths which are easier on the ears, since the ones you have right now are pretty rough and the fact that they're based on detuned saws really doesn't give it a unique touch, unfortunately. Also, the song got pretty loud in the climaxes.

Transitions were excellent, and everything in this song flowed smoothly. I don't really agree with the transition at 3:48, though, although that's probably just me. I really liked the transition from 0:56 to 1:10, it introduced the piano really well. Snare roll provided some good transitions too, even though it was pretty generic. New synths were introduced pretty well and buildups were decent ^^.

The structure is good, although it's easy to make a decent structure if you keep repeating the same melody with a few changes :\. The variety was alright because you had many changes in automation, different leads and a number of subtle changes, so all I would complain about with the variety would be the variety of melodies as I mentioned above.

Intro was very nice, led to a great buildup, and sounded great. I also really liked the outro. IMO that final piano chord was extremely well executed and more importantly, sounded really cool :D. I really liked the fact that the outro was a slow piano piece, really was some relief from the powerful climaxes you had before.

I can't say much about the drums, they were rather generic. They sounded alright, but the samples themseles are overused. Still, I really liked the beats, and the drums overall fit beautifully with the main song, so good job with the drums, even though the drum sounds are generic ^^.

Yeah, I don't think this is your best. Melody was extremely good, transitions were smooth, structure and variety was OK, intro and outro were awesome, and the drum beats were great, but the fact that this lacks different melodies really ruins the song. Also, you should use some more unique and less generic synths, so that this doesn't end up another generic dance song. 8 out of 10.

SCORE : 8/10


SUMMARY : So making Heavy Metal isn't your only talent :D.

REVIEW : This is a really good song, and I enjoyed it even though I don't really like dubstep that much. This has its defects, but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages greatly. Is this your first (or second if you count the dubstep preview) dubstep song? If it is, I'm impressed, if it's not, I'm still impressed because it sounds great xD.

The melodies are extremely well done, especially the melody at 1:08, and the mellow pads at the beginning played great melodies. The wobbling on the bass was very cool too. I liked the part where the choirs plays a long faded note and then the bass answered 1:36 a lot, I think it was really fun to listen to. I also liked the fact that you faded those choirs in, it added to the atmosphere of the song. Yeah, melodies and stuff are basically perfect, and I have nothing to complain about them :D.

Instruments also sound superb. The sine pads at the beginning were spacey and sounded great, and I also liked the synth at 1:08. Choirs sounded really really good, and as I said above, really contributed the atmoshphere of the song. I liked the fact that at times you had so much going on but the song still was easy to listen to, such as at the end, where you had the choirs, the bass, the drums and the sine pads playing. Still, when it comes to the bass, I think it could be a bit bassier, since this is dubstep after all. I liked the fact that you added a vocal sample, although it was quite hard to understand, and if it wasn't for your author's comments I would've have understood it. Loved the sound effects you added especially in the beginning.

The transitions on the whole are really excellent, and I definitely can't complain about any of the transitions. New instruments were also introduced well. There weren't really many buildups, so I won't comment about them. The structure was superb, and the variety is also excellent. Good job ^^.

Intro was sublime, but the addition of the rough kick drum really ruined the atmosphere at the beginning. Maybe you could have softer and more atmospheric drums at the beginning, and then move on to the powerful dubstep drums afterwards. The ending, as you said, wasn't too good, but I suppose that's because it's a WiP.

When it comes to the drums, on the whole they were great, and varied well. The only thing I don't like is that snare. It felt a bit weak, compare to other dubstep snares. Also, I was expecting some sidechaining with the drums, although that's only a small suggestion. Overall the drums were fine.

In all, this is fun to listen to and I enjoyed it. Its only problems are the rough drums in the intro, lack of bass, weird ending and weak snare, and these are all nitpicks. This sounds awesome, and deserves the 9 I gave it. Keep it up!

SCORE : 9/10


dj-Jo - 8 / 10
mr-jazzman - 9 / 10

Next we have Darklight's results...

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-06 15:18:51

At 4/6/10 03:14 PM, Supersteph54 wrote:
Next we have Darklight's results...


Woah. Now that is one nice song. the depth and atmosphere is what struck me most in this one. The mood is instantly set off with brilliant introduction to the main theme. The build up was great, and the transition was even better. The fantastic melodies in the main section were brilliant. I especially loved the part with the rock guitar, as i absolutely adore classical rock. The drums were as varied as hell throughout the whole thing, never getting boring or repetitive. To me, this is the very epitome of sheer brilliance. It sounds so realistic that i almost felt myself running with the villian behind me. Superb work on the outro too, and i also loved the calm interlude which then led back into the epic part. Great work!

Score = 9.5/10
Very good. Its definetely insanely complex, with intricate patterns and drums mixing together to give a fantastic experience. I particularly loved the piano part, but im sorry that it had a slight buzzy sound to it, as this became a bit too annoying at times and prevented me from enjoying the song. The drums were great, with a nice varied beat which wasnt too overpowering or too faint. The clap was a bit too high pitched at times and this tended to get annoying a bit. Depth and bass were decent, although some more bass would be nice. Harmonizing was great, with no discordancies that i could hear. Transitions were as smooth as ice. I didnt like the outro much though as its a bit too abrupt for my tastes.But overall, Nice work!

Score = 8.5/10
Now this is great. The beat and instruments are instantly superb (Heck yeah, i like that unce-unce sound :P), with great rythm and melody put into the brilliant mixture of depth and harmonizing to come up with a cake of greatness! (Did i just say cake of greatness?!?! :O) But anyway, u get what i mean. The intro was definetely one of the sections that caught my attention most. I loved the way it faded into silence for a few secs to give that awesome sense of suspense. The climax and transition into the main section were smooth and fantastically delicous (Delicous?!?! Whats wrong with me?!?! :O). As far as instruments go, those samples are way better then most ive heard in a long while, and the way you used them was definetely brilliant. I would have liked some more originalality however, as its basically the same melody with some slight alterations. However, i did think that there'd be more piano as a main instrument instead of mostly synths, but thats just my opinion, and as you did end your fantastic song with a brilliant piano outro, ill excuse you. OVerall, this is fantastically superb, i tried to find something else to reduce ur points for, but heck, its just perfect...

Score = 9/10
Hm...not bad. Its not a bad song. Definetely goes well with the genre.The drumz are sublime and the kick had that nice punchy feel to it. The drums could have been louder though, as the snare was barely heard and the kick was a bit too faint. I liked the pads u used, although im not a particular fan of that wobbly synth, as it had too much of a wobble if u know waht i mean. Other then taht, most of the melodies were varied and well played out, with a great original structure. I also liked the slight glitchy sound u put on some of the synths, as i simply adore anything that has to do with glitchy-ness (<-New word! WOOT!) and whatnot. As for the vocals, i didnt exactly get what they said, but it sounded good, and provided a perfect transition into the next part, so good job on that part. I didnt particularly like the outro though, cos it was a bit too abrupt. I think that this would have served better as a loop, or at least a cool fade out at the end. Overall however, its a decent song that deserves a decent score.

Score = 8/10

Cool, I can fit SBB's results in here too.



Bracksta - Dragon Flight [6]
I had a bit of trouble analyzing this song, I think it has something to do with me being immune to this kind of instrumentation... the FL Keys-like piano without dynamics and 909-like drums turn me off instantly. But I'm trying not to focus on that.

I can't really get a grip on any recognizable/memorable melody or riff, so the song will definitively not stay in my mind for long after I'm done writing this up. Although there are some moments of tension and relief, there is no real progression or climax, probably due to the very very dry mix and lack of dynamics. I'm also being bothered by the distortion that is mostly present in the latter third of the song, so I don't feel like playing this loud. (I realize you (Bracksta) said it's due to the low quality, but low bitrate shouldn't introduce distortion)

As for things I did enjoy, the triplet part was quite groovy and funky. I've tried hard but other than that, I really don't find anything about this song interesting or exceptional at all. Sorry.

Gravey - Orcuv...something The Tomb Shaker [9]
There is a very nice dramatic melody in this one. It seems to be a bit obscured by the string chords and percussion though. If there were also some higher instruments to pronounce the melody even more, this would certainly be a very memorable song. The guitar sound is a nice touch, I can't figure out if it's real or sample/synth through the busy mix though.

The percussion is very nice, but it seems to be a bit too loud, so as I said it obscures much of the other instrumentation. Therefore it is very relieving once the break comes. The production is incredibly busy, so it certainly makes the piece feel very intense, but I feel exhausted after listening through it the first time, so while it's a good song, I don't want to listen to it again.

But I mean, man, this is a very impressive piece. Gigantic sound, great melody and tension, most of it is nearly right when it comes to the levels, you (Gravey) also managed to make it hella loud.

mr-jazzman : Closure WIP >Baconstep< [8]
Begins with a very soothing intro with a mellow sine pad and some windy noises that sets the initial mood. These synths are at a very low volume compared to the hard, bassy kick drum that is introduced next. The sheer loudness of that drum promptly destroys the mood that was set by the initial pads. The other drums seem to be a bit dry, which also clashes with the mellow intro. After this awkward event, the direction of the track is changed, and the focus is on the drums and the dubstep-style, lo-fi bass rather than the other synths.

Now, as everything is in triplets, and some more interesting percussion is added, the tune is quite catchy. The melody seems to be spread over three layers, and it's hard to get a good grip on the song, but it does have a distinct, mellow, sound that makes it stand out from the other entries.

dj-Jo: Piano Excursion [7.5]
The synths generally follow the same chord progressions, with a sub bass in the bottom, a bright synth pad playing the chords and another synth arpeggiating on top of that. This creates a solid base for the song, in which there thankfully is a distinct, repeating melody. This does not mean it's repetitive: there are many variations on the melody throughout the song, but it never goes off track.

The sounds used feel a bit, well, old. Standard dry electronic drum kit, synths based on detuned saws etc. There isn't really any synth or sound that stands out or grabs the listener's attention, so it sounds quite bland and generic when I listen to it casually.

Finally, the results and stuff...

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-06 15:21:47

At 4/6/10 03:18 PM, Supersteph54 wrote:
Finally, the results and stuff...


Gravey vs Bracksta - Winner: Gravey
9 + 9 + 9.5 = 27.5/30 vs 6 + 9 + 8.5 = 23.5/30
9.17/10 vs 7.84/10

dj-Jo vs mr-jazzman - Winner: mr-jazzman
9 + 8 + 7.5 = 24.5/30 vs 9 + 8 + 8 = 25/30
8.17/10 vs 8.34/10

Winners of Round 4:

Pretty obvious...

27th April, 1:00 NG Time, 6:00 GMT

Congratulations to Gravey, the Wolf Pack Riders will be proud. As for Bracksta, too bad man, you still rock at music, would love to see you next time ^^. Pretty close one between mr-jazzman and dj-Jo, but mr-jazzman made it through by 0.5 of a point xD. Same goes to dj-Jo, great job making it this far, hope to see you in the '10 NGADM!

Post away, and Gravey and mr-jazzman, make some masterpieces! :D.

I am Step's alt.

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-06 15:44:09

Mmmmm.....Time to feast on some Jazzy-Jazz McJazzorz flesh...

Also, couple things I would like to point out about my song. One, its nearly all freeware and sound fonts. The guitars are Ministry of Rock, the Contrabassoon in the beginning is from EWQLSO, and the piano is Edirol. Other than those three instruments, everything I used was either from free soundfont packs online or from the FL studio preset library. I used four different things from the FL library, but needless to say I kinda raped them to the point of being unrecognizable. :-P

Also, the lack of bass in the song was intentional. If you think the mix was busy already, you should have heard it before I EQ'd most of the bass out of the song.


"The production is incredibly busy, so it certainly makes the piece feel very intense, but I feel exhausted after listening through it the first time, so while it's a good song, I don't want to listen to it again."

I would like to make it known that this was intentional, and I commend SBB on coming to this conclusion. I wanted the song to be exhausting on the listener. So this comment REALLY made me smile. :-D

Now, time to make a song to post against Jazzer-Jazzick Jazzington. I'm guessing we'll have roughly 2 months to finish this round? :-P

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-06 15:51:17

At 4/6/10 03:44 PM, Gravey wrote: Now, time to make a song to post against Jazzer-Jazzick Jazzington. I'm guessing we'll have roughly 2 months to finish this round? :-P

No, you have 3 weeks to finish the round, and knowing Darklight, another 2 months for your results xP.

Good luck against Jazzy McJazzer Jazzi-whatever.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-06 16:01:25

At 4/6/10 03:51 PM, Supersteph54 wrote:
At 4/6/10 03:44 PM, Gravey wrote: Now, time to make a song to post against Jazzer-Jazzick Jazzington. I'm guessing we'll have roughly 2 months to finish this round? :-P
No, you have 3 weeks to finish the round, and knowing Darklight, another 2 months for your results xP.

Oh that's right. I had things backwards. :-P

So three weeks then. We should make it a 24 hour contest instead. Would be far more fun and exhilarating. ;-)

Good luck against Jazzy McJazzer Jazzi-whatever.

BAH! It's Jazzlin-Jazzim MickJazzor! GET IT RIGHT!!!

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-06 18:02:13

WELL then, this is certainly interesting! =) dj-Jo, you had an excellent song man, just remember that! Honestly, I'm really surprised it's down to me and Gravey, seeing how everything else went. But, I guess, here we go man! Don't think I'll let ya get away with eating me raw broski; you may have EastWest, but I've got myself some Superior Drummer and a deadline to produce something good for my college class lol. May the best song advance to challenge Blackhole12!

(Lol holy god, I just realized I harrassed the shit outta him in the beginning because of his review =P)

Nothing More rulez d00d!

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-06 20:34:09

dj-Jo vs mr-jazzman - Winner: mr-jazzman
9 + 8 + 7.5 = 24.5/30 vs 9 + 8 + 8 = 25/30
8.17/10 vs 8.34/10

Winners of Round 4:
Pretty close one between mr-jazzman and dj-Jo, but mr-jazzman made it through by 0.5 of a point xD. : Same goes to dj-Jo, great job making it this far, hope to see you in the '10 NGADM!

Post away, and Gravey and mr-jazzman, make some masterpieces! :D.



thats what I usually do everytime I lose something
mostly video games though lol

but honestly
it was a good fight!
I love your stuff Mr. Jazzman, and I hope you do good versus Deh Gravey guy

as for next year, I'll be seeing yeah!

Congrats to Mr Jazzman! Great Job man on your unique music!

PS, I probably should have took my time XD

I suck at grammer ^ can't you tell?


Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-07 03:05:11

WOOT! Final round for group 2! Sry to hear that dj-Jo didnt make it, but mr-jazzman had a good entry and he did deserve to win this round. Cyaz next year dj-Jo, and i hope ull be there too Bracksta, maybe next year ull have a chance at winning...

But anywayz, good luck to Grave and mr-jazzman oh and remember, this may be a Deathmatch, but no intentional maiming or killing is allowed (its ok if its an accident ;])...


P.S. i NEVER take 2 months to finish judging! :O

P.P.S In regard to the above P.S, i normally take 3...

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-07 03:31:44

At 4/6/10 06:02 PM, mr-jazzman wrote: Don't think I'll let ya get away with eating me raw broski;

I prefer my meat to be marinated than you very much. Mmmmmmm.....Lingham's, the best sauces Malaysia can make. Lingham's marinated Jazzinton, quite the delicacy. :-)

Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2)

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-07 03:43:44

At 4/7/10 03:31 AM, Gravey wrote:
At 4/6/10 06:02 PM, mr-jazzman wrote: Don't think I'll let ya get away with eating me raw broski;
I prefer my meat to be marinated than you very much. Mmmmmmm.....Lingham's, the best sauces Malaysia can make. Lingham's marinated Jazzinton, quite the delicacy. :-)

Lol your comebacks never cease to impress me >:).

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-07 12:42:59

Congratulations Gravey :), golly good show mate. The tournament was very enjoyable and the competitors are awesome. Thanks for all of the judges time and reviews :). Of all artists on NG, i am honored to loose to Gravey, i believe he is the champion of the tournament. He has been producing beautiful tracks consistently for years, he is an amazing composer and very talented. I will be back next year :). Anyone can feel free to contact me about anything or just talk :). Have a great day, or night! Thanks to all in the competition :D! Peace

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-07 13:51:52

You're welcome, Bracksta, really glad that you enjoyed the competition!

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-07 19:04:59

Lol I love how you're the only one that I know that calls my name by strange bastardizations, such as Jazzy McJazzors McJazzington lol.

And also, maybe I shoulda been more specific: I ain't gonna letchya get away with eating me AT ALL lol. It's gonna be a rather close un between me and you Gravey, just lettin ya know!

Also, dj-Jo, you've been a great competitor (as I won by a tiny margin...that seems to be my way throughout this entire competition lol)! I'll be listening to your stuff frequently and with a critical ear, and I hope that what I say helps you produce some amazing tracks in the future! Yeah, sorry I was a little harsh on your NGADM Round 4 submission, but I just wanted to be honest in order to help you out in the future. You've got an ear for music that most NG audio portal contributors would kill to have!

Oh, and P.S., I prefer Gravey on my mashed potatoes, it makes them absolutely succulent and delicious! ;)

At 4/7/10 03:31 AM, Gravey wrote:
At 4/6/10 06:02 PM, mr-jazzman wrote: Don't think I'll let ya get away with eating me raw broski;
I prefer my meat to be marinated than you very much. Mmmmmmm.....Lingham's, the best sauces Malaysia can make. Lingham's marinated Jazzinton, quite the delicacy. :-)

Nothing More rulez d00d!

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-07 20:38:11

At 4/7/10 07:04 PM, mr-jazzman wrote:
Oh, and P.S., I prefer Gravey on my mashed potatoes, it makes them absolutely succulent and delicious! ;)

That would be cute if not for the fact that every half-baked 15 year old who finds out I go by Gravey doesn't sit and laugh this little line over for about 30 minutes. -_-

On another note, I propose to you Mr. Jazzman that we speed things up. This contest is way to long, and it would be nice not to have to wait 3 damn weeks to get this round over with. So I plan on posting my song around Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. Think you could come close to that so we aren't sitting around on our hands for three weeks?

If you wish to take the full 3 weeks then fine, I'm still going to post my song sooner rather than later. But really, if you get around to it, feel free to post your song earlier than the due date. Would be nice to actually get a round finished early instead of late for once.

This contest is way to long. -_-

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-07 21:41:17

At 4/7/10 08:38 PM, Gravey wrote:
At 4/7/10 07:04 PM, mr-jazzman wrote:
Oh, and P.S., I prefer Gravey on my mashed potatoes, it makes them absolutely succulent and delicious! ;)
That would be cute if not for the fact that every half-baked 15 year old who finds out I go by Gravey doesn't sit and laugh this little line over for about 30 minutes. -_-

On another note, I propose to you Mr. Jazzman that we speed things up. This contest is way to long, and it would be nice not to have to wait 3 damn weeks to get this round over with. So I plan on posting my song around Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. Think you could come close to that so we aren't sitting around on our hands for three weeks?

If you wish to take the full 3 weeks then fine, I'm still going to post my song sooner rather than later. But really, if you get around to it, feel free to post your song earlier than the due date. Would be nice to actually get a round finished early instead of late for once.

This contest is way to long. -_-

Haha dang yeah I forgot that half the people that come to this site are probably baked as hell. And yes, I can try and submit a song soon, although I'm busy as f!@# this month due to school...and besides that, I want to submit a song that can stand up to yours, if you know what I mean (even if it takes 3 weeks to do it lol). None of this WIP bullsh%^ I've uploaded here, if ya know what I mean. =P

I totally agree, this contest has gone on FAR too long. How long has it gone on, since like the end of December/beginning of January, right? Too damn long lol.

Nothing More rulez d00d!

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-07 23:02:55

At 4/7/10 09:41 PM, mr-jazzman wrote:
Haha dang yeah I forgot that half the people that come to this site are probably baked as hell. And yes, I can try and submit a song soon, although I'm busy as f!@# this month due to school...and besides that, I want to submit a song that can stand up to yours, if you know what I mean (even if it takes 3 weeks to do it lol). None of this WIP bullsh%^ I've uploaded here, if ya know what I mean. =P

I totally agree, this contest has gone on FAR too long. How long has it gone on, since like the end of December/beginning of January, right? Too damn long lol.

If the song takes you 3 full weeks to finish that is fine. But seriously, if you are able to finish it earlier please do so. The contest is taking too long simply because of delays due to gathering enough people and delays from the judges.....er judge.

I just don't see the point of dragging this out longer than needed. So if you finish your song early, please post it. I'll be posting mine early next week for sure.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-08 02:59:04

If Gravey or Jazzman post both their songs early, I won't mind making the deadline shorter, just don't try to rush your songs to get the shortest deadline possible, after all that wouldn't be dramatic now would it? xD.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-08 14:11:17

At 4/8/10 02:59 AM, Supersteph54 wrote: If Gravey or Jazzman post both their songs early, I won't mind making the deadline shorter, just don't try to rush your songs to get the shortest deadline possible, after all that wouldn't be dramatic now would it? xD.

Yea, I'm not asking Jazzcore MunJazzin to rush anything. But I am asking that he simply not put it off til the last week just for the sake of having the time to put it off. Which is what a lot of people in this group seems to have done. It would be nice to get this finished sooner rather than later is all I'm saying.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-08 14:17:02

At 4/8/10 02:11 PM, Gravey wrote: Yea, I'm not asking Jazzcore MunJazzin to rush anything. But I am asking that he simply not put it off til the last week just for the sake of having the time to put it off. Which is what a lot of people in this group seems to have done. It would be nice to get this finished sooner rather than later is all I'm saying.

Yeah, I agree with you ^^. Good luck to you and Jazzguy McJazzatron, then!

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-08 14:21:47

At 4/8/10 02:17 PM, Supersteph54 wrote:
Jazzguy McJazzatron

Love it! ;-)

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-08 16:54:50

Yeah, I know. I'll try not to procrastinate it, but after all, you can't rush inspiration =P

Nothing More rulez d00d!

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-08 17:15:11

At 4/8/10 04:54 PM, mr-jazzman wrote: Yeah, I know. I'll try not to procrastinate it, but after all, you can't rush inspiration =P

I've found that "inspiration" is more directly related to just sitting down and writing, than any divine intervention that people seem to associate it with. So I'm sure if you sit down and start writing today that you will get some "inspiration" sometime early tomorrow by the latest.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-08 20:32:03

At 4/8/10 05:15 PM, Gravey wrote:
At 4/8/10 04:54 PM, mr-jazzman wrote: Yeah, I know. I'll try not to procrastinate it, but after all, you can't rush inspiration =P
I've found that "inspiration" is more directly related to just sitting down and writing, than any divine intervention that people seem to associate it with. So I'm sure if you sit down and start writing today that you will get some "inspiration" sometime early tomorrow by the latest.

Maybe for you, but not for me. Every time I try to force a song it comes out as crap, as opposed to some random idea I get at 3 AM. This is why I like having as much time as possible. I've tried and failed to force inspiration to come hundreds of times.

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-08 20:43:29

At 4/8/10 08:32 PM, Blackhole12 wrote: Maybe for you, but not for me. Every time I try to force a song it comes out as crap, as opposed to some random idea I get at 3 AM. This is why I like having as much time as possible. I've tried and failed to force inspiration to come hundreds of times.

I totally agree. I do write my ideas out, but there's a lot of frustration I get when I can't find the right sound, ya know? It's like, "Well, damn, what did I spend all that time writing everything out for then?" And then I'll write lyrics to something (you'd be amazed how many songs I planned on adding lyrics to) but they just don't fit the melody. My epic dream fails consistently. But, maybe this time it won't...so long as I don't try and rush the thing.

Btw, Blackhole, sorry I was so harsh on you early on lol. Your reviews were just being honest: You thought the songs were crap, plain and simple. Most people like a review that helps them out, but sometimes maybe the song isn't salvageable and shouldn't have existed at all. And that's really a form of criticism that most people don't like to hear, but hell, too bad for them, eh? I'm glad there's bluntly honest people like you out there to tell people their song sucks, because without that, there'd be no overall improvement lol. However, I'd just make sure that if they expressly ask for CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, then be willing to give them specific things they can work on (this way you don't crush someone unfairly, ya know?) But, that's the last I'm gonna say on the reviewing subject; it's been covered far too extensively, and Blackhole, you've been harassed enough about it lol.

Nothing More rulez d00d!

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-13 00:39:34

Feel free to post your song anytime Jazzman. The sooner the better so this can be done with.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-13 00:42:46

Bah! It didn't loop right, so I deleted the loop. I'll be re-posting tomorrow. My apologies. But it will definitely be finished by Wed without a doubt. ;-)

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 4 Results (g2) 2010-04-14 17:20:48

Fixed the failed loopyness. It loops perfectly now. :-)

Now we just gotta wait on Jazzorz-Jazzkin-JeJazzil

BBS Signature